[Publications] 佐藤 一憲,佐々木 顕,松田 博嗣: "生物集団の格子模型" 数理解析研究所講究録“Mathematical Topics in Biology". 762. 111-122 (1991)
[Publications] Teramoto,Ei: "Simple community model of oneーsided competition." J.Math.Biol.(1992)
[Publications] Teramoto,Ei: "Size distribution of growing colonies" J.Math.Biol.(1992)
[Publications] Shigesada,N.,Kawasaki,K.,Tsumura,O.& Teramoto,E.: "The role of mulーtiple invasions of predators in organizing biological communities." Tech.Report Oak Ridge Natl.Lab.(1992)
[Publications] Takasu,F.,Kawasaki,K.,Nakamura,H.,Cohen,J.E.,& Shigesada,N.: "Modeling the populatin dynamics of a cuckooーhost association and the evolution of host defenses." Amer.Natur.(1992)
[Publications] Higashi,M.,Yamamura,N.,Abe,T.& Burns,T.: "Why don't all termite species have a sterile worker caste?" Proc.Roy,Soc.B.246. 1315-1319 (1991)
[Publications] Yamamura,& Higashi,M.: "An Evolutinary theory of conflict resolution between relatives: Altruism,manipulatin,compromise"" Evolution. (1992)
[Publications] Nakajima,H.: "Sensitivity and Stability of Flow Networks." Ecological modelling. (1992)
[Publications] Iizuka,M.,& Ogura,Y.: "Convergence of oneーdimensional diffusion processes to a jump process related to populatin genetics" Journal of Mathematical Biology. 29. 671-687 (1991)
[Publications] Iizuka,M.: "Genealogical process in models with migration and selection." 数理解析研究所講究録“Mathematical Topics in Biology". 762. 7-18 (1991)
[Publications] Iwasa,Y.,K.Sato,and S.Nakashima: "Dynamic modelling of wave regeneration (Shimagare) in subalpine Abies forests" Journal of Theoretical Biology. 152. 143-158 (1991)
[Publications] Iwasa,Y.: "Pessimistic plants:the optimal growth schedule in fluctuating environments" Theoretical Population Biology. 40. 246-268 (1991)
[Publications] Cohen,J.E.,Y.Iwasa,Gh.Rautu,M.B.Ruskai,E.Seneta and Gh.Zbaganu.: "Relative entropy under mappings by stochastic matrices." Linear Algebra and Its Applications. (1992)
[Publications] Iwasa,Y.,A.Yamauchi and S.Nozoe: "The optimal Seasonal timing of univotline and bivoltine insects." Ecological Research. (1992)
[Publications] Tsumura,O.,Kawasaki,K.,& Shigesada,N.(H.Kawanabe,J.Cohen,& K.Iwasaki,eds.): "Modelling indirect effect of predation on community Structure.In“Mutualism and Organization of Naytural Communities"" Oxford Univ.Press, (1992)
[Publications] 伊藤 嘉昭,山村 則男,嶋田 正和: "動物生態学" 蒼樹書房, (1992)
[Publications] Kawasaki,K.,Nakajima,H.,Shigesada,N.& Teramoto,E.(M.Higashi,& T.P.Burns,eds.): "Structure,Stability and Succession of Model Competition Systems.In Theoretical Studies of Ecosystems" Cambridge Univ.Press, (1991)
[Publications] 巌佐 庸: "進化における性の役割.『生態学からみた進化』講座「進化」第4巻" 東京大学出版会, (1992)