[Publications] T.Mori, K.Asaki, H.Noguchi, T.Sato: ""Accumulation and Summarization of Human Daily Action Data in One-Room-Type Sensing System""IEEE/RSJ Int.Conf.on Intelligent Robots and System (IROS 2001), PP2349-2354 (Oct.2001). 2349-2354 (2001)
[Publications] Taketoshi Mori, Kousuke Tsujioka, Tomomasa Sato: ""Human-like Action Recognition System on Whole Body Motion-captured File""IEEE/RSJ Int.Conf.on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2001). 2066-2073 (2001)
[Publications] Taketoshi Mon, Hiroshi Noguchi, Tomomasa Sato: ""Construction of Sensor Network System for Human Behavior Measurementand Accumulation via Distributed Objects""Proceedings of SPIE. 4571. 230-237 (2001)
[Publications] Taketoshi Mori, Masamichi Shimosaka, Tomomasa Sato:: ""Integrated Virtual Space Control System Utilizing Hand Gesture for Intelligent House""Proceedings of SPIE. 4571. 238-248 (2001)
[Publications] 稲葉雅幸: "脊椎を持つ全身型メカトロニック行動体"日本ロボット学会学会誌. Vol.19 No.7. 822-825 (2001)
[Publications] M.Inaba, I.Mizuuchi, R.Tajima, T.Yoshikai, K.Nagashima, H.Inoue: "Building Spined Mustle -Tendon Humanoid, Preprints of International"Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR2001),. (2001)
[Publications] K.Okada, S.Kagami, M.Inaba, H.Inoue: ""Walking Human Avoidance and Detection from A Mobile Robot using 3D Depth Flow""Proc.of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'01). 2307-2312 (2001)
[Publications] K.Okad, S.Kagami, M.Inaba, H.Inoue:: ""Plane Segment Finder : Algorithm""Proc.of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'01),. 2120-2125 (2001)
[Publications] F.Kanehiro, M.Inaba, H.Inoue, H.Hirukawa, S.Hirai: "Developmental Software Environment that is applicable to Small-size Humanoids and life-size Humanoids"Proc.of IROS'O1. 4084-4089 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kagami, K.Nishiwaki, T.Sugihara, J.J.Kuffner, M.Inaba, H.Inoue.: "Design and Implementation of Software Research Platform for Humanoid Robotics : H6"Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'01),. 2431-2436 (2001)
[Publications] I.Mizuuchi, M.Inaba, H.Inoue: "A Flexible Spine Human-Form Robot -Development and Control of the Posture of the Spine"Proc.of IROS'01. 2099-2104 (2001)
[Publications] S.Kagami, J.J.Kuffner, K.Nishiwaki, T.Sugihara, T.Michikata, T.Aoyama, M.Inaba, H.Inoue.: "Design and Implementation of Remotely Operation Interface for Humanoid Robot"Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'01). 401-406 (2001)
[Publications] J.j.Kuffner, K.Nishiwaki, S.Kagami, M.Inaba, H.Inoue: "Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots Under Obstacle and Dynamic Balance Constraints"Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'01), 2001. 692-698 (2001)
[Publications] J.J.Kuffner, K.Nishiwaki, S.Kagami, M.Inaba, H.Inoue: "Footstep Planning Among Obstacles for Biped Robots"IEEE/RSJ Int.Conf.on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'01). 500-505 (2001)
[Publications] K.Nishiwaki, T.Sugihara, S.Kagami, M.Inada, H.Inoue: "Realtime Generation of Humanoid Walking Trajectory by Mixture and Connection of Pre-designed Motions --Online Control by Footprint Sprcification --"Proc.of International Conference on Robotics. 4110-4115 (2001)
[Publications] 佐川立昌, 岡田慧, 加賀美聡, 稲葉雅幸, 井上博允: "漸増的メッシュモデリングとその階層的認識法による実時間三次元物体認識システムの研究"日本ロボット学会学会誌. Vol.20, No.1. 98-106 (2002)
[Publications] 中村仁彦, 比留川博久, 山根克, 梶田秀司, 横井一仁, 藤江正克, 高西淳夫, 藤原清司, 永嶋史朗, 村瀬有一, 稲葉雅幸, 井上博允: "仮想ロボットプラットフォーム"日本ロボット学会学会誌. Vol.19, No.1. 28-36 (2001)
[Publications] Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Gordon Cheng, Akihiko Nagakubo: "ETL-Humanoid : A Research Vehicle for Open-Ended Action Imitation"Proc.International Symposium of Robotics Research. Vol.1. 42-49 (2001)
[Publications] M.Asada, K.F.MacDorman, H.Ishiguro, Y.Kuniyoshi: "Cognitive developmental robotics as a new paradigm for the design of humanoid robots"Robotics and Autonomous Systems. vol.37,. 185-193 (2001)
[Publications] G.Cheng, A.Nagakubo, Y.Kuniyoshi: "Continuous Humanoid Interaction : An Integrated Perspective Gaining Adaptivity, Redundancy Flexibility -In One"Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol.37 No.2-3. 163-185 (2001)
[Publications] Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Yasuo Kuniyoshi: "Harnessing the robot's body dynamics : a global dynamics approach"Proc.of 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2001). Vol.1. 518-525 (2001)
[Publications] Akihiko Nagakubo, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Gordon Cheng: "ETL-Humanoid -A High-Performance Full Body Humanoid System for Versatile Actions"Proc.of 2001 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2001). Vol.1. 1087-1092 (2001)
[Publications] Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro: "Application of the Nafion-platinum composite actuator, Proceedings of SPIE's 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials"Conference onElectro-Active Polymer Actuators and Devices, Proceedings of SPIE (invited speech). Vol.〜4329. (2001)
[Publications] Masashi Konyo, Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro: "EAP application to artificial tactile feel display of virtual reality, Proceedings of SPIE's 8th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials"Conference on Electro-Active Polymer Actuators and Devices, Proceedings of SPIE. Vol.〜4329. 28-42 (2001)
[Publications] Satoshi Tadokoro, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro: "Modeling IPMC for design of actuation mechanisms, Electroactive Polymer(EAP) Actuators as Artificial Muscles, Reality and Science Fiction"Ed.Yoseph Bar-Cohen, SPIE. 331-366 (2001)
[Publications] Satoshi Tadokoro: "A virtual tactile feel display using ICPF actuators"US/Japan Workshop on Exoskeleton Technologies and EHPA Program Review, (invited speech). November28-30. (2001)
[Publications] 昆陽雅司, 田所諭, 高森年, 小黒啓介, 徳田献一: "高分子ゲルアクチュエータを用いた布の手触り感覚を提示する触感ディスプレイ"日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌. Vol.6, No.4. 323-328 (2001)
[Publications] Satoshi Tadokoro, Masahiro Konyo: "IPMC-based artificial tactile feel display for virtual reality human interface"Artificial Muscle Conference (invited speech). (2002)