Research Abstract |
We have established an assay system for serum lipoproteins by a capillary electrophoresis. Proposed system can be separate 9 fractions [13 fractions of HDL(f,i,s), IDL, VLDL, cyromicron and 3 fractions of LDL(f,i,s)] from the anode side of capillary column within 25 minutes. Values of each fractions(HDL, LDL, VLDL) for normal subjects were very similar and good correlation between polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(Lipophor system) results, respectively. However, patients with hyperlipidemia serum lipoprotein fractions were estrangement. These data suggested that Lipophor and homogeneous assays of HDL and LDL cholesterol measurements were including measured not only midband but also VLDL fraction. Furthermore, we evaluated correlation between proposed fractions and apolipoproteins. Distribution of apolipoproteins in the classification of HDL, LDL and VLDL fraction were almost same with conventional reports. However, proposed data suggested that distribution of apolipoproteins in proposed each fractions of HDL(f,i,s) and LDL(f,i,s) were not always uniformly. These data suggested that proposed lipoprotein fractions can be possible explication between lipids metabolism and receptors. Normal subjects showed that fHDL fraction were higher trend, triglycerid high concentration group showed sHDL, fLDL and VLDL fraction were higher and iLDL was lower, CK and ALT activities higher group showed VLDL fraction was higher than normal subjects, respectively. Relation ships between migration index of lipophor was significant correlated with proposed VLDL fraction. It suggested that variation of proposed VLDL fraction possible showed presence of small dense LDL. Also, ratio between LDL and apolipoprotein B significant correlated with proposed fHDL, iHDL and iLDL. Ratio between apolipoprotein AI and apolipoprotein B was significant correlated proposed fHDL fractions. It suggested that proposed method can be possible a new clinical index for the coronary artery disease.