[Publications] H.Yokoyama, T.Sato, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Determination of fundamental harmonic-to-secondary harmonic ratio of longitudinal magnetization change in Tria rylmethyl or Nitroxide radical aqueous solution casued by ESR at 280MHz for nondestructive oximetry"Chemistry Letters. Vol32. 700-701 (2003)
[Publications] H.Yokoyama, M.Tada, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Modified surface-coil-type resonators for EPR measurements of a thin membrane like sample"Appl.Magn.Reson. Vol.24. 233-245 (2003)
[Publications] S.Tanosaki, Y.Sasaki, T.Yuasa, et al.: "Finger joint imaging by laser transillumination computed tomography based on coherent detection imaging method"Proceedings of SPIE. Vol.4955. 615-623 (2003)
[Publications] 田野崎真司, 佐々木芳彰, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "コヒーレント検出方によるヒト指のレーザ光CT撮像"信学技報. MI2002-120. 47-52 (2003)
[Publications] 赤塚孝雄: "イメージング技術の目指すところ"JIRA会報. 2003.7. 28-29 (2003)
[Publications] D.V.Rao, T.Yuasa, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Micro-tomographic images of few soft materials and embedded biological soft tissue at X-ray energies : A new approach based on geometrical considerations"Proceedings of SPIE, Medical Imaging. (In printing). (2004)
[Publications] D.V.Rao, Y.Sasaki, T.Yuasa, T.Akatsuka: "Tomographic images of biological materials using laser CT imaging system"Proceedings of SPIE, Medical Imaging. Feb 14-19(In printing). (2004)
[Publications] D.V.Rao, T.Akatsuka, G.Tromba: "Images of soft bodied animals with external hard shell. A 3D visualization of the embedded soft tissue"Proceedings of Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation. 8. (2003)
[Publications] D.V.Rao, T.Akatsuka, G.Tromba: "Transmission images and evaluation of tomographic imaging based scattered radiation from biological materials using 10, 15, 20 and 25 keV synchrotron X-rays : An analysis in terms of optimum energy"Proceedings of Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation. 8. 4 (2003)
[Publications] D.V.Rao, T.Akatsuka, G.Tromba: "3D images of snails at optimum energy : Visualization of the interior biological soft tissue, simulation and analysis"IEEE Conference NSS / MIC. 4 (2003)
[Publications] D.V.Rao, T.Takeda, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Micro-tomographic images of rat's lumbar vertebra microstructure, using 30 keV synchrotron X-rays : An analysis in terms of 3D visualization"NIM A. (In printing). (2003)
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, T.Yuasa, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Transillumination laser computed tomography system with fiber-optic-based coherent detection imaging method-High spatial-resolution and quantitative tomographic imaging of high scatter object"Optical Review. Vol.10, No.5. 462-465 (2003)
[Publications] S.Tanosaki, Y.Sasaki, Yuasa, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "In vivo laser tomographic imaging of mouse leg by coherent detection imaging method"Optical Review. Vol.10, No.5. 447-451 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, S.Tanosaki, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Fundamental imaging properties of transillumination laser CT using optical fiber applicable to bio-medical sensing"IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol.3, No.5. 658-667 (2003)
[Publications] 赤塚孝雄, 深見忠典, 内田公, 呉勁, 武田徹: "医用画像における情報融合処理"映像情報メディア学会誌. Vol.57, No.10. 1235-1240 (2003)
[Publications] T.Fukami, T.Akatsuka, Y.Saito, et al.: "Influence of visual stimulus on amplitude and phase of alpha wave as measured by multi-channel EEG, IEIC Trans"INF.& SYST. Vol.E86-D, No.11. 2444-2451 (2003)
[Publications] 柴田和実, 深見忠典, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "MRIとSPECTの自動統合表示の試み"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.598. 83-88 (2004)
[Publications] 稲毛弘樹, 佐々木芳彰, 湯浅哲也, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "透過型CDI光CTにおける表面およびレンズ効果除去による定量性の回復"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.598. 1-6 (2004)
[Publications] 舞草伯秀, 八木有毅, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "超音波造影剤におけるマイクロバブルの振る舞いの光学的・音響的同時計測"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.598. 7-12 (2004)
[Publications] 黒江太一, 武田徹, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "位相コントラストX線CTにおける再構成画像の画質改善"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.598. 13-18 (2004)
[Publications] 佐々木芳彰, 江森亮太, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "リュウマチ性骨病変早期診断のための光ファイバーアレイ方式透過型レーザ光CTの検討"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.598. 19-24 (2004)
[Publications] 江森亮太, 湯浅哲也, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "スペクトル線幅を投影とする動的高散乱媒質のレーザ光CT撮像"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.598. 25-302 (2004)
[Publications] 岩崎拓郎, 深見忠典, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "眼底写真からのドルーゼン自動抽出の検討"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103, No.599. 17-22 (2004)
[Publications] T.Fukami, T.Shimada, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "The temporal change of activations in the visual target oddball stimulus"IEEE APBME 2003. 4.5.5 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, R.Emori, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Infra-Red Laser Transillumination CT Imaging System Using Parallel Fiber Arrays and Optical Switches for Finger Joint Imaging"Proc.of SPIE. (in print).
