[Publications] Hideki Ishida;石田 英樹: "2,5ーBis(dicyanomethylene)ー2,5ーdihydrofuran and Its Conjugated Homologues as Novel OxygenーContaining Electron Acceptors" Synthetic Metals. 41ー43. 811-814 (1991)
[Publications] Hisakazu Miyamoto;宮本 久一: "Dimethyl and Tetramethyl Derivatives of Anthra[1,9ーcd:4,10ーc',d']ーand Naphthaceno[5,6ーcd:11,12ーc'd']ーbis[1,2]dichalcogenoles" Synthetic Metals. 41ー43. 2389-2392 (1991)
[Publications] Kazuo Takimiya;瀧宮 和男: "Syntheses and Properties of Dimethyl and Tetramethyl Anthra[1,9ーcd:4,10ーc'd']bis[1,2]dichalcogenoles and Their chargeーTransfer Complexes" Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 64. 2091-2102 (1991)
[Publications] Kazuo Takimiya;瀧宮 和男: "Phenanthro [1,9ーcd:8,9ーc'd']bis[1,2]ーdithiole and ーdiselenole as Novel Electron Donors" Journal of The Chemical Society.Chemical Communications. No.3. 278-280 (1992)
[Publications] Fumio Ogura;小倉 文夫: "Design of Novel ChalcogenーContaining Organic Metals:Extensively Conjugated Electron Donors and Acceptors with Reduced OnーSite Coulomb Repulsion" Sulfur Reports.
[Publications] 安田 源: "希土類金属錯体に特有な触媒作用" 化学. 47. 74-75 (1992)
[Publications] Ken Takaki;高木 謙: "Yitterbium MetalーPromoted Reaction of ketimines with Carbon Dioxide" Chemistry Letters. No.3. 493-496 (1991)
[Publications] Koーichi Sato;佐藤 浩一: "PdーCayalyzed Regioー and Stereoーselective Carboxylation of Cycloーalkane with CO" Chemistry Letters. No.8. 1433-1436 (1991)
[Publications] Kazuyuki Nakata;中田 一之: "Palladium Catalyzed Carboxylation of Cyclohexane with Carbon Monoーoxide" Chemistry Letters. No.8. 1437-1440 (1991)
[Publications] Ken Takaki;高木 謙: "Trichlorolanthanoid(LnCl_3)/Zn Catalyzed Cyclodimerization of Chalcone" Chemistry Letters. No.9. 1665-1668 (1991)
[Publications] Ken Takaki;高木 謙: "Reductive Coupling of 2ーPropynー1ーones Promoted by Yb Metal or YbCl_3ーZn" Chemistry Letters. No.9. 1669-1672 (1991)
[Publications] ken Takaki;高木 謙: "Reaction of Chalcone Derivatives with Aromatic Aldehydes Promoted by Yitterbium Metal" Chemistry Letters.
[Publications] Shoji Yamanaka;山中 昭司: "Intercalation of LiClO_4 into the Organic Derivative of Layered Zirconium Phosphate" Chemistry Letters. No.7. 1225-1258 (1991)
[Publications] Masao Ohashi;大橋 正夫: "CoーIntercalation of Tetrahydrofuran and Propylene Carbonate with Alkali Metals in βーZrNCl Layer Structured Crystal" Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.,. 64. 2814-2818 (1991)
[Publications] Shoji Yamanaka;山中 昭司: "Design and Synthesis of Functional Layered Nanaocomposites" Ceramic Bulletin. 70. 1056-1058 (1991)
[Publications] 山中 昭司: "ミクロポ-ラスクリスタルの新しい合成" 表面. 29. 387-398 (1991)
[Publications] Shoji Yamanaka;山中 昭司: "γ→α Transformation inthe Layered Structured Zirconium Phosphate" Phosphorus Resarch Bulletin. 1. 51-56 (1991)
[Publications] Shoji Yamanaka;山中 昭司: "Anion Exchange Reaction in Layered Basic Copper Salts" Sold State Ionics.
[Publications] Shoji Yamanaka;山中 昭司: "Preparation and Ionic Conductivities of the Solid Solution of LiCl0_4ーOrganic Derivatives of Zirconium Phospate" Solid State Ionics.
[Publications] Jun Yano;矢野 淳: "Unique Electrochemical Response of a PolyanilineーFilm Coated Electrodes to Several Dissolved Organic Species" Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 70. (1992)
[Publications] Jun Yano;矢野 淳: "The Mechnistic Difference between Hydroquinone and Fe^<2+> in the Electrochemical Response of a PolyanilineーFilm Coated Electrode" Bulletin of The Chemical Society of Japan.
