Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
We established a cost effective protocol to induce endoderm differentiation with low concentration of Activin by adding DMSO. We found that at the presence of DMSO, the threshold of Activin to induce intestinal differentiation is much reduced. We also established a protocol to selectively culture the human iPS cells-derived intestinal epithelial cells from a mixed cell population, so that the purified cells could be expanded and used for further studies. We also found that using defined growth factors and chemicals, the purified cells could be expanded and further matured. The present studies therefore enabled us to prepare a certain amount of cells that could be used for further studies for establishing regenerative medicine of the intestine.
All 2015 2014
All Journal Article (10 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 9 results, Open Access: 3 results, Acknowledgement Compliant: 4 results) Presentation (7 results) (of which Invited: 3 results)
Sci Rep
Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 17297-17297
Volume: 87 Pages: 573-581
Methods Mol Biol.
Volume: Epub
Volume: 18;111(46) Issue: 46 Pages: 16407-12
The Review of Diabetic Studies
Volume: 11(1) Issue: 1 Pages: 102-114
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Pages: 394-408
Cell Metab.
Volume: 19 Issue: 5 Pages: 780-794