Research Abstract |
Firstly, a comparative study on employment/HRD(Human Resource Development) systems in Japan and Europe was discussed from the institutional and cultural perspectives. The research achievement is the following : Stand und aktuelle Herausforderungen des japanischen Hochschulsystems'(Shiho Futagami, Uschi Backes-Gellner, und Kerstin Pull, Hochschulmanagement, Heft 1, 2010.). Secondarily, the survey was conducted to personnel managers of Japanese, Swiss, German and English companies. Data from questionnaires were analyzed among four countries. The research achievement is the following : Financial aspects of apprenticeship training in the U. S., Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Japan(Shiho Futagami, Uschi Backes-Gellner et al., ISU, 2012 forthcoming). Lastly, a comparative study on employment/HRD systems in Japan and Europe was analyzed from the perspective of "decent work". The research achievements are the followings :'Non-standard employment in Japan : Gender dimensions'(Shiho Futagami, ILO, 2010.),' A comparative study on employment/HRD systems in Japan and Europe : An analysis from the perspective of "decent work"'(Research on Working Competency, Vol.2, 2012 forthcoming), and' Emerging female entrepreneurship in Japan',(Shiho Futagami et al., Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol.51, No.1, pp.71-85, 2009).