[Publications] 高橋真, 藤田和生: "ラット(Rattus norvegicus)における視覚刺激に対する推移的反応(Transitive Responding)"動物心理学研究. 53(1). 17-22 (2003)
[Publications] Fujita, K., Kuroshima, H., Asai, S.: "How do tufted capuchin monkeys(Cebus apella) understand causality involved in tool use?"Journal of Experimental Psychology : Animal Behavior Processes. 29(3). 233-242 (2003)
[Publications] Kuroshima, H., Fujita, K., Adachi, I., Iwata, K., Fuyuki, A.: "A capuchin monkey(Cebus apella) understands when people do and do not know the location of food"Animal Cognition. 6. 283-291 (2003)
[Publications] Anderson, J.R., Awazu, S., Fhjita, K.: "Squirrel monkeys(Saimiri sciureus) point to smaller food arrays : Assessment of long-term retention, choice with non-preferred food and transposition"Journal of Comparative Psychology. 118(1). 58-64 (2004)
[Publications] Anderson, J.R., Kuroshima, H., Kuwahata, H., Fujita, K.: "Do squirrel monkeys(Saimiri sciureus) and capuchin monkeys(Cebus apella) predict that looking leads to touching?"Animal Cognition. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 藤田和生: "21世紀の心理学に向けて-多様性心理学の展開-"基礎心理学研究. 22(2)(印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 藤田和生: "知性の輝く舞台"発達. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] Fujita, K.: "How do nonhuman animals perceptually integrate figural fragments?"Japanese Psychological Research. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] Ushitani, T., Fujita, K., Sato, A.: "Perceptual organization of motions in pigeons(Columba livia)"Japanese Psychological Research. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] Paukner, A., Anderson, J.R., Fuita, K.: "Reactions of capuchins to multiple mirrors"Behavioural Processes. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] Kuwahata, H., Adach, I., Fujita, K., Tomonaga, M., Matsuzawa, T.: "Development of schematic face preference in macaque monkeys"Behavioural Processes. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 藤田和生: "動物の錯視"錯視の科学. (印刷中).
[Publications] Fujita, K.: "Seeing what is not there : Illusion, completion, and spatio-temporal boundary formation in comparative perspective"In : Zentall, T.R., & Wasserman, E.A..(eds.), Comparative Cognition : Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence. (印刷中).
[Publications] 藤田和生: "心の多様性"月刊「言語」. 11月号. 2-3 (2003)
[Publications] 藤田和生: "ヒトの学習の特徴:生物学的基盤"学習科学(波多野誼余夫, 大浦容子, 大島純(編))(財団法人放送大学教育振興会). 71-84 (2003)
[Publications] 藤田和生: "動物のこころを知る"紅萌. (印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 藤田和生, 山下博志, 友永雅己(監訳): "心の理論とマキャベリ的知性の進化論-ヒトはなぜ賢くなったか-"ナカニシヤ出版(印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 友永雅己, 藤田和生(監訳): "心の理論とマキャベリ的知性の進化論-その拡張と評価"ナカニシヤ出版(印刷中)(仮題).