[Publications] Y.Sasaki, J.Suzuki, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Transillumination Laser CT System with Fiber-Optic-Based Optical Heterodyne Method-High Spatial-Resolution and Quantitative Tomographic Imaging of Highly Scattering Objects"Optical Review. (in print).
[Publications] T.Yuasa, S.Tanosaki, Y.Sasaki, et al.: "Fundamental Imaging Properties of Transillumination Laser CT Based on Coherent Detection Imaging Method"Analytical Sciences. Vol.18. 1329-1333 (2002)
[Publications] 深見忠典, 江森亮太, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "局所定常自己回帰モデルを用いた脳波特徴波の検出"電気学会論文誌. Vol.122-C, No.9. 1553-1559 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, S.Tanosaki, T.Akatuka, et al.: "Prototype System of Laser Transillumination Computed Tomography for Early Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"Proc. of SPIE. (In print).
[Publications] S.Tanosaki, Y.Sasaki, T.Yuasa, et al.: "Finger Joint Imaging by Laser Transillumination Computed Tomography Based on Coherent Detection Imaging Method"Proc. of SPIE. (in print).
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, S.Tanosaki, T.Yuasa, et al.: "Fundamental Imaging Properties of Transillumination Laser CT Using Optical Fiber Applicable to Bio-Medical Sensing"Proc. of IEEE Sensors. 156-161 (2002)
[Publications] T.Takeda, A.Yoneyama, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Biomedical Imaging with Fluorescent and Interferometric Phase Contrast Method"Proc. of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics.[Best Paper Award]. 17-22 (2002)
[Publications] T.Takeda, T.Zeniya, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Medical Imaging by Fluorescent X-Ray : Its Preliminary Clinical Evaluation"Proc. of SPIE, Development in X-Ray Tomography III. vol.4503. 299-309 (2002)
[Publications] T.Yuasa, S.Tanosaki, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Fundamental Imaging Properties of Transillumination Laser CT Based on Coherent Imaging Method"Proc. of Joint Symposium on Bio-Sensing and Bio-Imaging. 311-314 (2002)
[Publications] S.Tanosaki, M.Takagi, T.Yuasa, et al.: "In Vivo Laser Tomograhpic Imaging of Mouse Leg with Coherent Detection Imaging Method"Proc. of BOPM. 194-195 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, J.Suzuki, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Transillumination Laser CT System with Optic-Fiber-Based Coherent Detection Imaging Method -The High Spatial Resolution and Quantitative Tomographic Imaging of Highly Scattering Objects"Proc. of BOPM. 270-271 (2002)
[Publications] T.Fukami, T.Shimada, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Functional MRI Measurement for the Visual Target Stimulus in Oddball Paradigm"The 1st International conference on Neural Engineering of the IEEE EMBS. 568-571 (2003)
[Publications] T.Shimada, L.Wang, T.Fukami, et al.: "Human Brain Mapping of Judgment System of Movement of Visualized Material"The 1st International conference on Neural Engineering of the IEEE, EMBS. 572-575 (2003)
[Publications] 田野崎真司, 佐々木芳彰, 湯浅哲也, 他: "コヒーレント検出法によるヒト指のレーザ光CT撮像"信学技報. MI2002-120. 47-52 (2003)
[Publications] 佐々木芳彰, 鈴木上太, 湯浅哲也, 他: "透過型レーザ光CTにおける不規則信号の観測"信学技報. MIMI2002-121. 53-58 (2003)
[Publications] 湯浅哲也, M.Anton, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "屈折コントラストによるCTの画像再構成アルゴリズム(I)"第16回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム. 257-258 (2003)
[Publications] 銭谷勉, 武田徹, 田淵邦之, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "脳機能画像放射光蛍光X線トモグラフィの基礎的検討"信学技報. MI2002-75. 35-40 (2002)
[Publications] 銭谷勉, 武田徹, 田淵邦之, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "放射光蛍光X線CTによる脳機能画像収集の試み-画質改善のためのX線フィルタを用いた散乱X線の低減-"Med. Imag. Tech.. Vol.20,No.4. 422-424 (2002)
[Publications] 田野崎真司, 佐々木芳彰, 湯浅哲也, 他: "透過レーザ光CTにおける入射パワーの最適化"信学技報. MI2001-93. 83-88 (2002)
[Publications] 佐々方芳影, 田野崎真司, 鈴木上太, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "光ファイバ方式レーザ光CT撮像システムの試作"信学技報. MI2001-92. 77-82 (2002)
[Publications] 銭谷勉, 武田徹, 田淵邦之, 湯浅哲也, 他: "放射光蛍光X線CTによる脳機能イメージングの予備的検討"第15回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム. 115 (2002)