Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Sex steroids are specific hormones in vertebrates, which control the reproductive function and maintain the balance of the nerve and visceral activities of the body. Their role is manifested through a complex metabolic system of steroidogenesis Thus, new functions of the sex steroid system are being discovered; however, many other functions remain unknown. In this study, we examined the sex steroid metabolic system of amphioxus. We found a major sex steroid metabolic pathway, 5α-reduced steroid, which is rarely used in vertebrates. In addition, the sex steroids are actively synthesized in the nerve system. It suggests that sex steroidogenesis of vertebrates is acquired in step with the evolution of a notochord and diverged during the evolution in Chordata.
All 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Other
All Journal Article (4 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 4 results) Presentation (9 results) (of which Invited: 2 results) Book (3 results) Remarks (4 results)
J. Volcan. Geotherm. Res.
Volume: (in press) Pages: 74-84
Volume: Vol. 510 (1) Issue: 1 Pages: 78-86
Volume: 22 Issue: 4 Pages: 479-491
J. Mol. Biol
Volume: Vol. 409 (3) Issue: 3 Pages: 415-426