Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up
Two loci (1q32.2 and 1p22.3) were likely to be as novel susceptibility regions of mandibular prognathism.PLXNA2 and SSX2IP genes were considered as a genetic candidate.PLXNA2 gene is a gene encoding semaphorin co-receptors, and the relations to bone metabolism are reported in semaphorin 3A.SSX2IP gene is related to a Synovium Sarcoma and the temporomandibular joint that is related to mandibular growth has synovial tissue. We speculate that these genes may be also associated with mandibular prognathism.
All 2012 2011
All Journal Article (2 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 2 results) Presentation (2 results)
Orthodontics & craniofacial research
Volume: 15(2) Issue: 2 Pages: 84-91
Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research
Volume: Volume 14, Issue 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 100-106