[Publications] H.Matsui, M.Eguchi, Y.Kikuchi.: "Effect of constitutively expressed phoP gene on the localization of Salmonella typhimurium within Mac-1 positive phagocytes"Microbiology and Immunology. 45(1). 79-83 (2001)
[Publications] 中村正彦, 松井英則, 秋葉保忠, 石井裕正: "Hp感染Mongolian gerbil胃粘膜内のlansoprazole結合部位の検討-lansoprazole1ヶ月連続投与後の変化-"胃分泌研究会誌. 33. 5-8 (2001)
[Publications] Yamamoto, H.Sashinami, A.Takaya Tomoyasu, Hi.Matsui, Y.Kikuchi.et al.: "Disruption of the genes for ClpXP protease in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium results in a persistent infection in mouse and the development requires endogenous interferon-gamma and tumour neerosis factor alpha"Infection and Immunity. 69(5). 3164-3174 (2001)
[Publications] M.Nakamura, H.Matsui, et al.: "Confocal laser microscopic observsation of H.pylori adhesion to gastrointestinal culture cells"Progress in Medicine. 21(3). 587-590 (2001)
[Publications] H.Matsui, C.M.Bacot, et al.: "The virutence plasmid-bome spvB and spvC genes can replace the 90-kilobase plasmid in conferring virulence to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in subcutaneously inoculated mice"Journal of Bacteriology. 183(15). 4652-4658 (2001)
[Publications] M.Nakamura, T.Akiba, H.Matsui, et al.: "Angiogenesis during healing of acetic acid-induced ulcer : significance of basic fibroblast growth factor"Ulcer Research. 28(1). 5-7 (2001)
[Publications] M.Nakamura, H.Matsui, et al.: "Alteration of Parietal Cell in Hp-infected Mongolian Gerbil Fundic Mucosa-Relation to Binding Site of H3-cimetidine-"Terapeutic Research. 22(Suppl.1). S59-S63 (2001)
[Publications] M.Nakamura, S.Takahashi, H.Matsui, K.Nishikawa, Y.akiba, H.Ishii.: "Persistent increase in myofibroblasts in Helicobacter heilmannii-infected but not in Helicobacter pylori-infected Mongolian gerbil-colocalization of COXII and bFGF immunoreactivity"Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 16(3)(in press). (2002)
[Publications] T.Tomoyasu, T.Ohkishi, Y.Ukyo, A.Tokumitsu, A.Takaya, M.Suzuki, K.Sekiya, H.Matsui, et al.: "The CIpPX ATP-dependent protease regulates flagellum synthesis in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium"Journal of Bacteriology. 184(3). 645-653 (2002)
[Publications] A.Kaneko, M.Mita, K.Sekiya, H.Matsui, Kazuyoshi, et al.: "Association of a regulatory gene, slyA with a mouse virulence of Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis"Microbiology and Immunology. 46(2). 109-113 (2002)
[Publications] 秋葉保忠, 中村正彦, 織田正也, 石井裕正: "酸による十二指腸粘膜上皮細胞傷害におけるion transportの役割"Ulcer Research. 28(2). 139-143 (2001)
[Publications] 143中村正彦, 秋葉保忠, 谷中昭典, 石井裕正: "食道下部粘液腺の構造と機能-PPIの新たな作用部位として-"消化器科. 33(6). 498-500 (2001)
[Publications] 中村正彦, 土本寛二, 石井裕正: "胃粘膜修復機転からみた線維芽細胞-筋線維芽細胞系の意義-"消化器科. 32(4). 355-359 (2001)
[Publications] 中村正彦, 土本寛二, 秋葉保忠, 石井裕正: "胃粘膜における自律神経の意義-Helicobacter pylori感染と自律神経の関連-"自律神経. 38(2). 144-147 (2001)
[Publications] M.Nakamura, K.Tsuchimoto, H.Ishii.: "Alcohol and the pancreas"Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research. 25. 244S-250S (2001)
[Publications] 中村正彦: "胃粘膜傷害と自律神経、血管新生因子、成長因子"日本医師会雑誌. 126. M28-M30 (2001)
[Publications] 中村正彦, 土本寛二, 石井裕正: "H.pylori時代の消化性潰瘍学 -H.pylori発見20周年を記念して-"日本臨床. 60(Suppl.2). 137-142 (2002)
[Publications] 中村正彦, 土本寛二: "胃酸分泌と壁細胞-H2ブロッカーとPPIの対比-"消化器診療. 55. 12-13 (2002)
[Publications] Kawahara K, Lindner B, Isshiki Y, lakob K, Knirel YA, Zhringer U: "Structural analysis of a new glycosphingolipid from the lipopolysaccharide-lacking bacterium Sphingomonas adhaesiva"Carbohydrate Research. 333(1). 87-89 (2001)
[Publications] Isshiki Y, Matsuura M, Deisirilert S, Ezaki T.: "Separation of 6-deoxy-heptan [ correction of 6-deoxy-heptane ] from a smooth-type lipopolysaccharide preparation of Burkholderia"FEMS Microbiology Letter. 199(1). 21-25 (2001)
[Publications] Shimomura H, Matsuura M, Saito S, Hirai Y, Isshiki Y.: "Lipopolysaccharide of Burkholderia cepacia and its unique character to stimulate murine macrophages with relative lack of interleukin-1beta-inducing ability"Infection and Immunnity. 69(6). 3663-3669 (2001)
[Publications] 中村正彦, 松井英則, 土本寛二, 秋葉保忠, 織田正也, 石井裕正: "消化管ホルモン(XIX)"医学図書出版株式会社. (2001)