[Publications] 坂田 文彦,丸森 寿夫: "Nudear Collective Dynamics and Chaos" Direction in Chaos (World Scientific Pub.). 4.
[Publications] 寺崎 順,大森 寿夫,坂田 文彦: "Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation by neans of Selfーconsistent Collective Coordinate Uethod" Progress of Theoretical Pysics. 85. 1235-1270 (1991)
[Publications] 水鳥 正二郎,清水 良文,松柳 研一: "Soft Octapole Vibration with K=0 and K≠0 Buitt on Superdeforned Bands and Static Pairing Correlations" Progress of Theoretical Physics. 86. 131-149 (1991)
[Publications] 清水 良文,F.Barranco,R.A.Broglia,T.Dossing E.Vigezzi: "Superfluid Tunnoling in Superdeformed Nuclei" Physics Letters. B274. 253 (1992)
[Publications] 水鳥 正二郎,清水 良文,松柳 研一: "Octapole Vibrations with K=1 and K=2 in Superconducting,Superdeformed Nuclei" Prog.Theor.Phys.85. 559-566 (1991)
[Publications] B.J.Min,S.Suemutsu,S.Mitarai T.Kuroyanagi,K.Heiguchi M.Natsuzako: "The Level Structure of ^<87>Nb" Nuclear Physics. A530. 211 (1991)
[Publications] B.Cederwall,A.Johnson,R.Wyss,C.G.Liden,S.Mitarai,J.Mukai,B.Fant,: "High-Spin States in ^<121>Ba and Deformation Dependent Alignments" Nuclear Physics. A529. 410 (1991)
[Publications] B.Cederwall,A.Johnson,R.Wyss,F.Liden,B.Fant,S.Juntonen,P.Ahonen,S.Mitarai,J.Mukai: "High Spin States of ^<120>Ba" Zeit.Phys.A338. 461 (1991)
[Publications] B.Cederwall,A.Johnson,B.Fant,S.Juntonen,P.Ahcnen,S.Mitarai,J.Mukai,J.Nyberg: "Neutron and Droton h_<11/2> Alignments Effect in ^<121>La" Zeit Phys.A338. 463 (1991)
[Publications] S.Juutinen,S.Tormanen,B.Cederwall,A.Johnson,R.Julin,S.Mitarai,J.Mukai: "Evidence for Band Termination in ^<118>Xe" Zeit.Phys.A338. 465 (1991)
[Publications] K.Heiguchi,T.Hasada,T.Komatsubara,T.Nomura,K.Furano,R.Nakatani,: "Half Lives and Q_β Measarements for new nuclei of ^<89>Tc and ^<89m>Tc" Zeit.Phys.A338. 7 (1991)
[Publications] J.Mukai,A.Odahara,R.Nakatani,Y.Haruta,H.Tomura,B.J.Min: "The β Decay of the New Isotope ^<79>Y" Zeit.Phys. (1992)
[Publications] S.Mitarai,T.Kuroyanagi,A.Odahara,J.Mukai,: "Rotational Band of ^<82>Zr" Zeit.Phys. (1992)
[Publications] T.Kuroyanagi,S.Mitarai,S.Suemitsu,B.J.Min,: "The Silicon Ball:A 4π Si Detector Array for Reaction Channel Selection" Nucl.Instr.Meth.(1992)
[Publications] T.Morikawa,H.Inoue,Y.Iwata,T.Matsuoka,Y.Yoshizawa,N.Kato: "Coulomb Excitation of ^<154>Sm" Zeit.Phys.
[Publications] B.Herskind,A.Bracco,R.A.Broglia,T.Dossing,A.Ikeda,S.Leoni,J.Lisle: "Fluctuation tralysis of Rotational Decay from Excited Nuclei," Phys.Rev.Lett.
[Publications] T.Shimano and A.Ikeda: "Scissor Mode as an Inevitable Consequence of Recoiltem" Phys.Rev.C.
[Publications] T.Komatsubara,T.Hayakawa,K.Farano,B.Cederwall: "High-Spin States in Odd-Odd Nuclei of ^<126>Cs and ^<124>La" Zeit.Phys.
[Publications] H.Sakamoto and T.Kishimoto: "Microscopic tnalysis of Nuclear Collective Motion in torms of the Boson Expansion Theory (II)" Nucl.Phys.A528. 73-143 (1991)
[Publications] H.Hosoda,T.Komatabar,K.Faruno,J.Espino,J.Gascon: "High-Spin Band Structure in Odd-Odd nucleus ^<124>Cs" Nucl.Phys.