[Publications] MIYANISHI,Masayoshi: "Finite equivalence relations on algebric varieties" Journal of pure and applied algebra. 57. 83-91 (1989)
[Publications] MIYANISHI,Masayoshi: "Homology planes with quotient singularities" J.Math.Kyoto.Univ.
[Publications] MIYANISHI,Masayoshi: "Q-homology planes with C^<**>-fibrations" Osaka J.Math.
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Simple convex polytopes and the strong Lefschetz theorem" J.Pure Appl.Algebra,special issue dedicated to Professor Hideyuki Matsumura on his sixtieth birthday. (1990)
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Geometry of toric varieties" Proc.Intern.Conf.on Algebraic Groups and Applications,Univ.of Hyderabad 1989.
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Linear Gale transforms and Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinskij decompositions"
[Publications] MORI,Shigefumi: "Flips in families"
[Publications] KITAOKA,Yoshiyuki: "Forier coefficients of certain Eisenstein series" Proc.of Japan Acad.65. 253-255 (1989)
[Publications] KITAOKA,Yoshiyuki: "Some remarks on representations of positive definite quadratic forms" Nagoya Math.J.115. 23-41 (1989)
[Publications] MUKAI,Shigeru: "Bireqular classification of Fano threefolds and Fano manifolds of coindex 3" Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.USA. 86. 3000-3002 (1989)
[Publications] YASHINO,Yuji: "Modules with Linear resolution over a polynomial ring in two variables" Nagoya Math.J.113. 89-98 (1989)
[Publications] HIBI,Takayuki: "What can be said about pure O-sequences?" J.Combin.Theory,Ser.A. 50. 319-322 (1989)
[Publications] KATSURA,Toshiyuki: "New bosonization and conformal field theory" Commun.Math.Phys.121. 603-627 (1989)
[Publications] TSUCHIYA,Akihiro: "Coformal field theory on moduli family of stable curves with gauge symmetries" Advanced studies in pure math.19. 459-565 (1989)
[Publications] KATSURA,Toshiyuki: "Formal groups and conformal field theory over Z" Advanced studies in pure math.19. 347-366 (1989)
[Publications] NAGATA,Masayoshi: "Some remarks on the two-dimensional Jacobian Conjecture" Chinese Journ.of Math.17. 1-7 (1989)
[Publications] HIJIKATA,Hiroaki: "Orders in quaternion algebras" J.reine angew.Math.394. 59-106 (1989)
[Publications] MARUYAMA,Masaki: "On compactifications of moduli space of instantons"
[Publications] MARUYAMA,Masaki: "Limits of instantons"
[Publications] KAWAMATA,Yujiro: "Small contractions of four dimensional algebraic maniforlds" Math.Ann.284. 595-600 (1989)
[Publications] KAWAMATA,Yujiro: "Boundedness of Q-Fano threefolds"
[Publications] KAWAMATA,Yujiro: "Moderate degenerations of algebraic surfaces"
[Publications] FUJITA,Takao: "On Del Pezzo fibrations over curves" Osaka J.Math.27. (1990)
[Publications] FUJITA,Takao: "On adjoint bundles of ample vector bundles"
[Publications] SHIODA,Tetsuji: "Mordell-Weil Lattices and Galois representations I,II,III" Proc.Japan Acad.65A. 268-271,296-303 (1989)
[Publications] SHIODA,Tatsuji: "Construction of elliptic curves over Q(t)with high rank" Proc.Japan Acad.(1990)
[Publications] SUMIHIRO,Hideyasu: "On the geometry of determinantal varieties associated to 2-bundles on P^n"
[Publications] UMEMURA,Hiroshi: "Second proof of the irreducibility of the first differential equation of Painleve" Nagoya Math.J.117. (1990)
[Publications] SUWA,Tatsuo: "D-modules associated to complex analytic singular foliations"
[Publications] SUWA,Tatsuo: "Determinancy of complex analytic foliations germs without intergrating factors"
[Publications] ENDO,Sizuo: "Non-rationality of algebric tori of norm type and its application to generic division rings" Proc.Symp.Ring.theory. 22. 17-22 (1989)
[Publications] WATANABE,Keiichi: "Filtered rings,filtered blowing-ups and normal two-dimensional singularities with star-shaped resolution" Publ.RIMS Kyoto Univ.25. 681-740 (1989)
[Publications] WATANABE,Keiichi: "Regular Z-granded rings" Proc.Fac.Science,Tokai Univ.25. (1990)
[Publications] 宮西正宜: "代数幾何学入門" 裳華房, 350 (1990)
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Introduction to Algebraic singularities"
[Publications] YOSHINO,Yuji: "Theory of Cohen-Macauray modules over Hensel CM rings" Cambridge University Press,
[Publications] HIJIKATA,Hiroaki: "The basis problem for from on P_o(N)" American Mathematical Society(Memoris of Amer.Math.Soc.Vol.82), (1989)