Research Abstract |
1) Doublecortin is a product of the DCX gene responsible for X-linked lissencephaly and subcortical laminar heterotopia syndrome. DCAMKL 1 (or KIAA0369) is a calcium calmodulin-dependent kinase with high homology to doublecortin. We produced specific antibodies against these proteins, and studied their expression immunochemically and immunohistochemically. The results indicated specific expression of these proteins in the normally developing nervous system during the fetal period. Intense immunoreactivity was localilzed in migrating neurons. In migration disorders, doublecortin expression was downregulated in brains with Zellweger syndrome and in subcortical laminar heterotopia, whereas in those with tuberous sclerosis some abnormal giant cells showed its overdue expression. 2) Fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) is caused by a mutaion in the fukutin gene. We produced antibodies against fukutin protein, and studied its expression immunochemically and immunohisto-chemically. In brains of normal fetuses, high expression was noted in the granular layer at the cerebral surface, whereas fukutin was decreased in those of FCMD fetuses. 3) Tuberous sclerosis (TS) is caused by a mutation in either of the two tumor suppressor genes, TSC1 and TSC2, which encode hamartin and tuberin, respectively. In this study, we produced antibodies against hamartin, and studied its expression immunochemically and immunohisto- chemically. In the brain, kidney and heart of control patients, hamartin and tuberin co-localized. They showed simlutaneous loss in TS brain lesions, as well as in TS-associated renal and cardiac hamartomas. The brains of Eker rats, an animal model of TSC2, were studied pathologically. Two novel brain lesions, cortical tuber and anaplastic ganglioglioma, were found.