[Publications] C.A.Cardoso, F.M.Araujo-Moreira, V.P.S.Awana, E.Takayama-Muromachi, O.F.de Lima, H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "Spin glass behavior in RuSr_2Gd_<1.5>Ce_<0.5>Cu_2O_<10-δ>"Physical Review B. 67. R20407-R20410 (2003)
[Publications] T.Motohashi, R.Ueda, E.Naujalis, T.Tojo, I.Terasaki, T.Atake, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Unconventional magnetic transition and transport behavior in Na_<0.75>CoO_2"Physical Review B. 67. 64406-64410 (2003)
[Publications] M.Karppinen, K.Kotiranta, T.Nakane, S.C.Chang, J.M.Chen, R.S.Liu, H.Yamauchi: "Layer-specific hole concentrations in Bi_2Sr_2(Y_<1-x>Ca_x)Cu_2O_<8+δ> as probed by XANES spectroscopy and coulometric redox analysis"Physical Review B. 67. 134522-134527 (2003)
[Publications] V.P.S.Awana, E.Takayama-Muromachi, S.K.Malik, W.B.Yelon, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, V.V.Krishnamurthy: "Cation intermixing and ordering phenomenon in M-O layer of MSr_2YCu_2O_2 (M-1212) compounds with M=Fe, Co, Al, and Ga : a neutron powder diffraction study"Journal of Applied Physics. 93. 8221-8223 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Morita, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, R.S.Liu, J.M.Chen: "XANES study on the evolution among different copper species, Cu^I, Cu^<II> and Cu^<III>, in CuBa_2YCu_2O_<6+z> upon Oxygen Loading"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 381-386 (2003)
[Publications] H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "Relationship between local atomic arrangements and properties of high-T_c superconductive copper oxides"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 705-717 (2003)
[Publications] V.P.S.Awana, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, M.Matvejeff, R.S.Liu, L.-Y.Jang: "Oxygen content and valence of Ru in RuSr_2(Gd_<0.75>Ce_<0.25>)_2Cu_2O_<10-δ>"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 1211-1216 (2003)
[Publications] V.P.S.Awana, E.Takayama-Muromachi, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Magneto-superconductivity of 100-atm O_2-annealed RuSr_2Gd_<1.5>Ce<0.5>Cu_2O_<10-δ>"Physica C. 390. 233-238 (2003)
[Publications] J.Sugiyama, H.Itahara, J.H.Brewer, E.J.Ansaldo, T.Motohashi, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Static magnetic order in Na_<0.75>CoO_2 detected by muon spin rotation and relaxation"Physical Review B. 67. 214420-214424 (2003)
[Publications] M.Karppinen, S.Lee, J.M.Lee, J.Poulsen, T.Nomura, S.Tajima, J.M.Chen, R.S.Liu, H.Yamauchi: "Hole doping in Pb-free and Pb-substituted (Bi, Pb)_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O<10+δ> superconductors"Physical Review B. 68. 54502-54506 (2003)
[Publications] T.Motohashi, R.Ueda, E.Naujalis, T.Tojo, I.Terasaki, T.Atake, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Unconventional electronic transition in Na_xCoO_2 with a precisely controlled Na nonstoichiometry"Physica B. 329-333. 914-915 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Morita, H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "Superconductivity in CoSr_2(Y_<1-x>Ca_x)Cu_2O_<7+δ>"Solid State Communications. 127. 493-498 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Moritomo, M.Hanawa, Y.Ohishi, K.Kato, J.Nakamura, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Physical pressure effect on the charge-ordering transition of BaSmFe_2O_<5.0>"Physical Review B. 68. R60101-R60104 (2003)
