[Publications] I.Arisaka: "BARYON‐BARYON POTENTIALS IN TERMS OF GAUSSIAN BASIS [I] One Boson Exchange Potential" Few‐Body XIII. 158-159 (1992)
[Publications] I.Arisaka: "BARYON‐BERYON POTENTIALS IN TERMS OF GAUSSIAN BASIS [II] The Funabashi Gaussian potential" Few‐Body XIII. 160-161 (1992)
[Publications] I.Arisaka: "BARYON‐BARYON POTENTIALS IN TERMS OF GAUSSIAN BASIS [III] The Σ^+P Gausssian potential" Few‐Body XIII. 162-163 (1992)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "Scattering of polarized electons in isoscalar nuclear transitions and the strange anomalous magnetic moment form factor of the nucleon" Nucl.Phys.A515. 609-620 (1990)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "Study of the isoscalar weak neutral current by inelastic υ scattering from ^<12>C and ^<10>B" Phys. Letts.B252. 323-326 (1990)
[Publications] T.Suzuki: "Effects of valence nucleon orbits and charge symmetry breaking interaction on the Nolen‐Schiffer anomaly of mirror nuclei" Nucl. Phys.A536. 141-158 (1992)
[Publications] K.Tanabe: "Microscopic structure of the superdeformed rotational band in ^<132>Ce" prog. Theor. Phys.83. 1149-1155 (1990)
[Publications] K.Tanabe: "Proof of the extended Bloch‐Messiah theorem in the thermal Hartree‐Fock‐Bogoliubov theory" Phys. Letts.B. 247. 202-205 (1990)
[Publications] K.Tanabe: "Microscopic properties of the superdeformed rotational states in the light rare‐earth nuclei ^<132>Ce and ^<134,136>Nd" Phys.Letts.B. 259. 12-18 (1991)
[Publications] 和田 正信 他: "Baryon‐Baryon Potentials in Terms of Gaussian Basis (I)" XIV International Conference on Few‐Body Problems in Physics. 158-159 (1992)
[Publications] 大日方 聡夫 他: "Baryon‐Baryon Potentials in Terms of Gaussian Basis (II)" XIII International Conference on Few‐Body Problems in Physics. 160-161 (1992)
[Publications] 中川 公子 他: "Baryon‐Baryon Potentials in Terms of Gaussian Basis (III)" XIII International Conference on Few‐Body Problems in Physics. 162-163 (1992)
[Publications] N. Yoshida: "Spin Dependence of Moment of Inertia and IBM" Phys. Lett.B256. 129-133 (1991)
[Publications] N. Takigawa: "Interaction Potential and Fusion of a Halo Nucleus" Phys.Lett.B265. 23-28 (1991)
[Publications] S. Okabe: "Light Σ‐hypernuclei and α‐clustering" Nucl. Phys.A514. 613-620 (1990)
[Publications] Y. Suzuki: "Electromagnetic Dissociation of ^<11>Li and Soft Dipole Mode" Nucl. Phys.A517. 599-614 (1990)
[Publications] Y. Suzuki: "The Ground‐state Structure and the Soft Dipole Mode of the He Nucleus" Nucl. Phys.A528. 395-408 (1991)
[Publications] Y. Suzuki: "Isobaric Analogue Halo States" Phys. Lett.B272. 173-177 (1991)
[Publications] Y. Hashimoto: "A Microscopic Theory of Dissipative Nuclear Collective Motions" Thermal Field Theories. 223-231 (1991)
[Publications] H. Kurasawa: "The ω‐Meson Mass and the Nucleon Size in Nuclei" Prog. Theor. Phys.84. 1030-1035 (1990)
[Publications] T.Kishimoto: "Perturbation Expansion in Dynamical Nuclear Field Theory and Its Relation with BosonExpansion Theory" Prog. Theor. Phys.84. 470-493 (1990)
[Publications] T.Kishimoto: "Exact Relation between Dynamical Nuclear Field Theory and Boson Expansion Theory in a Tamm‐Dancoff‐Boson system" Prog. Theor. Phys.85. 1057-1077 (1991)
[Publications] 岸本 照夫: "2体相互作用効果を取り入れたボゾン展開の可能性 ーDNFT法による簡単な模型での考察ー" 素粒子論研究. 84. B36-B40 (1991)
[Publications] M.Kamimura: "Non‐adiabatic quantum three‐body calculation of excited‐state muon tranfer" Muon Catalyzed Fusion. 5. 33-42 (1990)
[Publications] M. Kamimura: "Coupled rearrangement channel Calculations of muonic molecules and A=3 nuclei" Nucl. Phys.A508. 17-28 (1990)
[Publications] Y. Iseri: "Spin‐dependent interactions and polarization observables in elastic scattering of deuteron at intermediate energies" Nucl. Phys.A533. 574-600 (1991)
[Publications] H. Sagawa: "Sum Rule Approach for Decoupled Dipole Mode" Phys. Lett.B251. 17-22 (1990)
[Publications] T. Hoshino: "Giant Resonances in Light Neutron‐rich Nuclei" Nucl. Phys.A523. 228-246 (1991)
[Publications] K. Itonaga: "Polarization in p‐Shell Λ‐Hypernuclear Productions" Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Mesons & Light Nuclei. Praque,1991. Supple Few‐Body Physics.
