[Publications] Ogata, H., Amano, K., Sugihara, M., Okano, D.: "A Fundamental Solution Method for Viscous Flow Problems with Obstacles in a Periodic Array"Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol.152 Issue 1-2. 411-425 (2003)
[Publications] Ogata, H., Okano, D., Sugihara, M., Amano, K.: "Unique Solvability of the Linear System Appearing in the Invariant Scheme of the Charge Simulation Method"The Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Vol.20, No.1. 17-35 (2003)
[Publications] Ogata, H., Okano D., Amano, K.: "Computations of the forces on obstacles in two-dimensional potential flows by the charge simulation method"Information. Vol.5, No.3. 307-318 (2002)
[Publications] Ogata, H., Okano, D., Amano, K.: "Numerical Conformal Mapping of Periodic Structure Domains"The Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Vol.19, No.2. 257-275 (2002)
[Publications] 天野要, 岡野大, 緒方秀教, 下平博巳, 杉原正顯: "代用電荷による多重連結領域の数値等角写像について"工学ジャーナル(愛媛大学工学部紀要). Vol.1. 197-206 (2002)
[Publications] 岡野大, 牧直正, 緒方秀教, 天野要: "代用電荷法による円弧スリット円環領域への数値等角写像の方法"情報処理学会論文誌. Vol.43. 197-206 (2002)
[Publications] Amano, K., Okano, D., Ogata, H., Suhigara, M.: "Numerical Conformal Mappings of Unbounded Multply-Connected Domains by the Charge Simulation Method"Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. (To appear).
[Publications] Okano, D., Ogata, H., Amano, K., Sugihara M.: "Numerical Conformal Mappings of Bounded Multiply-Connected Domains by the Charge Simulation Method"Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. (To appear).
[Publications] Okano, D., Terazono, M., Ogata, H., Amano, K.: "Numerical Conformal Mapping from Domains with Multiple Slits onto the Canonical Slit Domains by the Charge Simulation Method"Information. Vol.6 No.1. 107-118 (2003)
[Publications] Okano, D., Ogata H., Amano, K.: "A Method of Numerical Conformal Mapping of Curved Slit Domains by the Charge Simulation Method"Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol.152, Issue 1-2. 441-450 (2003)
[Publications] Ogata, H., Kiyosawa, Y.: "Numerical Conformal Mapping of Bounded Simply-Connected Domains with Corner-Type Singularities by the Charge Simulation Method"応用数学合同研究集会報告集(龍谷大学). 135-140 (2002)
[Publications] 緒方秀教, 天野要: "An Aerofoil Study by the Charge Simulation Method"環瀬戸内応用数理研究部会シンポジウム講演予稿集(岡山理科大学). 29-34 (2002)
[Publications] 寺園正俊, 岡野大, 緒方秀教, 天野要: "多重スリット領域から標準スリット領域への数値等角写像の方法"環瀬戸内応用数理研究部会シンポジウム講演予稿集(岡山理科大学). 17-22 (2002)
[Publications] 清澤佑太, 緒方秀教, 岡野大, 天野要: "角点を持つ単連結外部領域の数値等角写像の方法"環瀬戸内応用数理研究部会シンポジウム講演予稿集(岡山理科大学). 23-28 (2002)
[Publications] 緒方秀教, 岡野大, 天野要: "周期敵領域における遅い粘性流の数値解析"電気関係学会四国支部連合大会講演論文集(詫間電波工業高等専門学校). 274 (2002)
[Publications] Ogata, H.: "A Fundamental Solution Method for Problems of Two-Dimensional Viscous Flows past Obstacles in a Periodic Array"Abstracts of the Eleventh International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications (Plovdiv Technical University, Bulgaria). 48 (2002)