[Publications] 英 謙二、白井汪芳: "オイルゲル化剤の開発 ; 油や溶剤を固めることのできる化合物" 表面. 36. 291-303 (1998)
[Publications] 英 謙二、白井汪芳: "低分子オイルゲル化剤の合成とその物理ゲル" 高分子論文集. 55. 585-594 (1998)
[Publications] K.Hanabusa,H.Shirai et al.: "Easy Preparation and Useful Character of Organogel Electrolytes Based on Low Molecular Weight Gelactor" Chemistry of Materials. 11(3). 649-655 (1999)
[Publications] K.Hanabusa,H.Shirai et al.: "New gelators Based on 2-Amino-2-phyenylethanol:Close Gelator-Chiral Structure Relationship" Tetrahedron Letters. 40(12). 2385-2388 (1999)
[Publications] K.Hanabusa,H.Shirai et al: "Low Molecular Weight Gelators for Organic Fluids:Gelation by a Family of Cyclo(dipeptide)s" Jornal of Chemical Society,Perkin Transactions 2.投稿中.
[Publications] K.Hanabusa,H.Shirai et al: "Physical Gelation of Organic Solvents by Low Molecular Weight Gelators and Preparation of Organiogal Electroytes" Polymer Journal. 投稿中.
[Publications] T.Tanigami et al: "High-strengh and High-modulus poly(vinly alcohol)by the Gel-ageing method,Part II The effect of the gel pressing temperate" Jurnal of Materials Scince. 33. 175-184 (1998)
[Publications] K.Yamaura et al: "Phase Separation Structure in Poly(viny alcohol)Silk Fibroin Blend Films." Polymer Inernationl. 45. 175-184 (1998)
[Publications] K.Yamaura et al: "Gelation of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Water/Dimethyformamide Soutions and Properties of Dried Films" Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 70. 1661-1667 (1998)
[Publications] T.Tanigami et al: "Melting of the blends between syndiotacticity-rich and atactic poly(vinyl alcohol)s" European Polymer. 印刷中.
[Publications] K.Yamaura et al: "Phase Separation in Poly(vinyl alcohol)Gelatin Blend System" Polymer Intermational. Accepted for publication.
[Publications] 清水義雄: "情報化社会と感性工学" 日本ファジィ学会誌. 10(5). 804-812 (1998)
[Publications] 清水義雄 等: "脳波のカオス解析を用いた着脱衣における温冷感の評価" 繊維学会誌. 投稿中.
[Publications] T.Koyama et al: "Specific Conductivity Dependence on Diameter of Submicro-Sized Polythiophene Fibrils" Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 322. 85-90 (1998)
[Publications] 白井汪芳 等: "機能性繊維の新展開" 繊維機械学会誌. 52. 7-12 (1999)
[Publications] M.Kimura,H.Shirai et al: "Fluorescence chemosensor for metal ion using conjugated polymers" Advanced Materials. 10. 459-462 (1998)
[Publications] M.Kimura,H.Shirai et al: "Five-nuclear complexes of zinc(II)phthalocyanine with directly linked terpyridine ligands" Tetrahedron Letters. 39. 8471-8474 (1998)
[Publications] M.Kimura,H.Shirai et al: "Synthesis and Characterization of a ligand-substituted poly(amidoamine)dendrimer with extenal terpyridine units and its iron(II)complexes" Marromolecular Rapid Communicatons. 印刷中.
[Publications] M.Kimura,H.Shirai et al: "Well-defind polynuclear iron(II)complexes bridged by back-to-back ligands" Macromolecules. 投稿中.
[Publications] T.Muto,H.Shirai et al: "Fibrous assemblies made of amphiphilic metallophthalocyanines" Advanced Materials. 投稿中.
[Publications] T.Muto,H.Shirai et al: "Enhancement of photoinduced electron-transfer reaction via noncovalent bonding:Cooperative effect of a paraquat molecule and zinc(II) phthalocyanine having a macrocyclic ether void" Tetrahedron Letters. 投稿中.
[Publications] M.Kimura,H.Shirai et al: "Photoreduction of methylviologen sensitized by amphiphilic phthalocyanatozinc(II) complexes" Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 投稿中.
[Publications] T.Ichinohe,H.Shirai et al: "Functional metallomacrocycles and their polymers,Part 37 Oxidative decomposition of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by polymer-bound phthalocyanines" Reactive & Functional Polymers. 投稿中.
[Publications] H.Ukai,H.Shirai et al: "Bacterial Aciton of Cobalt(II) Phthalovyanine-modified Electrodes" Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 投稿中.
[Publications] M.Suzuki,H.Shirai et al: "New Photogeneration System of Dihyroniconamide and viologen radical using Ru(bpy)^<2+>_3" Chemistry Letters. 印刷中.
[Publications] M.Suzuki,H.Shirai et al: "Effects of L-tyrosine esters on quenching and photosensitized charge separation using ruthenium(II)complex-containing polymers" Journal of Polymer Science Part A:Polymer Chemistry. 投稿中.
[Publications] M.Suzuki,H.Shirai et al: "Proton conduction in new polymer hydrogel films consisting of crosslinking partially phosphorylated poly(vinyl alcohol)s" Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 投稿中.
[Publications] 八森 章 等: "カイコ絹糸腺リボソームの調製とその性質" 日本蚕糸学雑誌. 67. 311-318 (1998)
[Publications] A.Hachimori et al: "Ineraction of the sarcin/ricin domain of 23S ribosomal RNA with protein L3 and L6" Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274. 681-686 (1999)
[Publications] M.Nakazawa: "Handling of Flexible Object" Journal of the Roboties and Mechatronics. 10(3). 167-169 (1998)
[Publications] M.Nakazawa: "Handling of Flexible Object" TECHNO JAPAN. 31(10). 30-35 (1998)
[Publications] M.Nakazawa et al: "Study on Single Sheet Separation from Stacked Flexible Sheet" Journal of the Robotics and Mechatronics. 10(3). 211-218 (1998)
[Publications] J.Wo,M.Nakazawa et al: "Study on Elastic Deformation Properties of the Blanket in Offset Printing" JSME International Journal. 投稿中.