[Publications] K. Itonaga: "Hypernuclear Polarization and Λ‐Spin Polarization in (π^+,K^+) and (K^‐,π^‐) Reactions" Proc. Int. Symp. on Hypernuclear and strange particle Physics,Shimoda,1991.Nucl.Phys.
[Publications] T. Harada: "Structure of the Σ Hypernuclear State" Nucl. Phys.A507. 715-730 (1990)
[Publications] S. Tadokoro: "Nucleus‐Σ Potential" Phys. Rev.C42. 2591-2596 (1990)
[Publications] S. Nakaichi: "Lightest Double‐Λ Hypernucleus" Prog. Theor. Phys.84. 1025-1029 (1990)
[Publications] N. Takigawa: "Dynamic polarization potential induced by the Coulomb excitation of deformed heavy ions:Geometric scattering approach" Phys. Rev.C44. 477-484 (1991)
[Publications] N. Takigawa: "A geometric approach to strong coupling effects in heavy‐ion collisions Deviation from the Fresnel diffraction pattern" Phys. Letts.B262. 199-204 (1991)
[Publications] N. Takigawa: "Interaction potential and fusion of a halo nucleus" Phys. Letts.B265. 23-28 (1991)
[Publications] K. Muto: "β^+ Decays of Very proton‐Rich sd‐Shell Nuclei" Phys. Rev.C43. 1487-1490 (1991)
[Publications] K. Muto: "A Comparative Study of Double Beta Decay by Shell Model and Οuasiparticle RPA" Z. Phys.A339. 435-444 (1991)
[Publications] A. Stsudt: "Nuclear Matrix Elements for Double Positron Emission" Phys. Lett.268B. 312-316 (1991)
[Publications] S. Tazaki: "Variation of pairing correlations caused by nuclear rotation" Phys. Rev. C. 43. 596-601 (1991)
[Publications] 武藤 一雄: "原子核の二種ベ-タ崩壊とニュ-トリノの質量 ー核構造の視点からー" 素粒子論研究. 84. 121-151 (1991)
[Publications] M. Doi: "Effect of Meson Exchange Current on Deuteron Muon Capture" Nucl. Phys.(North Holland). A511. 507-524 (1990)
[Publications] M. Doi: "Muon Capture in Hyperfine States of Muonic Deuterium" Prog. Theor. Phys.(Kyoto). 86. 13-16 (1991)
[Publications] N. Odagawa: "Charged Pion Photoproduction on the p‐Shell Nuclei at Low Energy and Roscattering Effect of a Pion" Prog. Theor. Phys.(Kyoto). 86. 1277-1288 (1991)
[Publications] 百木 悟郎: "Yukawa Type Interaction in Tin Region" Reports of Research Institute of Industry Technology,Nihon University. 35. (1991)
[Publications] H.Horiuchi: "Trends in Theoretical Physics Vol.II, Chapt 13" Addison‐Wesley, 72 (1991)
[Publications] W.von Oertzen: "Nucleonic Orbitals in the Valence Particle plus Core Model of Nuclear Reactions" Proc.of International Conf.on nuclear and Atomic Clusters 1991,Finland, 11 (1991)