[Publications] Uchio E.: "Systemic and local immunological features of atopic dermatitis patients with ocular complications" Br J Ophthalmol. 82・1. 82-87 (1998)
[Publications] 石原麻美: "知っておきたい薬物治療の知識 白内障の治療薬" Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation. 7・1. 87-89 (1998)
[Publications] 北村紀子: "MRSAによる涙嚢炎の2症例" 臨眼. 52・5. 761-764 (1998)
[Publications] Numazaki K.: "Human herpesvirus 8 variants" The Lancet. 351・9103. 679-680 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾英一: "アレルギー性結膜疾患の病態・診断・治療" 小児科診療. 61・4. 815-818 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾英一: "アレルギー性結膜炎,花粉症結膜炎" アレルギー科. 5・2. 201-205 (1998)
[Publications] 竹内 聡: "アジア諸国のウイルス性結膜炎・国際サーベイランス" 臨眼. 52・4. 513-516 (1998)
[Publications] Nanba K.: "Identification of a peptide inducing experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis(EAU)in H-2Ak-carrying mice" Clin Exp Immunol. 111. 442-449 (1998)
[Publications] Sugi-Ikai N.: "Increased frequencies of interleukin-2 and interferon-r-producing T cells in patients with active Behcet's disease" Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 39・6. 996-1004 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾,英一: "アデノウイルス結膜炎の病因診断法" Practical Ophthalmology. 1・3. 114-118 (1998)
[Publications] 石原麻美: "サルコイドーシスとライム病" 日本の眼科. 69・1. 23-26 (1998)
[Publications] 大野重昭: "アレルギー疾患Q&A" infoAllergy. 3. 7-7 (1998)
[Publications] 松本 覚: "アレルギー性結膜炎" 総合臨床. 47・3. 523-526 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾英一: "アレルギー性結膜疾患" Current Insights in Allergy. 13・3. 16-19 (1998)
[Publications] 石原麻美: "ぶどう膜炎におけるステロイドの使い方." 日本の眼科. 69・6. 607-611 (1998)
[Publications] 石原麻美: "サルコイドーシス組織診断例の眼症状の検討" 眼科. 40・6. 829-835 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾英一: "アデノウイルス結膜炎" 眼科. 40・7. 893-898 (1998)
[Publications] Kimura.T.: "Microsatellite polymorphism within the MICB gene among Japanese patients with Behcet's disease" Hum Immunol. 59. 500-502 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾英一: "結膜アレルギーの基礎と臨床-発症と重症化のメカニズム-" 日本の眼科. 69・8. 889-893 (1998)
[Publications] 竹内 聡: "アデノウイルス7型のヘキソン超可変領域の遺伝子解析" 日眼会誌. 102・9. 570-575 (1998)
[Publications] Uchio E.: "Recent progress in the diagnosis and treatment of pollinosis and allergic conjunctival diseases" Asian Med.J.41・11. 555-560 (1998)
[Publications] Nishida T.: "Proliferative response of CD8+gd+T cells to Streptococcus sanguis in patients with Behcet's desease" Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. 6・3. 139-144 (1998)
[Publications] 内尾英一: "結膜アレルギーにおける免疫反応重症化のメカニズム" アレルギーの臨床. 18・12. 23-28 (1998)
[Publications] Uchio E.: "HSP-derived peptides inducing Uveitis and IgG and IgA antibodies" Exp.Eye Res.67. 719-727 (1998)
[Publications] Ishihara M.: "Seroprevalence of anti-Borrelia antigodies among patients with confirmed sarcoidosis in region of japan where Lyme borreliosis is endemic" Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 236. 280-284 (1998)
[Publications] 鈴木高佳: "難治性眼サルコイドーシスの2症例" 臨眼. 52・4. 481-485 (1998)
[Publications] 石原麻美: "眼科領域における結核" 日本臨牀. 56・12. 163-167 (1998)
[Publications] 大野重昭: "ベーチェット病研究の最前線" Current Topics on Behcet Disease. 2-3 (1998)
[Publications] 大野重昭: "Interview" Current Topics on Behcet Disease. 6-7 (1998)
[Publications] Nishide T.: "Uveitis Today" Elsevier Science, 333 (1998)
[Publications] Nakamura S.: "Uveitis Today" Elsevier Science, 333 (1998)
[Publications] Shindo Y.: "Uveitis Today" Elsevier Science, 333 (1998)
[Publications] Uchio E.: "Uveitis Today" Elsevier Science, 333 (1998)
[Publications] 大野重昭: "眼科臨床メモ" 南江堂, 362 (1998)
[Publications] 石原麻美: "結核" 医学書院, 448 (1998)
[Publications] 大野重昭: "眼ヘルペスウイルス感染症の課題と対策" スタンダード・マッキンタイヤ, 79 (1998)
[Publications] 大野重昭: "実践眼底疾患" メディカル葵出版, 446 (1998)