[Publications] Hiroshi Takeda: "Origin of SーAsteroids with Primitive Achondrite Affinity by a PlanetesimalーScale Collision Model." Proc.23rd ISAS Lunar Planet.Symp.23. 206-212 (1990)
[Publications] Hiroshi Takeda: "Mineralogical comparison of the Y86032ーtype lunar meteorites to feldspathic fragmental breccia 67016." Proc.20th Lunar Planet.Sci.Conf.20. 91-100 (1990)
[Publications] Kazushige Tomeoka: "FeーSーCaーAlーbearing carbonaceous vein in the Yamatoー74130 ureilite:Evidence for a genetic link to carbonaceous chondrites." Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta. 54. 1457-1481 (1990)
[Publications] Takahiro Hiroi: "A method to determine silicate abundances from reflectance spectra with applications to asteroid 29 amphitrite associating it with primitive achondrite meteorties." Icarus. 88. 205-227 (1990)
[Publications] Jun Saito: "Mineralogy of five new Antarctic ureilites,LEW86216,LEW85328,Yー791839,Yー75154,Yー8448,and the origin of their chemical variations of pyroxene." Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarct.Meteorites. 3. 132-146 (1990)
[Publications] Hiroshi Takeda: "Comparisons of Antarctic and nonーAntarctic achondrites and possible origin of the differences." Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta. 55. 35 (1991)
[Publications] Hiroshi Takeda: "Consortium reports of lunar metoerites Yー793274." Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarctic Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] Takahiro Hiroi: "Reflectance spectroscopy and mineralogy of primitive achondritesーlodranites." Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarctic Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] M.Kimura,Y.Ikeda,M.Ebihara & M.Prinz: "New Enclaves in the Vaca Muerta Mesosiderite:Petrogenesis and comparison with HED Meteorites" Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarc.Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] Y.Ikeda,M.Ebihara,& M.Prinz: "Enclaves inn the Mt.Padbury and Vaca Muerta miosiderite:Magmatic and residue (or cumulate) rock types" Broc.NIPR Symp.Antarc.Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] Y.Itoh & T.Matsumoto: "Random Generation Model for Statistical Distribution on Point Groups" Acta Crystallographica. A47. (1991)
[Publications] M.Tanemura & T.Matsumoto: "On the density of the p31m packing of ellipses" Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie. (1991)
[Publications] T.Matsumoto: "Application of the nonーcharacteristic orbits of space groups.to the derived structure of fluorite type" Acta Crystallographieca. A46. C447 (1990)
[Publications] H.Toraya & M.Kitamura: "Simultaneous PeakーShift Correction in the LeastーSquares Determination of UnitーCell Parameters of a Sample with Standard Reference Material" J.Appl.Cryst.23. 282-285 (1990)
[Publications] T.Saito,K.Mizuno,H.Watanabe & K.Koto: "Substitution effect of YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ーy> by Sn" Physica C. 171. 167-173 (1990)
[Publications] T.Moriga,S.Emura,A.Yoshiasa,S.Kikkawa,F.Kanamaru & K.Koto: "Xーray and Raman Study on Coordination States of Fluoriteー and Pyrochloreーtype Compounds in the system ZrO_2ーGd_2O_3" Solid State Ionics. 40/41. 357-361 (1990)
[Publications] A.Yishiasa,Y.Inoue,F.Kanamaru & K.Koto: "Local structure and spin state of Co^<4+> ions in the perovskiteーtype SrCo_<1ーx>Mn_xO^3 solidーsolution" J,of Solid State Chemistry. 86. 75-81 (1990)
[Publications] K.Koto,H.Ito,F.Kanamaru,S.Emura & A.Yoshiasa: "EXAFS study of the fluoriteーtype compounds in the system Bi_2O_3ーGd_2O_3." Solid State Ionics. 40/41. 288-292 (1990)
[Publications] A.Yoshiasa,H.Maeda,T.Ishii & K.Koto: "EXAFS studies on anharmonic thermal vibrations in AgI" Solid State Ionics. 40/41. 341-344 (1990)
