Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
The aim of this project is to test the working hypothesis that Warburg effect plays a critical role in the maintenance of cancer stem cells in various intractable human cancers including malignant brain tumors. The results of a series of experiments revealed that a compound with a mitochondrial respiration-promoting effect inhibits the stemness of cancer stem cells derived from intractable human cancers including malignant brain tumors. The results suggest the possibility that Warburg effect may represent a potential target for cancer stem cell-directed therapy.
All 2014 2013 2012
All Journal Article (9 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 9 results) Presentation (2 results)
Int J Oncol
Volume: 44 Pages: 591-599
Stem Cell Res
Volume: 12 Pages: 119-131
Oncol Rep
Volume: 30 Pages: 1957-1964
Volume: 11 Pages: 601-610
Stem Cell Research
Stem Cells Transl Med
Volume: 1 Pages: 811-824
Sci Rep
Volume: 2 Pages: 516-516
Stem Cells Transl Med.
Volume: 1 Issue: 11 Pages: 811-24
Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 516-516