Research Abstract |
Objective : The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of the pregnancy-related dreams of pregnant woman through determinate quantity, and to analyze qualitatively the effectiveness of the cognitive behavior therapy to cope with dreams which related to stressful events during pregnancy. Methods : Fifty pregnant and 12 non-pregnant women were studied prospectively through dream-re calling for one week. The frequency, definition, and contents of the dream were analyzed. Results : 1)The average to have dreams was 4.8 days per week, and there were no significant difference between pregnant and non-pregnant women. The contents of the dream was fall into categories of "pregnancy, birth, baby matters", "family matters", "work, job-related matters", "friends matters", "TV programs, TV idol matters", "everyday occurrence", "childhood, memories", "unsetting episodes". From the comparison of frequency in "pregnancy, birth, baby matters", in first trimester, it was rated to the 7th categor
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ies, however 3rd in second trimester, and 2nd in third trimester. Frequency of dream-recalling experience increased as gestation progress. Ratio of pregnant women who have dream recalling experiences in one week increased as gestation period progressed. The result was 20 % in first trimester, 57.1% in second trimester, and 57.1% in third trimester. Second and third trimester were higher, however individual average was 67.9% in second trimester, and 78.6% in third trimester. The frequency of having dream of "pregnancy, birth, baby matters" increased in second trimester, and third trimester. 2)By breaking down "pregnancy, birth, baby matters" into 31 categories, "breast feeding matters", "physical change caused by pregnancy", "fetus", "birth" in the second trimester, and "baby after birth" was dominant. The contents change was observed along the progress of gestation. The report was made upon the result of survey research on the characteristics of the dream of pregnant women. The study will continue by including further case analysis, and report will be published. Less