Planned Research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)
The interaction between water and polymers largely affects properties of the polymers in solution and solid systems. To clarify the structure of water at polymer-water interfaces, we have examined the structure and orientation of water molecules in the vicinity of polymer thin films and polymer brushes using sum frequency generation (SFG) method which can detect the orientation of molecules at interfaces.
All 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2005
All Journal Article (31 results) Book (4 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (4 results)
J. Control. Release
Volume: 168 Pages: 307-316
J. Phys. Chem. B
Volume: 117 Pages: 2188-2194
J. Colloid Interface Sci
Volume: 390 Pages: 47-53
Eur. Polym. J
Volume: 48 Pages: 1875-1882
Colloids Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
Volume: 100 Pages: 126-132
Volume: 116 Pages: 1850-1857
Volume: 93 Pages: 219-225
Volume: 91 Pages: 215-218
Volume: Vol.33 Pages: 15-20
Volume: 88 Pages: 455-462
Colloids Surfaces B: Biointerfacse
Volume: 84 Pages: 111-116
Macromol. Biosci
Volume: 11 Pages: 557-564
CSJカレントレビュー04 「新しい局面を迎えた界面の分子科学-機能デザインと計測技術の展開」日本化学会編
Pages: 10-16
Volume: Vol.11, No.10 Pages: 40-46
Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentations (AATEX)
Volume: 15 Pages: 14-27
Colloid Polym. Sci
Volume: 288 Pages: 1233-1243
Volume: 79 Pages: 434- 439
Volume: 114 Pages: 4310-4312
Volume: 78 Pages: 155-162
Volume: 345 Pages: 25-331
Volume: Vol.59 Pages: 69
J. Biomater. Sci. Polym. Edn
Volume: Vol.21 Pages: 1877-1893
Colloid Polymer Sci
Volume: 287 Pages: 1155-1165
Volume: 74 Pages: 45-50
Volume: 25 Pages: 9361-9368
Volume: 70 Pages: 91-97
Volume: 331 Pages: 343-350
Volume: 9 Pages: 63-70
Volume: Vol.58 Pages: 74-77
Volume: Vol.44 Pages: 485-490