Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
1. Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma : Array CGH analysis revealed that genome profiles of acute and lymphoma types are distinct, and suggested that ATLL genetic alterations after HTLV1 infection may play a role for oncogenesis of the two clinmically distinct disease subtypes. Further characterization of genomic regions and identification of responsible genes from these regions are warranted. This will reveal functional significance of these genes in cell profilferation and differentiations.2. T/NK leukemia/lymphoma : extranodal T/NK and Aggressive NK lymphomas were found to have distinct genetic alteration patterns although clinical manifestations and EBV involvement are similar.3. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma-unspecified(PTCL-U) : PTCL-U with multiple genomic alterations were found in about half of the cases and the pattern of genomic alterations are similar to that of ATLL lymphoma type. Histology also showed similarity in that they have peomorphic nuclear shape and CCR4 expression.4. B-cell lymphoma : We have identified BIM gene loss in mantle cell lymphoma(MCL) . BIM gene is known to regulate BCL2 function. We therefore examined significance of apoptotic gene family by expression profiling analysis and suggested that a poor prognosis group in the MCL exist. This needs to further confirmation.
All 2008 2007 2006 Other
All Journal Article (32 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 16 results) Presentation (38 results) Remarks (1 results)
Genes Chrom.Cancer, 47
Pages: 1-8
Am J Gastroenterol 103
Pages: 62-70
Genes Chrom. Cancer 47
Pages: 39821
Blood 109
Pages: 3076-3079
Cancer Sci. 98
Pages: 698-706
Pages: 438-446
PLoS Med. 4
Pages: e172
Genes Chromosomes and Cancer 46
Pages: 784-790
Pages: 776-783
Histopathology, 51
Pages: 119-123
Pages: 1482-1490
Leukemia 21
Pages: 2549-2551
J Pathol. 213
Pages: 392-401
Pages: 438-46
Histopathology 51
Genes Chrom.Cancer 45
Pages: 420-425
Blood 107
Pages: 4500-4507
Cancer Sci. 97
Pages: 499-504
Pages: 868-874
Genes Chrom. Cancer 45