Research Abstract |
Through analyzes of the processes of the conceptual designs of floating business city, marine leisure terminal, deep water station and floating airport, which have been carried out in the laboratory to which the researchers of this study belong, the items commonly required to the conceptual design were extracted and arranged to form a flow diagram. In this diagram, the items are arranged as an order of analysis of needs, creation of idea, generation of concept, principal design, analysis and evaluation and optimization. Considering that the process up to determination of the principal plan is the first stage, the further detailed flow diagram up to the end of this stage of floating structural systems was discussed and proposed. The important elemental technologies included in this detailed flow diagram are as follows : (1) survey methods of environmental conditions and conversion of them into design inputs, especially wave and wind loads for large scale semisubmersibles, (2) regarding selection of floating structural configuration, mooring system and main material, development of the selection method, (3) development of determination method of initial dimension of structural members, (4) regarding static and dynamic response analysis method, determination methods of structural modeling, hydrodynamic coefficients and wave exciting force. Finally, the plans of four examples of floating structures described in the beginning, the floating business city, the marine leisure terminal, the deep water station and the floating airport were modified to more rational concept according to the proposed process.