Research Abstract |
1. I collected the data of household earth ovens and large-sized ceramic steamers-two among Korean cultural elements-in Kyushu, and showed the spread, diffusion situations of those elements. Moreover, I showed rise and fall, and distribution of dishes of Haji ware imitated the shape of Sue ware, and black processing technique. 2. The Fukuoka plain and the circumference regions are the area which Korean cultural elements continued spreading. I judged that the appearance of Sukizaki tumulus and Marukumayama tumulus in this area was relatived with the movement to which the central government located in Kinki area, which desired to build the direct negotiation relation with some goverments in Korean Peninsula, tried to make the relationship with chiefs of this area. 3. I pointed out that the distribution of large-sized ceramic steamers with perforated bottom, dishes of Haji ware imitated the shape of Sue ware, black processing technique and Korean-type potteries had a tendency to be a concentric circle type centering on the central part of Kinki area. 4. I showed the movement of tumuli belonged in the early stage of Kofun Period in the base region of Uto Peninsula, central Kumamoto. 5. As practice of studies of dynamics of tumuli in Kofun Period, I surveied Takakuma tumulus and Takakuma No.2 tumulus in Ueki-City, northern Kumamoto. Simultaneously, I began to research the artifacts found at Marozuka tumulus in Ueki-City, which are possessed by National Museum of Japanese History hi Sakura-City Chiba. Those tumuli belonged in the middle stage of Kofun Period, and when knowing the relationship between the central government and the Kumamoto region, they occupy the very important position. I am planing to continue investigations about those tumuli and artifacts at future.