Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We have successfully developed the novel parallel algorithm for searching for the optimal DAG structure using the supercomputer with 2D torus interconnect network. Using this algorithm we have succeeded in searching for the optimal DAG structure of the 36 variables and 200 samples using FX10 4800 computation nodes. This is the first example of searching for the optimal DAG structure with 36 variables in the literature. We have then improved this algorithm and succeeded in the optimal 37 variable DAG search using K computer 20768 computation nodes. Currently we are preparing the submission of the paper of this result.
All 2016 2015 Other
All Journal Article (5 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results, Peer Reviewed: 4 results, Acknowledgement Compliant: 1 results, Open Access: 3 results) Presentation (2 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 2 results) Remarks (1 results)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume: 10048 Pages: 483-502
Volume: 34 Pages: 733-738
Cell Death and Disease
Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: e2207-e2207
Scientific Report
Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 13076-13076
Volume: 7 Issue: 14 Pages: 17652-17664