[Publications] T.Matsumoto: "Tunneling spectra of Au/Bi_2Sr_2CuO_6 thin film/Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 single crystal junctions with well defined interface"
[Publications] K.Horiuchi: "Crystal structures and superconductivities of (La,Sr)_2CuO_4/Sm_2CuO_4 and YBa_2Cu_3O_7/(La,Sr)_2CuO_4"
[Publications] T.Kawai: "High Tc superconducting artificial lattice as a new material" Physica C,. 198-203 (1991)
[Publications] S.Hontsu: "LaSrCaO_4 substrate gives origented crystalline YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ーy> films" Appl。Phys.Lett.59. 2886-2888 (1991)
[Publications] K.Horiuchi: "Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_8/Bi_2Sr_2Cu_1O_6 superconducting superlattices:Modulation of the number of CuO_2 plane between Bi_2O_2 layers" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.30. 1381-1383 (1991)
[Publications] M.Kanai: "Synthesis of tailored thin films of oxide superconductors by laser ablation" High Performance Ceramic Films and Coatings. 107 (1991)
[Publications] M.Wakatsuki,S.Hayakawa,S.Aoki,Y.Gohshi and A.Iida and A.Iida: "Detection of Impurities of Diamond grown in the metallic solvent by xーray fluorescence using synchrotron radiation." in "New Diamond Science and Technology",ed.by R.Messier,et al,pp.143ー148,MRS,Pittsburg,1991. 143-148 (1991)
[Publications] K.J.Takano,H.Harashima and M.Wakatsuki: "New highーpressure phases of carbon." Japan.J.Appl.Phys.,30(5A),1991,L860ーL863. L860-L863 (1991)
[Publications] K.J.Takano and M.Wakatsuki: "An optical high pressure cell with spherical sapphire anvils." Rev.Sci.Instru.,62(6),1991,1576ー1580. 1576-1580 (1991)
[Publications] A.Yamamoto,T.Yamada,H.Ikawa,O.Fukunaga K.Tanaka,F.Marumo: "Modulated Structure of Zirconium Titanate" Acta Cryst.C. C47. 1588-1591 (1991)
[Publications] H.Hirai,O.Fukunaga O.Odawara: "Effect of Microwave Power on Hydrogen Content in Chemically Vapor Deposited Diamond Films" J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 74. 1715-1718 (1991)
[Publications] H.Ikawa,H.Shimojima,K.Urabe,O.Fukunaga: "Thermal Expansion of Solid Solutions in the ZrTiO_4ーIn_2O_3ーM_2O_5(M=Sb,Ta)System" J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 74. 1899-1904 (1991)
[Publications] T.Yamanaka and K,Ogata: "Structure refinement of GeO_2 polymorphs at high pressures and temperatures by energy dispersive spectra" Jour.Appl.Cryst.24. 111-118 (1991)
[Publications] T.Kotani,T.Yamanaka J。Hama: "ーEffects of thermal vibration on the valenceーelectron ーdensity and the forbidden Xーray reflection in C and Si。" Phys.Rev.B.44. 6131-6136 (1991)
[Publications] O.Ohtaka,T.Yamanaka,S。Kume and E.Ito: "Stability of monoclinic and orthorhombic ZrO_2:Studies by high pressure phase equilibria and calorimetry" Jour.Amer.Ceram.Soc.74. 505-509 (1991)
[Publications] H.Takizawa: "High Pressure Synthesis and Electrical and Magnetic Properties of MnGe_4 and GoGe_4" Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 88. 384-390 (1990)
[Publications] 滝沢 博胤: "遷移金属ゲルマニウム化物の構造と物性" 素材物性学雑誌. 4. 64-74 (1991)
[Publications] H.Takizawa: "Preparation,Crystal Structure,and Magnetic Properties of Mn_<1ーx>T_xGe_4(T:Co,Fe)" Journal of Solid State Chemistry.
[Publications] J.Zeng: "Combustion Synthesis of Sialon Powders" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.73. 3700-3702 (1991)
[Publications] J.Zeng: "Combustion Synthesis of Si_3N_4ーSiC Composite Powders" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.74. 2197-2200 (1991)
[Publications] X.Ma: "A New Route for New Composites:GasーPressure Combustion Sintering" Proc.lst Int.Symp.on the Science of Engineering Ceramics. 7-12 (1991)
[Publications] M.Ohyanagi: "Characterization of TiC formed by SHS" J.SHS. 1.
