Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
CNC-small Maf heterodimers are important for the regulation of various cytoprotective genes. This study revealed that small Maf proteins are indispensable for embryogenesis after E9.5, especially for liver development. This study also showed that the neurodegeneration observed in small Maf mutant mice is cell-autonomous effect. Conditional knockout system of small Maf proteins was established and will enable us to examine the function of small Maf proteins in adult tissues.
All 2011 2010 2009
All Journal Article (8 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 8 results) Presentation (16 results)
Genes Cells 印刷中
Genes Cells 16
Pages: 406-415
Mol Cell Biol. 31
Pages: 151-162
Genes Cells
Volume: 16 Pages: 406-415
Volume: (未定 印刷中)
Mol Cell Biol
Volume: 31 Pages: 151-162
Blood. 115
Pages: 677-689
Blood 115
Pages: 677-686