Research Abstract |
1. In this research (2005-2007), we aimed to shed light on the origin and modernity of welfare state ideas, by examining Beveridge's economic thought Consequently, we concluded that the ideas stemmed from a tight connection between Keynes's managed economy and Beveridge's concept of social security. We also clarified that, together with Keynes, Beveridge engendered a new type of economic thought-bureaucratic economic knowledge-, and also envisioned the concept of the triad of state (politics) , market (economics) , and community (society) in an ideal world post WWII. The core of his idea was economic general staff which played a significant role in connecting each arena. The abovementioned new insight was fully implemented in a book, titled W.H. Beveridge in Economic Thought: A Collaboration with J.M. Keynes, et. al. (Kyoto: Showa-do, 2007), we have found the above new insight. We have published numerous other papers to disseminate the results of our research. 2. We scrutinized archival records, such as LSE, PRO and others, several times (September 2005, London ; December 2006, Vienna ; and December 2007, London), some of which we converted into digital firms ourselves. Using this data, we elucidated Beveridge's federalism, Robbins's economic method, and personal exchanges with Keynes in a research group during the 1930s and 1940s. 3. In February 2006, we founded a society for the study of economic thought, as well as politics, ethics, sociology, and other subjects. In a span of three years, we have held sixteen meetings of the Keihan Keizai Kenkyukai society. International guest speakers and commentators were invited to our research meetings, some of which were large symposiums Such opportunities allowed us to exchange our opinions and visions.