[Publications] Y.Ikeda: "Petrology and Mineralogy of the Yamatoー82162 Chondrite (CI)" Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarc.Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] Y.Ikeda,A.Tsuchiyama,& M.Ebihara: "Petrological and Geochemical Study of the Yー74359 and Yー74360 Achondrites" Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarc.Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] Y.Ikeda & H.Kojima: "Terrestrial Alteration of FeーNi Metals in Antarctic Ordinary Chondrites and the Relationship to their Terrestrial Ages" Proc.NIPR Symp.Antarc.Meteorites. 4. (1991)
[Publications] I.Nakai: "Singleーcrystal Xーray structure analysis of new oxideーsupercondutor Bi_2(Sr_<1ーx>Ln_x)_2(Gd_<1ーy>Ce_y)_2Cu_2O_<10+z>" Jap.J.Appl.Phys.29. L572-L575 (1990)
[Publications] R.Miyawaki: "Crystal Structure of Rare Earth Minerals 3rd Supplement" 希土類. 17. 1-10 (1990)
[Publications] N.Nakamura,K.Misawa,M.Kitamura,A.Masuda,S.Watanabe & K.Yamamoto: "Highly fractionated REE in the Hedjaz (L) chondrite:implications for nebular and planetary processes" Earth and Planet.Sci.Lett.99. 290-302 (1990)
[Publications] K.Ito,F.Marumo,M.Ohgaki & K.Tanaka: "Structure Refinement of βーBaB_2O_4" Report of the Research Laboratory of Enginering Materrials,Tokyo Institute of Technology. 15. 1-12 (1990)
[Publications] 大須賀 卓夫,清水川 豊,森川 日出貴,丸茂 文幸,宇田川 康夫,田路 和幸: "EXAFS分光法による合成フッ素雲母中のMn原子の配位" 鉱物学雑誌. 19. 209-218 (1990)
[Publications] K.Kimura,M.Ohgaki,K.Tanaka,H.Morikawa & F.Marumo: "Study of the Bipyramidal Site in Magnetoplumbiteーlike Compounds,SrM_<12>O_<19>(M:Al,Fe,Ga)" J.Solid State Chem.87. 186-194 (1990)
[Publications] K.Itoh,F.Marumo & Y.Kuwano: "βーBarium Borate Single Crystal Grown by a Direct Czochralski Method" Journal of Crystal Growth. 106. 728-731 (1990)
[Publications] S.Kohara & A.Kawahara: "Structure of Synthetic Dipotassium Zinc Tetrasilicate" Acta Cryst.C46. 1373-1376 (1990)
[Publications] 入船 徹男: "高圧下の鉱物物性とマントルの物質構成" 鉱物学雑誌. 19. 233-243 (1990)
[Publications] 入船 徹男,桂 智男: "超高圧実験からみたマントル構造" 科学. 60. 683-691 (1990)
[Publications] T.Irifune,K.Fujino & E.Ohtani: "A new highーpressure form of MgAl_2O_4" Nature. (1990)
[Publications] H.Yurimoto,et al.: "Quantitative SIMS analysis of GSJ rock reference samples" Geochim.Cosmochem.Jour.23. 215-235 (1990)
[Publications] C.K.Shearer,et al.: "Ion microprobe studies of trace elements in Apollo 14 volcanic glass beads:Comparisons to Apollo 14 mare basalts and petrogenesis of picritic magmas" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 54. 851-867 (1990)
[Publications] S.Sueno: "A SIMS study on lattice and dislocation diffusion in MgO" Proceedings of 2nd Eurasia Conference on Chemistry in Seoul. 171-172 (1990)
[Publications] S.Sueno: "SIMSによるセラミックスの微量分析ー最近の進歩ー" セラミックデ-タブック'90 工業製品技術協会,工業と製品. 72. 147-152 (1990)
[Publications] K.Onuma & S.Ichikawa: "Phase Equilibria of the System Diopsideーacmite at Low Oxygen Fugacity" Scd.Report of the Tohoku Univ.17.
[Publications] N.Kamaya.& K.Onuma: "Melting Experiment on Kuruhanaーyama Basalts of Funagata Valcano,NE Japan" Sci.Report of the Tohoku Univ.17.
[Publications] I.Nakai: "Synchrotron Xーray Rietveld analysis of αーhafnium phosphate" Analytical Sci.6. 689-693 (1990)
[Publications] A.Kawahara,S.Kohara,N.Konishi,J.Horiuchi & K.Kawahara: "Structure of Synthetic Zinc Silicat:K_2Zn_2Si_8O_<19>" Acta Cryst.C46. (1990)
[Publications] T.Nishida: "Morphology and Growth Unit of Crystals" Terrapub, (1989)
[Publications] 大原 隆,西田 孝編集: "地球環境の変容" 朝倉書店, (1990)
[Publications] N.Morimoto,Y.Nakajima & K.Kitamura: "Ceramic Transactrons Vol.6" American Ceramic Society, (1991)
[Publications] Y.Nakamuta,et al.: "X線の進歩22" (1991)