[Publications] T.Nakaki, K.Tomoeda: "A finite difference approach to the interface equation for some nonlinear diffusion equation with absorption"Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A. 77. 32-37 (2001)
[Publications] T.Nakaki, K.Tomoeda: "A finite difference scheme for some nonlinear diffusion equations in absorbing medium : support splitting phenomena"SIAM J. Numer. Anal. (to appear).
[Publications] K.Tomoeda: "Numerical approach to support splitting phenomena in some diffusion equations with strong absorption"Proceedings of the Fifth China-Japan Seminar on Numerica Mathematics. (to appear).
[Publications] M.Rodrigo, M.Mimura: "Exact solutions of reaction-diffusion systems and nonlinear wave equations"Japan J. Indsutrial and Appl. Mathematics. 18. 647-656 (2001)
[Publications] D.Hilhorst, M.Ida, M.Mimura.H.Ninomiya: "A competition-diffusion system approximation to the classical two-phase Stefan problem"Japan J. Indsutrial and Appl. Mathematics. 18. 161-180 (2001)
[Publications] H.Ikeda, M.Mimura, H.Okamoto: "A singular pertrubation problem arising in Oseen's flows Japan J. Indsutrial and Appl. Mathematics"Japan J. Indsutrial and Appl. Mathematics. 18. 393-404 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kawaguchi, M.Mimura, T.Ohya, N.Oikawa, H.Okabe, S.Kai: "Hormone-mediated patterns formation in seeding of plants : a competitive growth dynamics model"J. Phys. Soc. Japan. 70. 3155-3160 (2001)
[Publications] D.Hilhorst, M.Mimura, R.Schaetzle: "Vanishing latent heat limit in a Stefan-like problem arising in Biology"Nonlinear Analysis. (to appear).
[Publications] K.Osaki T.Tsujikawa, A.Yagi, M.kiimura: "Exponential attractor for a chemotaxis growth system of equations"Nonlinear Anal., Series A. (to appear).
[Publications] M.Funaki, M.Mimura, T.Tsujikawa: "Travelling front solutions arising in a chemotaxis growth model"J. Math. Biol.. (to appear).
[Publications] A.Bonami, D.Hilhorst, B.Logak, M.Mimura: "A free boundary problem arising in a chemotaxis model"Free Boundary problems. Theory and Applications (eds. M. Niezgodaka and P. Strzelecki), Longman. (to appear).
[Publications] M.Mimura, M.Nagayama, T.Ohta: "Non-Annihilation of travelling pulses in reaction-diffusion systems"J. Methods and Appl. of Analysis. (to appear).
[Publications] Hideo Kawarada, Hiroshi Suito: "Shape optimization for an acoustic problem"Proceedin of 12th International Conference on Domain Decompo-sitia n Methods. 419-426 (2001)
[Publications] Hideo Kawarada, Kazuyoshi Hiroki, Hiroshi Suito: "Neural network optimization method"Innovative Tools for Scientific Computation in Aeronautical Engineering, (c) CIMNE, Barcelona. 346-350 (2001)
[Publications] Hideo Kawarada, C.Bernardi, V.Girault, F.Hecht, O.Pironneau: "A finite element problem issued from fictitious domain techniques"East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics. 9(4). 253-316 (2001)
[Publications] M.Tabata: "Uniform solvability of finite element solutions in approximate domains"Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 18. 567-585 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Mizuyama, M.Tabata: "Lagrangian finite element analysis of the free surface of an incompressible di-electric liquid under an electric field"Theoretical Appliedl Mechanics. 50. 403-410 (2001)
[Publications] M.Tabata, S.Fujima: "Numerical analysis of flow problems by finite element methods"Sugaku Expositions. 14. 155-174 (2001)
[Publications] M.Tabata, A.Suzuki: "Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of Earth's mantle convection"Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation in Continuum Mechanics of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, P. G. Ciarlet I. Babuska and T. Miyoshi, editors, Springer, Berlin. 19. 216-231 (2001)
[Publications] H.Rui, M.Tabata: "A second order characteristic finite element scheme for convection-diffusion problems"Numerische Mathematik. 2002(to appear).
