Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We revealed that the efficacy of adenoviral therapy was enhanced with combination chemotherapy or radiation. We found that the efficiency of adenoviral therapy in radiation resistant cancer cells was lower than that in radiation sensitive cells, while the efficiency of adenoviral therapy in chemoresistant cancer cells was lower than that in chemosensitive cells. We also revealed that fibroblasts which constitute stroma weaken the efficacy of adenoviral therapy. Furthermore we figured out these mechanisms and identified the molecules responsible for the mechanisms. These data suggest that there are possibilities in adenoviral therapy for individual by evaluating the molecules responsible for adenoviral infection and uptake with respect to each case.
All 2011 2010 2009 Other
All Journal Article (10 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 3 results) Presentation (6 results)
Cancer Sci. 102
Pages: 484-491
Cancer Science
Volume: 102 Pages: 484-491
Cancer Lett 294
Pages: 178-186
Cancer Gene Ther. 17
Pages: 541-549
Cancer gene therapy
Volume: 17 Pages: 541-549
Cancer Letter
Volume: 294 Pages: 178-186
Cancer Sci. 100
Pages: 722-729
Pages: 1902-1907
Cancer Sci 101
Pages: 735-742
Anticancer research. in press