[Publications] Han Huang, Lin Ying, Libo Zhou: "High Speed Grinding of Silicon Nitride With Resin Bond Diamond Wheels"Journal of Material Processing Technology. (accepted). (2003)
[Publications] 谷山久法, 江田弘, 清水淳, 周立波, 中沢由加里, 佐藤潤一: "鋼の微小引っかきに及ぼす第2相合金の影響,第1報:金属粒子適用マイクロファブリケーションの基礎研究"砥粒加工学会誌. 47・5(掲載待ち). (2003)
[Publications] Libo ZHOU, Kazuhiro SHINOHARA, Jun SHIMIZU, Hiroshi EDA: "Three Dimensional Kinematical Analyses for Surface Grinding of Large Scale Substrate"Precesion Engineering. (accepted). (2003)
[Publications] H.Huang, Z.M.Gong, X.Q.Chen, L.Zhou: "Smart Robotic System for 3D Profile Turbine Vane Airfoil Repair"Int'l Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (accepted). (2003)
[Publications] 江田弘, 周立波, 中野博民, 近藤良, 森輝夫, 清水淳: "巨大重量主軸台の原子レベル超磁歪位置決め/アライメントシステムの開発"精密工学会誌. 69・1. 100-104 (2003)
[Publications] H.Taniyama, H.Eda, L.Zhou, J.Shimizu, J.Sato: "Experimental Investigation of Micro Scratching on Two-Phase Steel : Plastic Flow Mechanism of the Ferrite and Cementite Phase"Key Engineering Materials. 238-239. 15-18 (2003)
[Publications] L.Zhou, Y.Yaguchi, T.Fuji, J.Shimizu, H.Eda: "Development of Multifunctional Micro-Mchining System andits Applications"Key Engineering Materials. 238-239. 3-8 (2003)
[Publications] J.Shimizu, L.ZHOU, H.EDA: "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Contact Process in AFM Surface Observation"Tribotest Journal. 9・2. 101-115 (2002)
[Publications] 周立波, 河合真二, 本田将之, 清水淳, 江田弘, 焼田和明: "SiウエハのChemo-Mechanical-Grinding(CMG)に関する研究, 第1報:CMG砥石の開発"精密工学会誌. 68・12. 1559-1563 (2002)
[Publications] Libo ZHOU, Hiroshi EDA, Jun SHIMIZU: "State-of the art Technologies and Kinematical Analuysis for One-Stop Finishing of φ300mm Si Wafer"Journal of Material Processing Technology. 129・1-3. 34-40 (2002)
[Publications] jun Shimizu, Libo ZHOU, Hiroshi EDA: "Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Super High-Speed Grinding of Ductile Material"Journal of Material Processing Technology. 129・1-3. 19-24 (2002)
[Publications] 周立波, 福田勇夫, 清水淳, 江田弘, 加藤明彦: "熱・電・磁場負荷による工具機能の改善に関する研究"砥粒加工学会誌. 46・10. 506-509 (2002)
[Publications] Libo Zhou, Jun Shimizu, Akihito Muroya, Hiroshi Eda: "Material Removal Mechanism Beyond Plastic Wave Propagation Rate"Precision Engineering. 26・4. 405-412 (2002)
[Publications] H.Huang, Z.M.Gong, X.Q.Chen, L.Zhou: "Robotic grinding and polishing for turbine-vane overhaul"Journal of Material Processing Technology. 124・2. 140-145 (2002)
[Publications] Shinzo Enomoto, Toshihiro Ioi, Kazuhiko Kato, Libo Zhou, Xdong, Liu: "Burr Reduction with Fine-Scrape Cutter"Journal of Material Processing Technology. 124・1-2. 255-258 (2002)
[Publications] Libo Zhou, Han Huang: "Automated Robotic System for Jet Engine Overhaul, -System Design and Development for Honeycomb Repair -"Int'l Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 19・5. 370-376 (2002)
[Publications] 周立波, 篠原一宏, 清水淳, 江田弘: "大口径シリコンウエハ研削加工における幾何と運動"精密工学会誌. 68・1. 73-77 (2002)
[Publications] 佐川克雄, 江田弘, 周立波, 清水淳: "φ300Siウエハ超加工機械創作用仕上げ面粗さシミュレーション"砥粒加工学会誌. 45・12. 579-579 (2001)
[Publications] 江田弘, 周立波, 中野博民, 近藤 良, 清水淳, 田島 琢二: "大口径φ300Siウエハ用超加工機械の開発"精密工学会誌. 67・10. 1693-1697 (2001)
[Publications] 周立波, 江田弘, 清水淳, 西村雅也, 佐川克雄: "電子・磁気・光学基盤の脆弱-延性モードの統合仕上げ加工"砥粒加工学会誌. 45・6. 244-249 (2001)
[Publications] H.Edda, L.Zhou, H.Nakano, R.Kondo, J.Shimizu: "Development of Single step Grinding System for Large Scale φ300 Si Wafer, -A Total Integrated Fixed-abrasive Solution -"CIRP Annals. 50・1. 225-228 (2001)
[Publications] H.Eda, T.Mori, Y.Okada, L.Zhou, J.Shimizu: "POWDER METALLURGIC GIANT MAGNETOSTRICTION MATERIALS AND APPLICATION IN SPACE STRUCTURE"Int'l Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology. 12・2. 127-133 (2001)
[Publications] 江田弘, 周立波, 守屋光永, 川上辰男, 石川友彦, 山本佳男: "電子顕微鏡内マイクロファブリケーションデバイスの技術開発"精密工学会誌. 67・8. 52-56 (2001)
[Publications] 江田 弘, 周 立波: "ナノ・マイクロマシン技術総覧(分担)"(株)産業技術サービスセンター. 146-160, 455-460, 750-753 (2003)
[Publications] Chen X.Q, Gong Z, Huang H, Ge S., Zhou L: "Advanced Automation Techniques in Adaptive Material Processing"World Scientific Publishing Co. 19-90 (2002)
[Publications] Hiroshi Eda, Libo Zhou: "Giant Magnetostrictive Material, "Encyclopedia of Smart Materials""John Wiley & Sons Inc.. 503-509 (2002)