[Publications] Tanaka.M.& MikiーNoumura.T.: "Stepwise sliding disintegration of <Tetrahymena>___ー ciliary axoーnemes at higher concentrations of ATP" Cell Motility & the Cytoskelton. 9. 191-204 (1988)
[Publications] Yamao,Y.& MikiーNoumura,T.: "Effects of hexyleneglycol on meiotic division of starfish oocytes" Zool.Sci.5. 563-572 (1988)
[Publications] Yamada,N.& MikiーNoumura,T.: "Isolated centralーpair microtubules from <Chlamydomonas>___ー <reinーhardtii>___ー" 6. 1088 (1989)
[Publications] Nagata,A.& MikiーNoumura,T.: "Aster formation in the activated sea urchin eggs" Zool.Sci.6. 1152 (1989)
[Publications] 三木(能村) 堆子: "卵細胞微小管の機能" 蛋白質、核酸、酵素. 34. 1626-1637 (1989)
[Publications] T.MikiーNoumura: "Darkーfield microscopic study of microtubules in solution" International Review of Cytology. 122. 65-104 (1990)
[Publications] Hotani,H.and T.Horio.: "“Dynamics of Microtubules visualized by Darkーfield Microscopy:Treadmilling and Dynamic Instability."" Cell Motil.Cytskl.10. 229-236 (1988)
[Publications] Vale,R.D.and H.Hotani.: "“Formation of Membrane Networks in vitro by Kinesinーdrive Microtubule Movement."" J.Cell Biol.107. 2233-2241 (1988)
[Publications] Mandelkow,E.,E.ーM.Mandelkow,H.Hotani,B.Hess and S.C.Muller.: "“Spatial Pattern from Oscillating Microtubules."" Science.246. 1291-1293 (1989)
[Publications] Hotani,H.and H.Miyamoto.: "“Dynamic Features of Microtubules as Visualized by Darkーfield Microscopy."" Advanc.Biophys. 26. 135-156 (1990)
[Publications] Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Kron,S.J.& Spudich,J.A.: "The myosin step size:Measurement of the unit displacement per ATP hydrolysed in an in vitro assay." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.87. 7130-7134 (1990)
[Publications] Schwyter,D.H.,Kron,S.J.,Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Spudich,J.A.& Reisler,E.: "Subtilisin cleavage of actin inhibits in vitro sliding movement of actin filaments over myosin." J.Cell Biol.111. 465-470 (1990)
[Publications] Toyoshima,Y.Y.: "Bidirectional movement of actin filaments along tracks of heavy meromyosin and native thick filaments." J.Cell Sci.(1991)
[Publications] Shimizu,T.,Furusawa,K.,Ohashi S.,Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Okuno,M.,Malik,F.& Vale R.D.: "Nucleotide specificity of the enzymatic and motile activities of dynein,kinesin and heavy meromyosin." J.Cell Biol.(1991)
[Publications] Yamada,A.,N.Ishii,T.Shimmen and K.Takahashi: "MgーATP activity and motility of native thick filaments isolated from the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis." J.Muscle Res.Cell Motility. 10. 124-134 (1989)
[Publications] Abe,O.,T.Yamada,K.Takahashi and H.Sugi: "Initiation of active force development in a molluscan smooth muscle by laser photolysis of caged ATP." Proc.Japan Academy Ser.B. 65. 165-168 (1989)
[Publications] Katada,J.,C.Shingyoji and K.Takahashi: "Effects of detergents used to demembranate the seaーurchin spermatozoa on the reactivated flagellar movement,with special reference to the rotatability of the plane of flagellar beat." Cell Struct.Funct.14. 751-758 (1989)
[Publications] Yoshimura,K.and K.Takahashi: "Partial extraction of inner dynein arms from an outer armーless mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhadtii." Cell Struct.Funct.14. 741-749 (1989)
[Publications] Eshel,D.,C.Shingyoji,K.Yoshimura,B.H.Gibbons,I.R.Gibbons and K.Takahashi: "Transient behavior of sea urchin sperm flagella following an abrupt change in beat frequency." J.exp.Biol.15. 441-451 (1990)
[Publications] Yamada,A.,N.Ishii and K.Takahashi: "Direction and speed of actin filaments moving along thick filaments isolated from molluscan smooth muscle." J.Biochem.108. 341-343 (1990)
[Publications] Shingyoji,C.,I.R.Gibbons,A.Murakami and K.Takahashi: "Effects of imposed head vibration on the stability and waveform of flagellar beating in sea urchin spermatozoa." J.exp.Biol.,in press.(1991)