[Publications] M.Karppinen, V.P.S.Awana, Y.Morita, H.Yamauchi: "Oxygen stoichiometry in Co-1212, Co-1222 and Co-1232 of the homologous series Co-12s2 of "category-B" layered copper oxides"Physica C. 392-396. 82-86 (2003)
[Publications] M.Matvejeff, V.P.S.Awana, L.-Y.Jang, R.S.Liu, H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "Oxygen non-stoichiometry in Ru-1212 and Ru-1222 magnetosuperconductors"Physica C. 392-396. 87-92 (2003)
[Publications] T.Watanabe, N.Kiryakov, J.Poulsen, J.M.Lee, J.M.Chen, R.S.Liu, H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "XANES and wet-chemical analyses of the charge balance in (Hg, Pb)(Ba, Sr)_2Ca_2Cu_3O<8+δ>"Physica C. 392-396. 93-98 (2003)
[Publications] T.Nagai, V.P.S.Awana, E.Takayama-Muromachi, A.Yamazaki, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, S.K.Malik, W.B.Yelon, Y.Matsui: "Structural order and disorder in Co-based layered cuprates CoSr_2(Y, Ce)_sCu_2O_<5+2s>(s=1-3)"Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 176. 213-220 (2003)
[Publications] V.P.S.Awana, A.Gupta, H.Kishan, E.Takayama-Muromachi, T.Watanabe, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, S.K.Malik, W.B.Yelon, V.Ganesan, A.V.Narlikar: "Superconductivity with transition temperature up to 80 K for TbSr_2Cu_<2.7>Mo_<0.3>O_<7+δ>"Solid State Communications. 129. 117-121 (2003)
[Publications] G.Peleckis, T.Motohashi, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Na_xCoO_2 : whisker crystals"Applied Physics Letters. 83. 5416-5418 (2003)
[Publications] V.P.S.Awana, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi: "Magneto-superconductivity in rutheno-cuprates RuSr_2GdCu_2O_<8-δ> (Ru-1212) and RuSr_2(Gd_<0.75>Ce_<0.25>)_2Cu_2O_<10-δ> (Ru-1222) : a critical review"In : International Book Series : Studies of High Temperature Superconductors, Vol.46, A.V.Narlikar (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, New York 2003. 77-98 (2003)
[Publications] M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, Y.Morita, M.Kitabatake, T.Motohashi, R.S.Liu, J.M.Lee, J.M.Chen: "Hole concentration in the three-CuO_2-plane copper-oxide superconductor Cu-1223"Journal of Solid State Chemistry. (in press). (2004)
[Publications] T.Yokosawa, V.P.S.Awana, K.Kimoto, E.Takayama-Muromachi, M.Karppinen, H.Yamauchi, Y.Matsui: "Electron microscope studies of nano-domain structures in Ru-based magneto-superconductors : RuSr_2Gd_<1.5>Ce_<0.5>Cu_2O_<10-δ> (Ru-1222) and RuSr_2GdCu_2O_8 (Ru-1212)"Ultramicroscopy. (in press). (2004)
[Publications] M.Karppinen, H.Okamoto, H.Fjellvag, T.Motohashi, H.Yamauchi: "Oxygen and cation ordered perovskite, Ba_2Y_2Mn_4O_<11>"Journal of Solid State Chemistry. (in press). (2004)
[Publications] T.Nakane, K.Isawa, R.S.Liu, J.M.Chen, H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "Effect of Sr-for-Ba isovalent substitution on the local structure, hole distribution and magnetic irreversibility of Cu(Ba, Sr)_2YbCu_2O_<6.95(2)>"Journal of Solid State Chemistry. (in press). (2004)
[Publications] J.Linden, P.Karen, H.Yamauchi, M.Karppinen: "Valence mixing, separation and ordering in double-cell perovskite GdBaFe_2O_<5+w>"Hyperfine Interactions. (in press). (2004)
[Publications] M.Karppinen, I.Asako, T.Motohashi, H.Yamauchi: "Oxidation state of cobalt in the Na_xCoO_<2-δ>・y H_2O superconductor"Chemistry of Materials. (in press). (2004)