[Publications] Kitagawa, G., T.Takanami, N.Matsumoto: "Signal Extraction Problems in Seismology"International Statistical Review. Vol.69, No.1. 129-152 (2001)
[Publications] Ueno, G., Nakamura, N., Higuchi, T., Tsuchiya, T., Machida, S., Araki, T., Saito, Y., Mukai, T.: "Application of multivariate Maxwellian mixture model to plasma velocity distribution function, 2001"Journal of Geophysical Research. 106, A11. 25655 (2001)
[Publications] Kitagawa, G., T.Higuchi, F.N.Kondo: "Smoothness Prior Approach to Explore Mean Structure in Large Time Series"Theoretical Computer Science. (2001)
[Publications] Higuchi, T., S.-I.Ohtani, T.Uozumi, K.Yumoto: "Pi2 onset time determination with information criterion"Journal of Geophysical Research. (2001)
[Publications] Nagao, N., T.Iyemori, T.Higuchi, S.Nagano, T.Araki: "Local Time Features of Geomagnetic Jerks"Earth Planets and Space. (2001)
[Publications] Ikoma, T., N.Ichimura, T.Higuchi, H.Maeda: "Particle Filter Based Method for Maneuvering Target Tracking"IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing. (2001)
[Publications] Ueno, G., N.Nakamura, T.Higuchi: "Separation of Photoelectrons via Multivariate Maxwellian Mixture Model"The proceedings of The Forth International Conference on Discovery Science, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2226. (to appear). 479-475 (2001)
[Publications] Ueno, G, N.Nakamura, T.Higuchi, T.Tuschiya, S.Machida, T.Araki: "Application of Multivariate Maxwellian Mixture Model to Plasma Velocity Distribution"Progresses in Discovery Sience, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. (to appear). (2001)
[Publications] Nagao, H., T.Higuchi, T.Iyemori, T.Araki: "Automatic Detection of Geomagnetic Jerks by Applying a Statistical Time Series Model to Geomagnetic Monthly Means"Progresses in Discovery Sience, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag. (to appear). (2001)
[Publications] Kawasaki, Y.: "Modeling Periodicity in High Frequent Financial Data, in Modeling Seasonality and Periodicity:"Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers of Time Series Modeling, ISM Report on Research and Education. No.13. 239-251 (2001)
[Publications] 北川源四郎, 川崎能典: "時系列モデルによるインフレ率予測誤差の分析"日本銀行調査統計局Working Paper. 01-13 (2001)
[Publications] 川崎能典: "多変量時系列に対する主成分・因子分析"統計数理. Vol.49. 109-131 (2001)
[Publications] 川崎能典: "「前年同月比伸び率の周波数特性」"ISM Research Memorandum. No.824. (2001)
[Publications] Kawasaki, Y.: "Modeling Periodicity in High Frequent Financial Data, in Modeling Seasonality and Periodicity:"Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers of Time Series Modeling, ISM Report on Research and Education. No.13. 239-251 (2001)
[Publications] Takahashi, A., Sato, S.: "Monte Carlo Filtering Approach for Estimating the Term Structure of Interest Rates"Annals of The Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol.53, No.1. 50-62 (2001)
[Publications] Kitagawa, G., Sato, S.: "Monte Carlo Smoothing and Self-organizing State Space Model, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice"Springer-Verlag New York, Eds. Doucet, A., De Freitas, N., and Gordon, N.. 177-195 (2001)
[Publications] Higuchi, T.: "Self-organizing Time Series Model, in Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice"Springer-Verlag New York, Eds. A. Doucet, J. F. G, de Freitas, and N. J. Gordon. 429-444 (2001)