[Publications] Shingyoji,C.,J.Katada,K.Takahashi and I.R.Gibbons: "Rotating the plane of imposed vibration can rotate the plane of flagellar beating in sea urchin sperm without twisting the axoneme." J.Cell Sci.,in press.(1991)
[Publications] Takahashi,K.,C.Shingyoji,J.Katada,D.Eshel and I.R.Gibbons: "Polarity in spontaneous unwinding after prior rotation of the flagellar beat plane in sea urchin spermatozoa." J.Cell Sci.,in press.(1991)
[Publications] Ishii,N.,F.Mitsumori and K.Takahashi: "Changes in sarcoplasmic metabolite concentrations and pH associated with the catch contraction and relaxation of the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis measured by phosphorusー31 nuclear magnetic resonance." J.Muscle Res.Cell Motil.,12,in press.
[Publications] Machemer,H.,S.MachemerーRo^^¨hnisch,R Bra^^¨ucker and K.Takahashi: "Gravikinesis in Paramecium: Theory and isolation of a physiological response to the natural gravity vector." J.Comp.Physiol.,in press.
[Publications] Ishii,N.,F.Mitsumori,K.Takahashi,A.W.M.Simpson and C.C.Ashley: "Intracellular metabolite and free calcium concentrations during the‘catch'contracation and relaxation in a molluscan smooth muscle." Muscle Energetics(eds R.Paul,G.Elzinga and K.Yamada),Alan R.Liss,NY.463-464 (1989)
[Publications] HigashiーFujime,S.: "Actinーinduced elongation of fibers composed of cytoplasmic membrane from Nitella." Protoplasma. Suppl.2. 27-36 (1988)
[Publications] Okagaki,T.HigashiーFujime,S.Kohama,K.: "Ca^<++> activates actin filament sliding on scallop myosin but inhitits that on Physarum myosin." J.Biochem.(Tokyo). 106. 955-957 (1989)
[Publications] Takiguchi,K.HigashiーFujime,S.: "In vitro motility of skeletal muscle myosin and its proteolytic fragments." J.Biochem.(Tokyo). 107. 671-679 (1990)
[Publications] HigashiーFujime,S.: "Reconstitution of active movement in vitro based on actinーmyosin interaction." Int.Rev.Cytol.125. 95-138 (1991)
[Publications] Mabuchi,I.: "Cleavage furrow formation and actinーmodulating proteins." Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.582. 131-146 (1990)
[Publications] Yonemura,S.,Mabuchi,I.& Tsukita,S.: "Isolation of cleavage furrow from dividing sea urchin eggs." Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.582. 318-320 (1990)
[Publications] Mabuchi,I.& TakanoーOhmuro,H.: "Effects of inhibitors of myosin light chain kinase and other protein kinases on the first cell division of sea urchin eggs." Develop.Growth & Different.32. 549-556 (1990)
[Publications] Takagi,T.,Mabuchi,I.,Hosoya,H.,Furuhashi,K.& Hatano,S.: "Primary structure of profilins from two species of Echinoidea and <Physarum>___ー <polycephalum>___ー." Eur.J.Biochem.192. 777-781 (1990)
[Publications] Tsukita,Sh.,Tsukita,Sa,and Nagafuchi,A.: "The undercoat of adherens junctions: A key specialized structure in organogenesis and carcinogenesis." Cell Struct.Funct.15. 7-12 (1990)
[Publications] Nishikawa,S.,Tsukita,Sa.,Tsukita,Sh.and Sasa,S.: "Localization of adherens junction proteins along the possible sliding interface between secretory ameloblasts of the rat incisor." Cell Struct.Funct.15. 245-250 (1990)
[Publications] Sato,N.,Yonemura,S.Obinata,T.,Tsukita,Sa.,and Tsukita,Sh.: "Radixin,a barbedーendーcapping actinーmodulating protein,is concentrated at the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis." J.Cell Biol.(1991)
[Publications] Muto,E.,Kamiya,R.and Tsukita,Sh.: "Doubleーrowed organization of inner dynein arms in Chlamydomonas flagella revealed by tiltーseries thinーsection electron microscopy." J.Cell Sci.(1991)
[Publications] Tsukita,Sa.,Oishi,K.,Akiyama,T.,Yamanashi,Y.Yamamoto,T.and Tsukita,sh.: "Specific protoーoncogenic tyrosine kinases of src family are enriched in cellーtoーcell adherens junctions where the level of tyrosine phosphorylation is elevated." J.Cell Biol.