[Publications] Katsuhisa Tanaka: "Synthesis of new amorphous oxides with ferromagnetic character in iron oxideーbased systems" Journal of Applied Physics. 69. 7752-7755 (1991)
[Publications] Katsuhisa Tanaka: "Microstructure of rapidly quenched bismuth iron oxide systems with ferromagnetic character" Japanese Journal of Applied physics. 30. L2095-L2097 (1991)
[Publications] A.Shimizu,Y.J.Hao: "Prediction of powder reoction rote from HaoーTanaka's model" Ado,Powder Tech.2. 103-109 (1991)
[Publications] W.Yang;M.Tabata;S.Kobayaski and A,Shimizu: "Synthesis of UltraーHigh molecularーWeight Aromotic Polyacetykns with〔Rh(nonbornadiene)Cl〕_2ーTriethylamne and A olvontーlnduced Crystsllization of Obtained Amorkhous Polyacetylans" Polymer Journal. 23. 1135-1138 (1991)
[Publications] 清水 晃,〓 玉軍,佐々木 浩史: "固溶体層をともなう一方拡散固体間反応速度に関する一考寮" 粉体工学会誌. 29. (1992)
[Publications] K.Niihara,A.Nakahiva: "Strengthening and toughening Mechanisms in Nanocomposite Ceramics" Ann.Chim.Fr.479-486 (1991)
[Publications] K.Niihara: "New Design Concept of Structural CeramicsーNanocompositeー" J.Ceram.Soc.Japan. 99. 974-922 (1991)
[Publications] A.Sawaguchi,K.Toda and K.Niihara: "Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Silicon NitrideーSilicon Carbide Nanocomposite Material." J.Amer.Ceram.soc.74. 1142-1144 (1991)
[Publications] K.Komeya: "High strength silicon Nitride Ceramics Obtained by Graimーboundary Crystallization" J.Mats.Sci. 26. 5513-5516 (1991)
[Publications] K.Komeya: "Thermal Properties of Aeuminum Nitride Polytypes" Proc.of the 8th JapanーKorea Seminar on Ceramics. 99-102 (1991)
[Publications] K.Komeya: "Synthesis of A&N powders by Carboーthermal Riduction Nitridation" J.Ceram.Soc.Japan.
[Publications] 武藤 範雄: "半導体セラミック単繊維による赤外線感知" 日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌. 99. 608-612 (1991)
[Publications] Yoshinobu Nakamura: "Oxidizing Gas Senging by SiC/ZnO Heterocontact" 日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌. 99. 823-825 (1991)
[Publications] Guang Pan: "Preparation of Semiconducting Fiber by Pyrolysis of Polyacrylonitrile Precursor" J.Mater.Sci. 27. (1992)
[Publications] T.Yogo: "Synthesis of polycrystalline alumina fibre with aluminium chelate precursor" J.Mater.Sci.26. 5292-5296 (1991)
[Publications] T.Yogo: "Synthesis of cubic boron nitride with boron nitride powder formed from triammoniadecaborane" J.Mater.Sci.26. 3758-3762 (1991)
[Publications] T.Yogo: "Synthesis and properties of platinumーdispersed carbon by pressure pyrolysis of organoplatinum copolymer" J.Mater.Sci.26. 1363-1367 (1991)
[Publications] I.Tanaka: "Growth and Superconductive Properties of La_2CuO_4 Single Crystals." Advances in Superconductivity III. 455-458 (1991)
[Publications] M.Shimada: "Optical Properties and Transition Temperatures of La_<2ーx>Sr_xCuO_4 Crystals(x=0,0.14,0.19)" Physica C. 185ー189. 951-952 (1991)
[Publications] I.Tanaka: "Growth and Superconductivity fo Nd_<2ーx>Ce_xCuO_4Single Crystals" Physica C. 185ー189. 437-438 (1991)
[Publications] Kwang Jim kim: "“Tentative Phase Diagram of the System PbF_2ーBiF_3"" Solid state lonics. 44. 281-285 (1991)
[Publications] Koji Kajiyoshi: "“Preparation of Tetragonal BaTiO_3 Thin Film on Ti Metal Substrate by llydrothermal Method″" J.Am.Cer.Soc.74. 369-374 (1991)
