Research Abstract |
Recently, the nuclear data related to charged particles are becoming important for ion beam applications, cancer therapy, estimation of the affects of space radiations, synchrotron radiation source, neutron science, treatment of spent nuclear fuels, new atomic energy system, and so on. To enforce these applications effectively and in safe, it needs to preparer the basic nuclear data bases and for these new applications, there needed are various nuclear data, in addition to the usual nuclear data related to the fission reactor plants now used. Necessary data distribute widely in incident energy and in target nucleus. Since data on nucleon-incident and emission are evaluated now extensively, we attempted to evaluate those of one-nucleon transfer reactions, like (n, d), (p, d), and their inverse reactions. The experiments are done using Tandem accelerators of Kyushu- and Tsukuba- Universities, and continuum spectra are measured with polarized beam and analyzed with direct reaction model. Analysis of continuum spin spectra with direct reaction model is new and the method to analyze the 10-20MeV excitation energy spectra has been established. In addition, several technical developments are performed. All these results are reported widely in meetings, conferences and journals.