[Publications] MIYANISHI,Masayoshi: "Finite group scheme actions on the affine plane" Journal of pure and applied algebra. (1991)
[Publications] MIYANISHI,Masayoshi: "Qーhomology planes with C^<**>ーfibrations" Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 28. (1991)
[Publications] MIYANISHI,Masayoshi: "Absence of the affine line on the homology planes" Journal of Mathematics,Kyoto University.
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Simple convex polytopes and the strong Lefschetz theorem" Journal of pure and applied algebra. (1991)
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Linear Gale transforms and Gelfand Kapranov Zelevinskij decompositions" Tohoku Math.J.
[Publications] MORI,Shigefumi: "Birational classification of algebraic 3ーfolds;Announcement" American J.Mathematics.
[Publications] MARUYAMA,Masaki: "On compactifications of the moduli space of instantons" International J.Mathematics. (1991)
[Publications] MARUYAMA,Masaki: "Limits of instantons"
[Publications] KAWAMATA,Yujiro: "Small contractions of four dimensional algebraic manifolds" Math.Ann.284. 595-600 (1989)
[Publications] KAWAMATA,Yujiro: "Boundedness of QーFano threefolds" Contemporary Mathematics. (1991)
[Publications] SHIODA,Tetsuji: "MordellーWeil lattices and sphere packings" Amer.J.Math.
[Publications] SHIODA,Tetsuji: "Construction of elliptic curves over Q(t) with high rank via the invariants of the Weyl groups" Proc.Japan Acad.(1990)
[Publications] KITAOKA,Yoshiyuki: "Some remarks on representations of positive definite quadratic forms" Nagoya Math.J.115. 23-41 (1989)
[Publications] KITAOKA,Yoshiyuki: "A result on qーseries and its application to quadratic forms" J.Number Theory. 34. 54-62 (1990)
[Publications] MUKAI,Shigeru: "Polarized K3 surfaces of genus 18 and 20" Proc.of the conference on Vector bundles and Special projective embeddings,Bergen.
[Publications] MUKAI,Shigeru: "Fano 3ーfolds" Proc.of the conference on Projective Geometry,Trieste 1989.
[Publications] UENO,Kenji: "Conformal field theory on universal family of stable curves with gauge symmetries" Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 19. 459-565 (1989)
[Publications] UENO,Kenji: "Formal groups and conformal field theory over Z" Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 19. 347-366 (1989)
[Publications] NAGATA,Masayoshi: "Some remarks on the twoーdimensional Jacobian conjecture" Chinese J.Math.17. 1-7 (1989)
[Publications] NAGATA,Masayoshi: "Some questions on Z[√<14>]" Proc.of the conference on Algebraic Geometry and its appl.in honor of Prof.Abhyankar.
[Publications] MABUCHI,Toshiki: "An algebraic character associated with the Poisson brackets" Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 18. 339-358 (1990)
[Publications] MABUCHI,Toshiki: "Compactification of the moduli space of Einstein Ka^^¨hler orbifolds" Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 18. 359-384 (1990)
[Publications] UMEMURA,Hiroshi: "Second proof of the irreducibility of the first differential equation of Painleve^^´" Nagoya Math.J.117. 125-171 (1990)
[Publications] UMEMURA,Hiroshi: "Birational automorphism groups and the differential equations" Nagoya Math.J.119. 1-80 (1990)
[Publications] SUMIHIRO,Hideyasu: "On the geometry of determinantal varieties associated to 2ーbundles on P^n"
[Publications] WATANABE,Keiichi: "Regular Zーgraded rings" Proc.Fac.Sci.Tokai Univ.25. (1990)
[Publications] FUJITA,Takao: "On Del Pezzo fibrations over curves" Osaka J.Math.27. 229-245 (1990)
[Publications] ENDO,Shizuo: "Nonーrationality of algebraic tori of norm type and its application to generic division rings" Proc.Symp.Ring Theory. 22. 17-22 (1989)
[Publications] KATO,Kazuya: "Logarithmic structures of FontaineーIllusie" Amer.J.Math.
[Publications] SUWA,Tatsuo: "Determinacy of complex analytic foliation germs without integrating factors" Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.
[Publications] 宮西 正宜: "代数幾何学" 裳華房,数学選書10, (1990)
[Publications] ODA,Tadao: "Introduction to Algebraic Singularities (with Taichi Ambai)" The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Lecture Notes 2, (1991)
[Publications] FUJITA,Takao: "Classification Theories of Polarized Varieties" Cambridge Univ.Press London Math.Soc.Lecture Note Series 155, (1990)
[Publications] 飯高 茂: "Prologで作る数学の世界" 朝倉書店, (1990)