[Publications] 木谷 皓: "ポリアニリンの導電性及び機械的性質の向上" 電池技術. 4. (1992)
[Publications] Masaru Shiotani;塩谷 優: "Radical Cations of Cyclohexanes Alkylーsubstituted on one Carbon:An ESR Srudy of the JahnーTeller Disistorted HOMO of Cyclohexane" Jounal of Chemical Society,Perkin Transactions II. 711-719 (1991)
[Publications] L.Sjoqvist: "The Structure of the Azetidine Radical Caticon and the Neutral 1ーAzetidinyl Redical:an Theoretical abーinitio and ESR Study" Journal of the Chemical Society,Faraday Transactions. 87. 1083-1088 (1991)
[Publications] Nobuaki Ohta;太田 信昭: "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and INDOーMO Studies of 2ーmethylーbutane,3ーMethylpantane,and 3ーMethylhexane Cations Produced in Several halocarbon Matrices γーirradiated at 77k" Journal of Chemical Society,Farady Transactions. 87. 3869-3874 (1991)
[Publications] Junkichi Sohma;相馬 純吉: "SolidーState HighーResolution ^<13>CーNMR Study of Crosslinks in Heavily GammaーIrradiated Polyethylene" Radiat.Phys.Chem.(Int.J.Radiat.Appl.Instrum.,Part C). 37. 47-51 (1991)
[Publications] Masaru Shiotani;塩谷 優: "An Asymmetrically Distorted Structure of the 1ーMethylsilacyclohexane Radical Cations:ESR Evidence" Chemical Physics Letters. 188. 93-99 (1992)
[Publications] Hiroto Tachikawa: "Structure and Formation Mecahnisms of Methylー and DimethylーAcetylene Dimer Cations:ESR and ab Initio MO Studies" The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96. 164-171 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Kubozono: "Matrix Dependence og the Conformations of 1,4ーDiethylbenzene Redical Cation at Low Temperature" Spectrochimica Acta. 48A. 213-218 (1992)
[Publications] Joji Ohshita;大下 浄治: "Polymeric Organosilicon Systems.10.Synthesis and Conducting Properties of Poly[2,5ー(disilanylene)thienylenes" Macromolecules. 24. 2106-2107 (1991)
[Publications] Joji Ohshita;大下 浄治: "SiliconーCarbon Unsaturated Compounds.26.Photochemical Behavior of 1,4ーand 1,5ーBis(pentamethyldisilanyl)naphthalene" Organometallics. 10. 880-887 (1991)
[Publications] Joji Ohshita;大下 浄治: "SiliconeーCarbon Unsaturated Compounds.29.The Photochemical Behavior of 2,6ーand 2,7ーBis(pentamethyldisilanyl)naphthalene" Organometallics. 10. 2685-2695 (1991)
[Publications] Joji Ohshita;大下 浄治: "SiliconーCarbon Unsaturated Compounds.31.The Photochemical Behavior of 1,1ーand 1,2ーDinaphthyldisilanes" Organometallics. 10. 2695-2700 (1991)
[Publications] Joji Ohshita;大下 浄治: "Polymeric Organosilicon Systems.11.Synthesis and Some Properties of Poly[(disilanylene)butenyneー1,4ーdiyls]and Poly [(methylphenylーsilylene)ーbuteneyneー1,4ーdiyl]" Macromolecules.
[Publications] 藤原 祐三: "3族有機金属錯体の合成(実験化学講座18,有機金属錯体)" 丸善株式会社, 9 (1991)
[Publications] 服部 信: "多孔性セラミックスの開発と応用II" シ-エム-シ, 322 (1991)
[Publications] Masaru Shiotani;塩谷 優: "Handbook of Radiation chemistry(Ed.Y.Tabata):Chapter IX.B:ESR Spectra of Free Radicals Generated by Ionized Radiation" CRC Press, 24 (1990)
[Publications] A.Lund: "Radical Ionic SystemsーProperties in Condensed Phases (Editors.A.Lund;M.Shiotani)" Kluwer Academic Publisher, 496 (1991)
[Publications] M.Lindgren: "Radical Ionic Systems(Editors,A.Lund;M.Shiotani):Chapter 15,ESR Studies Cations of Radical of Cycloalkanes and Saturated Heterocycles" kluwer Acadimec Publisher, 26 (1991)
[Publications] Masaru Shiotani;塩谷 優: "Radical Ionic Systems(Ed.A.Lund;M.Shiotani):Chapter I.6,Deuterium Labelling Studies of Cation Radicals" Kluwer Academic Publisher, 26 (1991)
[Publications] Masaru Shiotani;塩谷 優: "Handbook of Radiation Chemistry(Ed.Y.Tabata):Chapter III.B.7:ESR Detection of Radicals Trapped in Soild" CRC Press, 6 (1991)