Research Abstract |
1.Shiki city with 65 thousands residents, Saitama prefecture, started the original project of "About-25-pupils-per-class in the first and second grade classes" in the academic year of 2002 to develop instruction and learning in municipal elementary schools. In the same year, the "Home Study Project" was also started to provide visiting education for children with special needs, including the problems of long absences from school and nonattendance at school. 2.Inuyama city with 72 thousands residents, Aichi prefecture, placed additional teachers in municipal elementary schools and lower secondary schools to improve team-teaching and small-divided-group learning in the academic year of 2001. Teachers and city staffs of school board have been challenging to produce their original text books and learning schools. In the academic year of 2003, small-sized class system was tried partially. 3.Kyoto city with 1.4 million residents, a cabinet ordered city, has established the forth school to introduce a new system of non-categorical multi-typed and community-based special schools for children with disabilities in the academic year of 2004. 4.Shimane prefecture with 760 thousands residents, a depopulated prefecture, sets up small 7 regions of special school instead of that the national standard population of region is about 300 thousands. 5.Tottori prefecture with 620 thousands residents, the least prefectural population in Japan, started to train special teachers for children with learning disabilities and related conditions in the academic year of 2000. It changed the trial placing assistant teachers in large-sized first-grade classes in elementary schools into the new project of 30-pupils-per-class in the first and second grade classes in the academic year of 2002. In the academic year of 2003, 35-students-per-class system was began partially in the first grade classes in lower secondary schools.