Research Abstract |
In accordance with Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (2004〜2006), I took up thirteen castles which lie in the middle Rhine or the Moselle as subject of my study on the assumption that the chatellenie of the French type exists also in the second age of German feudalistic society. Thirteen castles are as follows : Montclair, Lemberg, Bliescastel, Hunoistein, Berncastel, Treis, Kaub, Falkenstein, Miinzenberg, Assenheim, Dreieichenhain, KOnigstein, Babenhausen. As result of investigation, I have come to the conclusion that first the terms which describe the surrounding district of castle (castellania, chastelerie/chastelerie, terra /terre, dominium, bannus, bannus et districtus et omnia pertinentia, bannus et appenditia et appenditia, iudicia, aduocatia, comitia, appendicia/ appertenances etc.) are almost the same as the terms of French chaiellenie,'1.',.-Secondly, the conclusion that the concret contents of dominion (manorial lordship, military ban, jurisdiction, power of protectio
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n, use of common land ) which the lord of castle exercised around the castle also are almost the same as that of the French lord of castle. Consequently it was concluded that the dominion of the above-mentioned castles of Germany is the same quality as that of French chatellenie power ( Toshio, Sakurai, Castle and Chatellenie in the German Feudal Society - by way of-. xample of castles of the middle Rhine - in : Publication Society for Commorative Collected Papers Professor Sadao Koyama (ed.), The Present of European Lgal Historical Studies. Commorative Collected Papers Professor Sadao Koyama for the Seventeeth Birthday, 2006). Similar results of investigation were obtained also with regard to two castles ( Obercastle and Undercastle) in Manderscheid and castle of Kerpen that are likewise located in the middle Rhine ( Toshio, Sakurai, Castle and Chatellenie in the German Feudal Society - by way of example of two castles of Manderscheid and castle of Kerpen - in : Kanazawa Hogaku, 49・2, 2007) Less