[Publications] Kobayashi, S., Mashima, T., Morikawa, H.: "Thrust force characteristics of propulsion mechanism in fluid using variable-bending-stiffness fin modeled on ciliary movement."JSME International Journal, Series C. 46・4. 1340-1345 (2003)
[Publications] Kobayashi, S., Mashima, T., Ozeki, T., Morikawa, H.: "Thrust force characteristics of enlarged propulsion mechanisms modeled on eukaryotic flagellar motion and ciliary motion in fluid."Proc.of 2nd Int.Symposium on Aqua Bio-mechanisms. S1-07 (2003)
[Publications] 小関智真, 小林俊一, 森川裕久: "真核生物鞭毛の屈曲を規範とした水中推進機構"日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集. 79-80 (2003)
[Publications] Takano, Y., Goto, T.: "Numerical analysis of small deformation of flexible helical flagellum of swimming bacteria."JSME Int.J.Series C. 46. 1234-1240 (2003)
[Publications] Takano, Y., Yoshida, K., Kudo, S., Nishitoba, M., Magariyama, Y.: "Analysis of small deformation of helical flagellum of swimming Vibrio alginolyticus."JSME Int.J.Series C. 46. 1241-1247 (2003)
[Publications] Takano, Y., Yoshida, K.: "Analyses of Deformation of Helical Flagellum of Swimming Vibrio alginolyticus."Proc.of 2nd Int.Symposium on Aqua Bio-mechanisms. S1-03 (2003)
[Publications] Koyama, S., Kamimura, S.: "Study on the development of sperm motility and social dominance of male mice."Physiol.Behav.. 80. 267-272 (2003)
[Publications] Koyama, S., Kamimura, S.: "Effects of veronasal organ removal on the sperm motility in malemice."Zool.Soc.. 20. 1355-1358 (2003)
[Publications] Inoda, T., Hirata, Y., Kamimura, S.: "Asymmetric mandibles of water-scavenger larvae improve feeding effectiveness on right-handed snails."American Naturalist. 162. 811-814 (2003)
[Publications] Shinohara, K.Kodera, N., Ando, T.: "Direct observation of single polymer chains : High-speed AFM imaging of single molecules in a chiral helical p-conjugated polymer in a solution."Polymer Preprints. 52. 786 (2003)
[Publications] Shinohara, K.Kodera, N., Ando, T.: "Direct observation of single molecules in a p-conjugated polymer : Imaging by a High-speed AFM."Polymer Preprints. 52. 3025-3026 (2003)
[Publications] 篠原健一: "ポリマー1分子の直視:発光高分子1本鎖の構造と機能のイメージング"オプトニューズ. 67-71 (2003)
[Publications] 篠原健一: "ポリマー1分子の直視:π共役高分子主鎖1本の分子構造と光機能のイメージング"高分子加工. 52. 106-111 (2003)
[Publications] Sakaibara, H., Kunioka, Y., Yamada, T., Kamimura, S.: "Diameter oscillation of axonemes in sea-urchin sperm flagella."Biophys.J.. 86. 346-352 (2004)
[Publications] Suda, H., Sasaki, N.Sasaki, Y.C., Goto, K.: "Force generation by recombinant myosin heads trapped between two functionalized surfaces."Eur.Biophysic.J.. (In press). (2004)