[Publications] 池田勉, 長山雅晴: "燃焼合成反応におけるヘリカル波"応用数理. 11(2). 40-48 (2001)
[Publications] M.Nagayama, T.Ikeda, T.Ishiwata, N.Tamura, M.Ohyanagi: "Three-dimensional numerical simulation of helically propagating combustion waves"J. of Material Synthesis and Processing. 9(3). 153-163 (2001)
[Publications] T.Nishida, T.Ikeda, H.Yoshihara: "Pattern formation of heat convection problems"Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation in Continuum Mechanics (eds. I. Babuska, P. G. Ciarlet and T. Miyoshi), Lecture Notes in Computa-tional Sciences and Engineering, Springer. 19. 209-218 (2002)
[Publications] R.Kobayashi, Y.Giga: "On anisotropy and curvature effects for growing crystals"Japan J. Ind. Appl. Math.. 18. 207-230 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Giga, M.Paolini, P.Rybka: "On the motion by singular interfacial energy"Japan J. Ind. Appi. Math.. 18. 231-248 (2001)
[Publications] M.-H.Giga, Y.Giga: "Generalized motion by nonlocal curvature in the plane"Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.. 159. 295-333 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Giga, P.Rybka: "Quasi-static evolution of 3-D cryctals growth from superstaturated vapor"Differential Integral Equations. 15. 1-15 (2002)
[Publications] P.Parmananda, H.Mahara, T.Amemiya, T.Yamaguchi: "Resonance induced pacemakers : A new class of organizing centers for wave propagation in excitable media"Physical Review Letters. 87(23). 238302-238305 (2001)
[Publications] T.Amemiya, T.Yamamoto, T.Ohmori, T.Yamaguchi: "Experimental and model studies of oscillations, photoinduced transitions, and steady states in the Ru(bpy)32+-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction under different solution comDositions"J. Phys. Chem. A. 106(4). 612-620 (2002)
[Publications] M.Kawaguchi: "Viscous fingering in polymeric systems"Nonhnear Analysis. 47. 907 (2001)
[Publications] M.Kawaguchi, Y.Hibino, T.Kato: "Anisotropy effects of Hele-Shaw cells on viscous fingering instability in dilute polymer solutions"Phys. Rev. E. 64. 0561806 (2001)
[Publications] 石村直之, 今井仁司, 竹内敏己: "自由境界問題の数値解法-数理ファイナンスへの応用-"一橋論義. 126(4). 419-428 (2001)
[Publications] Hitoshi Imai, Toshiki Takeuchi, Shewli Shamim Shanta, Naoyuki Ishimura. Tovohiko Aiki: "Numerical computation of Lyapunov exponents related to attractors in a free boundary problem"Nonlinear Analysis. 47. 3823-3833 (2001)
[Publications] Toshiki Takeuchi, Naoyuki Ishimura, Hitoshi Imai: "A new numerical technique for the option pricing problem of American type World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Proceedings ( Eds., N. Callaos, Y. Hu, M. Rodriguez and Q. Ha ), The International"Institute of Informatics and Systemics. II. 233-236 (2001)
[Publications] T.Nakaki: "The analysis to some point vortex problems using computers"Nonlinear Analysis. 47. 3849-3857 (2001)
[Publications] R.Ikota, M.Mimura, T.Nakaki: "Numerical computation for some competition-diffusion systems on a parallel computer"Proceedins of 12th International Conference on Domain Decompo-sition Methods. 373-379 (2001)
[Publications] T.Nakaki, K.Tomoeda: "Numerical approach to the waiting time for the one-dimensional porous medium equation"Quart. Appl. Math.. (to appear).
[Publications] H.Imai, K.Kikuchi, K.Nakane, S.Omata, T.Tachikawa: "A numerical approach to the asymptotic behavior of solutions of a one-dimensional hyperbolic free boundary problem"Japan J. Indsutrial and Appi. Mathematics. 18(1). 43-58 (2001)
[Publications] K.Nakane: "Global existence of solutions to a one-dimensional free boundary problem of hyperbolic type"Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A. 77. 103-107 (2001)
[Publications] K.Nakane: "Numerical calculation of singularities for Ginzburg-Landau functionals with a variable coefficient"Nonlinear Analysis. 47. 3803-3811 (2001)
[Publications] C.J.Breward R.C.Darton, P.D.Howell, JAIL Ockendon: "The effect of surfactants on expanding free surfaces"Chem. Eng. Sci.. 56. 2867-2878 (2001)
[Publications] S.Falle, H.Ockendon, J.R.Ockendon: "The Fanno model for turbulent compressible flow"J. Fluid Mech.. (to appear). (2001)
[Publications] H.Ockendon, J.R.Ockendon: "Nonlinearity in fluid resonances"Mecannica. (to appear). (2001)
[Publications] S.D.Howison, J.R.Ockendon: "Kochina and Hele-Shaw in modern mathematics, science and industry"Priklay Math. Mech. (Ed. Yu Gupalo). 532-546 (2001)
[Publications] M.Kawaguchi: ""Viscous fingering instability in polymer solution" in "Recent research developments in polymer science""Transworld, Research Network. 30 (2002)