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, T.Yuasa, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Prototype System of Laser Transillumination Correction Method of Surface Effects in Infra-Red Laser Transillumination CT Imaging"Proc.of SPIE. (in print).
[Publications] Y.Sasaki, S.Tanosaki, T.Akatsuka, et al.: "Prototype System of Laser Transillumination Computed Tomography for Early Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis"Proc.of SPIE, Fibers and Sensors for Medical Applications III. Vol.4957. 183-190 (2003)
[Publications] 稲毛弘樹, 湯浅哲也, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "CDI法に基づく透過型レーザ光CTにおける定量性の評価"日本ME学会東北支部大会講演論文集. 6 (2003)
[Publications] 江森亮太, 佐々木芳彰, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "光CT画像計測高速化のためのデータ取得系の改善"日本ME学会東北支部大会講演論文集. 7 (2003)
[Publications] 柴田和美, 赤塚孝雄, 武田徹, 他: "MRIとSPECTの統合画像表示の自動化の試み"日本ME学会東北支部大会講演論文集. 12 (2003)
[Publications] 高木理彰, 赤塚孝雄, 荻野利彦, 他: "リウマチ性骨関節病変診断用CDIレーザCTシステム開発に関する基礎研究"第18回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会抄録集. S983 (2003)
[Publications] 石川朗, 湯浅哲也, 赤塚孝雄, 他: "レーザ光CTシステムを用いたヒト示指PIP関節の画像画像化,(2003)"第18回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会抄録集. S984 (2003)
[Publications] Momose A, Takeda T, Suzuki Y, et al.: "Phase-contrast microtomography using an X-ray interferometer having a 40-mm analyzer"J.Phys.. IV France 104. 599-602 (2003)
[Publications] Takeda T, Hyodo K, Itai Y, et al.: "Interferomtric phase-contrast X-ray CT image of VX2 rabbit cancer at 35keV x-ray energy"Proc.of Am.Inst.Physics Conf.. (in press).
[Publications] Takeda T, Tsuchiya Y, Akatsuka T, et al.: "Development of high-speed fluorescent x-ray micro-computed tomography"Proc.of Am.Inst.Physics Conf.. (in press).
[Publications] Takeda T, Wu J, Itai Y, et al.: "Vessel imaging by interferometric phase-contrast x-ray technique"J.Heart Disease. (in press).
[Publications] 武田 徹, 呉 勁, 大塚定徳, 梅谷啓二, 板井悠二: "放射光心血管造影法-原理、特徴、問題点。冠動脈の臨床(上)"日本臨床. 61suppl.4. 213-224 (2003)
[Publications] 長畑守雄, 細矢貴亮, 長谷川聖子, 他: "Basi-parallel anatomical scanning (BPAS) MRIによる椎骨動脈の外観表示"日本医放会誌. 63. 582-584 (2003)
[Publications] 安達真人, 細矢貴亮: "特集/血栓の画像診断 脳"臨床画像. 19-11. 1174-1181 (2003)