[Publications] Hisanaga,S.,Gonda,Y.,Inagaki,M.,Ikai,A.& Hirokawa,N.: "Effects of phosphorylation of the neurofilament L protein on filamentous structures." Cell Regulation. 1. 237-248 (1990)
[Publications] Hisanaga,S.& Hirokawa,N.: "Dephosphorylationーinduced interactions of neurofilament with microtubules." J.Biol.Chem.265. 21852-21858 (1990)
[Publications] Hisanaga,S.,Kusubata,M.,Okumura,E.& Kishimoto,T.: "Phosphorylation of neurofilament H subunit by cdc2 kinase dissociates the association to microtubules." Submitted.
[Publications] Hisanaga,S.,Inagaki,M.& Hirokawa,N.: "Phosphorylation of the native and the reassembled neurofilaments composed of triplet proteins by the catalytic subunit of the cAMPーdependent protein kinase." In preparation.
[Publications] Oka,M.T.,Arai,T.,& Hamaguchi,Y.: "Heterogeneity of microtubules in dividing sea urchin eggs revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy: Spindle microtubules are composed of tubulin isotypes different from those of astral microtubules." Cell Motil.Cytoskeleton. 16. 239-250 (1990)
[Publications] Oka,M.T.,Arai,T.,& Hamaguchi,Y.: "Microinjection of the monoclonal antiーtubulin antibody YL1/2 inhibits cleavage of sand dollar eggs." Cell Struct.Funct.15. 373-378 (1990)
[Publications] Saiki,T.,Kyozuka,K.,Osanai,K.,& Hamaguchi,Y.: "Chromosomal behavior in starfish (<Asterina>___ー <pectinifera>___ー) zygotes under the effect of aphidicolin,an inhibitor of DNA polymerase." Exp.Cell Res.(1991)
[Publications] Oka,M.T.,Arai,T.,& Hamaguchi,Y.: "Change in the heterogeneous distribution of tubulin isotypes in mitotic microtubules of the sea urchin egg by treatment with microtubule depolymerizing or stabilizing drugs." Cell Struct.Funct.(1991)
[Publications] 藤井 敏弘、中村 晶、小駒 喜郎、近藤 慶之、新井 孝夫: "Selective purification of microtubuleーassociated proteins 1 and 2 from the rat brain using poly[Lーaspartic acid]." Anal.Biochem.184. 268-273 (1990)
[Publications] 長谷川 成人、新井 孝夫、井原 康夫: "Immunochemical evidence that fragments of phosphorylated MAP5 (MAP1B) are bound to neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease." Neuron. 4. 909-918 (1990)
[Publications] 岡 美佳子、新井 孝夫、浜口 幸久: "Heterogeneity of microtubules in dividing sea urchin eggs revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy: Spindle microtubules are composed of tubulin isotypes different from those of astral microtubules." Cell Motil.Cytoskelet.16. 23-50 (1990)
[Publications] 岡 美佳子、新井 孝夫、浜口 幸久: "Microinjection of the monoclonal antiーtubulin antibody YL1/2 inhibits cleavage of sand dollar eggs." Cell Struct.Funct.15. 37-80 (1990)
[Publications] Castrucci,A.M.L.,Visconti,M.A.,Hadley,M.E.,Hruby,V.J.,Oshima,N.and Fujii,R.: "Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) control of chromatophores." Advances in Pigment Cell Research (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research Alan R.Liss,Inc.,New York.256. 547-557 (1988)
