[Publications] K.Hori, T.Kobayashi, A.Shimizu, K.Sato, K.Takeda, S.Kawasaki: "Efficient construction of high-density linkage map and its application to QTL analysis in barley"Theor Appl Genet. 107. 806-813 (2003)
[Publications] Z.Zhao, J.Ma, K.Sato, K.Takeda: "Differential Al resistance and citrate secretion in barley(Hordeum vulgare L.)"Planta. 217. 794-800 (2003)
[Publications] M.Sugimoto, Y.Okada, K.Sato, K.Ito, K.Takeda: "A root-specific O-methyltransferase gene expressed in salt-tolerant barley"Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.. 67. 966-972 (2003)
[Publications] I.Matus, A.Corey, T.Filichkin, P.M.Hayes, I.Vales, J.Kling, O.Riera, K.Sato, W.Powell, R.Waugh: "Development and characterization of recombinant chromosome substitution lines(RCSLs)using Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum as a source of donot alles in a Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare background"Genome. 46. 1010-1023 (2003)
[Publications] Hong, JS, Masuda C., Nakano, M., Abe J., Uyeda I.: "Adaptation of cucumber mosaic virus soybean strains(SSVs)to cultivated and wild soybeans"Theor Appl Genet. 107. 49-53 (2003)
[Publications] Sakai, M., A.Kanazawa, A.Fujii, F.S.Thseng, J.Abe, Y.Shimamoto: "Phylogenetic relationships of the chloroplast genomes in the genus Glycine inferred from four intergenic spacer sequences"Plant Syst. Evol. 239. 29-54 (2003)
[Publications] Abe, J., D.H.Xu, A.Miyano, K.Komatsu, A.Kanazawa, Y.Shimamoto: "Photoperiod-Insensitive Japanese soybean landraces differ at two maturity loci"Crop Sci.. 43. 1300-1304 (2003)
[Publications] Abe, J., D.H.Xu, Y.Suzuki, A.Kanazawa, Y.Shimamoto: "Soybean germplasm pools in Asia revealed by nuclear SSRs."Theor Appl Genet. 106. 445-453 (2003)
[Publications] Kinosahita, T., R.Ishikawa: "Genetical studies of isoenzymes in rice plants. II. Description of individual isozyme markers and several isozyme genes related to starch synthesis in rice"Recent Res.Devel.Genet. 3. 163-203 (2003)
[Publications] Ishikawa R., Naoko T., Imai K., Sato Y.-I., et al.: "Origin of weedy rice grown in Bhutan and the force of genetic diversity"Genet.Resour.Crop Evol.. (印刷中). (2003)
[Publications] K.Fukunaga, K.Kato: "Mitochondrial DNA variation in foxtail millet, Setaria italica(L.)P.Beauv."Euphytica. 129. 7-13 (2003)
[Publications] S.K.Ghimire, T.M.Ikeda, N.Ishikawa, H.Yoshino, K.Kato: "PCR based evaluation of quality related genes, and their allelic variation in local landraces of wheat"Proc.10th Inter.Wheat Genet.Symp.. 2. 581-583 (2003)
[Publications] Bothmer, R.von, H.Knupffer, Th.van Hintum, K.Sato: "Diversity in barley(Hordeum vulgare)"Elsevier Science, The Netherlands. 280 (2003)
[Publications] 石川隆二: "国境を越えて メコン(編集佐藤洋一郎),アジア遊学No.55"勉誠出版. 11 (2003)