Research Abstract |
In this study, the sport and health promotion policies at national or local community level are planned and evaluated from scientific perspective, and important issues at each step are addressed. Focusing on how the organizing ideas of this model, Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs, constitute the previous sports promotion plans, the present study will illustrate the common sports promotion scenario among local communities in Japan ; it also aims at addressing the future problems and tasks for sports promotion policy of this country, through developing a new assessment. In order to achieve this purpose, literature reviews, secondary analyses, prefectural level and local government level investigations were conducted. The important points we observed from these analyses can be summed up as the setting up of the behavioral goal and the predisposing factor. Regarding the behavioral goal, only the increase of the regular sports/exercise participants is reported but we need
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to consider the decrease of non-participant rate as well. The percentage for the regular sports participants and the habitual exercisers statistically gets higher for the higher age groups! naturally, this rate should goes up as Japan becomes a society predominated by seniors. The phenomenon resulted in the aging of the society is the polarization of the regular participants and non-participants. Considering this, we should think about simultaneously setting up the goal for the decrease ofnon-participant rate. As far as the predisposing factor is concerned, we rarely see any reports of it in the plans. No matter how much the environment gets better, no action will take pkce unless the community members themselves have the desire for action. We must first establish the indices for knowledge, attitude, and belief on the sports and need to take part in information strategies or campaign activities that influence these indices. One common factor we see in the foreign countries with the high sports participant rate is that they already have a scenario for a success at the planning stage of sports promotion. Namely, l) they first recognize the personal and social benefit and effect that resulted from the sports participation! 2) they then select the target group that benefits most from such participation! 3) next, they make explicit the factors and conditions that prompt the sports participation of these target group! 4) and lastly, with great care, they design the promotion strategy that makes these factors and conditions possible. The inclination of the world concerning the policy is now shifting from the fixed one determined on the national level to the one locally produced, executed, and evaluated. From now on, what will be asked more is the policy development and actual undertaking that advance the unique sports/exercise promotion in each local community. Less