[Publications] Koji Kajiyoshi: "“Heteroepitaxial Growth of BaTiO_3 thin Films on SrTiO_3 Substrates under Hydrothermal Conditions"" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.30. L120-L123 (1991)
[Publications] Yoshiyuki Yokogawa: "“Lattice Energy and Polymorphism of Rare Earth Oxides"" J.Matcr.Sci.Lett.10. 509-511 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Yokogawa: "“High Temperature Phase Relationship in the System Y_2O_3ーTa_2O_5" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.74. 2077-2081 (1991)
[Publications] Yoshiyuki Yokogawa: "“High Temperature Phase Relationship in the System Gd_2O_3ーTa_2O_5"" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.74. 2073-2076 (1991)
[Publications] 吉村 昌弘: "「ジルコニアの相安定性」" ジルコニアセラミックス. 11. 1-14 (1991)
[Publications] 吉村 昌弘: "「水熱電気化学法によるペロブスカイト型酸化物膜の作製」" セラミックス26'. 3. 197-198 (1991)
[Publications] 吉村 昌弘: "「水熱合成によるセラミクス粉体」" エレクトロニク・セラミクス. 22. 4-9 (1991)
[Publications] Kohei Kodaira: "Preparation and properties of SuO_2 thin fihus by dipーcoating method" Ceramic Transactions. 11. 301-306 (1990)
[Publications] Tsuyoshi Furusaki: "Preparation and properties of Iu_2O_3 thin films by the solーgel method" High Perfornance Ceramic Films and Cootings. 241-247 (1991)
[Publications] Tsuyoshi Furusaki: "Preparation of SuO_2 thin films by solーgel method"
[Publications] 外薗 聡子,永井 秀明,加藤 昭夫: "均一沈殿法によるスピネル粉体の合成" 日本化学会誌. 1991. 275-280 (1991)
[Publications] S.Hokazono,K.Manako,A.Kato: "Sintering Behavior of Spinel Powders Produced by Homogeneous Precipitation Technique" Br.Ceram.Trans.Jour.
[Publications] 加藤 昭夫: "水溶液法による微粒子の製造" 資源処理技術. 37. 70-74 (1990)
[Publications] S.Sakka,T.Adachi: "Stability of SolーGel Derived Porous Silica Monolith to Solvents" J.Mater.Sci.25. 3408-3414 (1990)
[Publications] J.Kang;T.Yoko;S.Sakka: "Preparation of LeadーBased Perovskite Films by SolーGel Method and Their Properties" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.30,9B. 2182-2185 (1991)
[Publications] S.Sakka;T.Yoko: "OrganometallicーDerived Ceramics" Ceramics International. 17. 217-225 (1991)
[Publications] 平野 眞一: "有機金属化合物共重合体の加圧熱分解によるコバルトフェライト分散炭素の合成" 日本化学会誌. 1261-1265 (1991)
[Publications] S.Hirano: "Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Metal and Ferriteーdispersed Carbons" Ceramic Transactions. 19. 421-432 (1991)
[Publications] S.Hirano: "Synthesis of Nickelーzinc Ferriteーdispersed carbon Composite Particles from Organometallic Compounds" Ceramic Transactions. 22. 33-38 (1991)
[Publications] M.Tatsumisago: "Preparation of BiーPbーCaーSrーCuーO Superconducting Thick Films Using SprayーPyrolyzed Fine Powders" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.30. 952-953 (1991)
[Publications] N.Tohge: "preparation Conditions and Morphology of Superconducting Fine Particles in the BiーCaーSrーCuーO System Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis" J.Am.Ceram.Soc.74. 2117-2122 (1991)
[Publications] H.Chigusa: "Tungsten Doping to HighーT_c BiーPbーCaーSrーCuーO thick Films Prepared by MeltーSolidification" J.Mater,Sci,Lett.16. (1992)
[Publications] M.Ohashi: "CoーIntercalation of Tetrahydrofuran and Propylene Carbonate with Alkali Metals in βーZrNCl Layer Structured Crystal" Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.64. 2814-2818 (1991)
[Publications] M.Ohashi: "Nitridation of Calcium Stabilized Zirconia" Mat.Res.Bull.
