Research Abstract |
A manufacturer in Japan operates the manufacture and sale of toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps, cleansers, hair and skin care products, cooking related products, pharmaceuticals, foods, and chemicals. The global headquarters and the international division of the company are located in Tokyo. They have been performing global operations mainly in Asian countries. Through joint companies with well-established local partners, they have developed and supplied their products suited to local life in seven countries and districts in Asia. Taiwan is adopted as a case to study and construct the unified enterprise model. The joint company has one factory and the headquarters in Taipei, and several local offices as distribution centers in such major cities as Taichung, Yuen-lin, Chia-yi, Tainan, and Kaoshung in Taiwan. The contents of this research comprise of the nine parts: (1) Overview of the Companies Studied in the Supply-Chain Model, (2) Forecasting, Production Planning, and MRP, (3) Information System of Procurement of Raw Materials from Suppliers, (4) Simulation of the Manufacturing Systems in the Factory, (5) Transportation of Products from the Factory to Distribution Centers, (6) Simulation of the warehouse at a Distribution Center, (7) Information System of Inventory and Transportation Systems, (8) Sales Management and Vehicle Routing Planning for Retailers, and (9) Retailers Management.