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[Publications] Khan N, Oriuchi N, Zhang H, Higuchi T, Tian M, Inoue T, Sato N, Endo K: "A comparative study of C-11-choline PET and [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose PET in the evaluation of lung cancer."Nucl Med Commun. 24. 359-366 (2003)
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[Publications] 柴田 和実, 深見 忠典, 湯浅 哲也, 呉 勁, 武田 徹, 赤塚 孝雄: "MRIとSPECTの自動統合表示の試み"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. Vol.103 No.598. 83-88 (2004)
[Publications] H.Yokoyama, T.Sato, K.Fukui, O.Itoh, H.Ohya, T.Akatsuka: "Determination of fundamental harmonic-to-secondary harmonic ratio of longitudinal magnetization change in Triarylmethyl or Nitroxide radical aqueous solution caused by ESR at 280MHz for nondestructive oximetry"Chemistry Letters. Vol32. 700-701 (2003)
[Publications] H.Yokoyama, M.Tada, T.Sato, H.Ohya, T.Akatsuka: "Modified surface-coil-type resonators for EPR measurements of a thin membranelike sample"Appl.Magn. Reson. Vol.24. 233-245 (2003)
[Publications] H.Hontani, K.Deguchi: "Introducing a Crystalline Flow for a Contour Figure Analysis"IEICE Trans.(D) Information and System. Vol.E86-D No.7. 1198-1205 (2003)
[Publications] 武田 徹, 呉 勁, 大塚定徳, 梅谷啓二, 板井悠二: "放射光心血管造影法-原理、特徴、問題点。冠動脈の臨床(上) 日本臨床61suppl4"日本臨床社. 12 (2003)