[Publications] K.Kamo and Y.Sato: "Depos,tion of Diamond Crystal at Substrate Temperature Lower than 500℃" Proc.and Internatinal Cof.on New Diamond Science & Technology. 467-472 (1991)
[Publications] T.Hirai and H.Yamane: "MOCVD superconducting oxide films" J.Cryst.Growth. 107. 683-691 (1991)
[Publications] 中沢 秀伸,山根 久典,平井 敏雄: "CVD法によるチタン酸バリウム薄膜の合成" 日本セラミックス協会・学術論文誌. 99. 527-529 (1991)
[Publications] H.Nakazawa,H.Yamane and T.Hirai: "Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of BaTO_3 Films on MgO(100)" Jpm.J.Appl.phys.30. 2200-2203 (1991)
[Publications] 高橋 昌男: "反応性スパッタ法で作製したCu_3NーTiN系窒化物薄膜の電子状態" 材料. 40. 1093-1099 (1991)
[Publications] 吉川 信一: "Metal nitride composites in nanoーscale as functional ceramics" MEMOIRS of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research Osaka University. 48. (1991)
[Publications] 吉川 信一: "Rfーsputter deposition of boron nitride thin films" Nucl.Instrum.Methods. B59/60. 341-343 (1991)
[Publications] M.Mieno and T.Yoshida: "The preparation of cubic boron nitride films by bias aputtering" Proceedings of japan symposium on plasma chemistry. 3. 195-200 (1991)
[Publications] M.Mieno and T.YoShida: "Preparation of cubic boron nitride films by radio frequency bias sputtering" Surface and coating technology. in press. (1992)
[Publications] M.Mieno and T.Yoshida: "Preparation of cubic boron nitride films by radio frequency bias sputtering" Proceedings on ISPCー10. 3. PaPer2.4-5 (1991)
[Publications] H.Yasuoka: "Optical AbsorptionSpectra of SingleーCrystal YBa_2Cu_3O_y Films" Physica C. 175. 192-196 (1991)
[Publications] K.Kamigaki: "Anomalous Misfit Strain Relaxation in Ultrathin YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ー> Epitaxial Films." J.Appl.Phys.69. 3653-3662 (1991)
[Publications] 藤井 達生: "メスバウァ-分光法によるBi_3Fe_5O_<12>単結晶膜の磁気的性質の研究" 粉体および粉末治金. 38. 427-430 (1991)
[Publications] T.Aomine: "Behaviours of Transport Critical Currents in Low Magnetic Fields for YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ー8> Single Crystalline Films。" Supercond.Sci.Technol.4. S373-S375 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Iye: "Anomalous Angular Dependence of Dissipation in Layered HighーTemperaturd Superconductors." Physica C. 177. 393-400 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Bando: "RHEED Study of Crystal Growth of High Temperature Superconducting Oxides in Reactive Coevaporation." Physica C. 180. 3-10 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Ochiai: "Low Temperature Magnetoresistance in Gd_<1ーx>Pr_xBa_2Cu_3O_y." Physica C. 185ー189. 1131-1132 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Matsuda: "Transport Properties of Ultrathin YBCO Films and YBCO/PrBCO." Physica C. 185ー189. 2055-2056 (1991)
[Publications] T.Terashima: "Superconductivity of OneーUnitーCell Thick YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Thin Film." Phys.Rev.Lett.67. 1362 (1991)
[Publications] M.Takano: "Conversion Electron Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Epitaxial Iron Oxide Films." Mat.Res.Soc.Symp.Proc.232. 319-324 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Bando: "Structure and Properties of Ultrathin Film and Superlattice of YBCO Grown Using RHEED Oscillation Monitaring." 3rd Workshop on High Temperature Superconducting Electron Devices(FED HiTcScーED Workshop),May 15ー17,1991,Kumamoto.202 (1991)
[Publications] T.Nishizaki: "Anistroppy of Transport Critical Currents and Intrinsic Pinning Properties in YBa_2Cu_3O_<7ー8> SingleーCrystal Thin Films." Physica C. 185ー189. 2259-2260 (1991)
[Publications] 若槻 雅男: "実験化学講座4,熱・圧力(11・4・1 ダイヤモンドと窒化ホウ素の合成PP.490ー497を担当)" 丸善株式会社, 534 (1992)
[Publications] 宮本 欽生: "ニュ-セラミックス「加圧燃焼焼結法」" T.I.C., 6 (1991)
[Publications] 宮本 欽生: "電子材料「傾斜機能材料の展開と新しい応用」" 工業調査会, 6 (1992)
[Publications] 米屋 勝利(共著): "21世紀へ羽ばたくセラミックス" 日本セラミックス協会, (1991)
[Publications] 宗宮 重行,吉村 昌弘,正木 孝樹 共編: "「ジルコニアセラミックス11」" 内田老鶴圃, 159 (1991)
[Publications] Y.Sato and M.Kamo: "The Properties of Natural & Synthetic Diamond “Chapter 11 Synthesis of Diamond from the Vapeeur Phase"" Slademic Press., (1992)