[Publications] Oshima,N.,Suzuki,M.,Yamaji,N.and Fujii,R.: "Pigment aggregation is triggered by an increase in free calcium ions within fish chromatophores." Comp.Biochem.Physiol.91A. 27-32 (1988)
[Publications] Aihara,M.,Kasukawa,H.,Fujii,R.and Oshima,N.: "Chemical characterization of reflecting platelets in motile iridophores of blue damselfish." Comp.Biochem.Physiol.92B. 533-536 (1989)
[Publications] Fujii,R.,Kasukawa,H.,Miyaji,K.and Oshima,N.: "Mechanism of skin coloration and its changes in blueーgreen damselfish,<Chromis>___ー <viridis.>___ー" Zool.Sci.477-486 (1989)
[Publications] Nagaishi,H.,Nishi,H.,Fujii,R.and Oshima,N.: "Correlation between body color and behavior in the upsideーdown catfish,<Synodontis>___ー <nigriventris.>___ー" Comp.Biochem.Physiol.92A. 323-326 (1989)
[Publications] Oshima,N.Kasukawa,H.and Fujii,R.: "Control of chromatophore movements in blueーgreen damselfish,<Chromis>___ー <viridis>___ー." Comp.Biochem.Physiol.93C. 239-245 (1989)
[Publications] Nagaishi,H.Oshima,N.and Fujii,R.: "Lightーrefrecting properties of the iridophores of the neon tetra,<Paracheirodon>___ー <innesi.>___ー" Comp.Biochem.Physiol.95A. 337-341 (1990)
[Publications] Fujii,R.,Wakatabi,H.and Oshima,N.: "Inositol 1,4,5ーtrisphosphate signals the motile response of fish chromatophoresーーーI.Aggregation of pigment in the tilapia melanoーphore." J.Exp.Zool.(1991)
[Publications] Fujii,R.,Hayashi,H.,Toyohara,J.and Nishi,H.: "Analysis of the reflection of light from motile iridophores of the dark sleeper,<Odontobutis obscura obscura>___ー." Zool.Sci.(1991)
[Publications] Mogami,Y.,Pernberg,J.& Machemer,H.: "Messenger role of calcium in ciliary electromotor coupling:a reassessment." Cell Calcium. 11. 665-673 (1990)
[Publications] Mogami,Y.& Machemer,H.: "CaーMg control of ciliary motion: a quantitative model study." Biomathematics. 89. 184-194 (1990)
[Publications] Mogami,Y.,Pernberg,J.& Machemer,H.: "Five different states of ciliary activity in the epaulette of echinoplutei." Journal of Experimental Biology. 155. (1991)
[Publications] Mogami,Y.,Fujima,K.& Baba,S.A.: "Ciliary beating in three dimensions: step of a quantitative description." Journal of Mathematical Biology. (1991)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一、伊藤 知彦: "微小管の動的性質(第11章) 細胞増殖・細胞運動 (シリ-ズ分子生物学の進歩・第7巻)" 丸善(株), 251 (1989)
[Publications] Kron,S.J.,Toyoshima,Y.Y.,Uyeda,T.Q.P.& Spudich,J.A.: "Assays for actin sliding movement over myosin coated surfaces.In“Methods in Enzymology"" Academic Press, (1990)
[Publications] Oka,M.T.,Arai,T.,& Hamaguchi,Y.: "Heterogeneity and assemblyーdisassembly of microtubules in dividing sea urchin eggs." In Proc.7th Internat.Echinoderm Conference,A.A.Balkema Pub.Rotterdam, (1990)
[Publications] Hamaguchi,Y.& Oka,M.: "Tubulin dynamics in spindle elongation in sand dollar eggs." In“Dynamics of Microtubules",Proc.14th Taniguchi Symp., 354-371 (1989)
[Publications] 藤井 良三: "第12章 色素細胞と体色変化.メダカの生物学(江上信雄他編) 185ー199頁," 東大出版会,東京., 315 (1990)
[Publications] 藤井 良三・大島 範子編: "生物学" 八千代出版,東京., 317 (1990)