Research Abstract |
This paper summarizes my research conducted during the fiscal years of Heisei 16 (2004)〜 Heisei 18 (2006). In order to investigate "the archaic records of the Kamakura Period," I collected the examples of "kirokugo," "imyo・isyo," and "kiroukugo-ho," which illustrate some of the words used in the Kamakura Period. In this study, the archaic records of these words in the Kamakura Period are taken from Minkei Ki (1226-68), Sanemikyo Ki (1283-1307),and Inokumakanpaku Ki (1197〜1232). Among these three Ki (i.e. diary), Minkei Ki was found to present the most characteristics of Kamakura Period because of its various examples of "kirokugo,""imyo・isyo," and "kiroukugo-ho," and of their various usages. In Minkei Ki, the same words that Mr. Saiki Kazuma listed as "kirokugo" occurred as follows: "iujyakubol8, kaikol5, kyausyaku1, kyoou7, keikuwail7, keigwai8, kottyo4, saubaku3, satau5, seijo3, chikudenl49, totubi3, hikau3, hikeil8, raurou3, waujyaku11, and wazan2." In addition to them, "akarasama22, hikyou61, syoushi5, yodatsu56, amenoashinogotoku5, etc."are used as kirokugo. Concerning "imyo," "uken(uji), kajyaku(sake), gomei(oogi),jyurin(sakeno-sakana),jyuuji (mochi),shiranami(touzoku),etc." are found. As for "karana", "hakuriku, setsuroku, renpu, jyousyo, etc" are used. Based on this survey, I discussed the following points: (1) the changing process of the written words in the archaic records to the spoken words, as well as the structure of the changing process, (2) "keshikiwo-ukagau" and its related words, (3) the change of usage from "(sa)seraru"(causative +respect) to "(sa)seraru"(respect), and (4) the development of "kudasaru". The comparative study results of "kirokugo"," imyo・isyo," and "kirokugo-ho" in Minkei Ki and those in other records were briefly described in the notes of this report.