[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "Peptide α-amidation is achieved by two distinct enzyme molecules encoded in a single mRNA" Proceeding of the Yamada Conference. 27. 113-116 (1991)
[Publications] Kitagawa,M.: "rig encodes ribosomal protein S15.:The primary structure of mammalian ribosomal protein S15." FEBS Letters. 283. 210-214 (1991)
[Publications] Sugawara,A.: "Sequence of the chicken rig gene encoding ribosomal protein S15." Gene. 108. 313-314 (1991)
[Publications] Okamoto,S.: "A diurnal variation of vasoactive intestinal peptide(VIP)mRNA under a daily light-dark cycle in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus." Histochemistry. 95. 525-528 (1991)
[Publications] Hasegawa,S.: "Isolation of a cDNA encoding chicken insulin precursor." Anim.Sci.Technol.(Jpn.). 62. 867-869 (1991)
[Publications] Noguchi,M.: "The sorce of oxygen atom in the α-hydroxyglycine intermediate of peptidylglycin α-amidating reaction." Proceeding of the first biennial international conference on amino acid research frontiers and new horizons.61 (1991)
[Publications] 加藤一郎: "ペプチドC末端アミド化反応を触媒する2つの酵素は一本のmRNAより合成される." 生化学. 63. 1209-1213 (1991)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "The reaction mechanism and the enzymes concerned in the carboxyl-terminal α-amidation of VIP and related peptides." Biomedical Research,Suppl.1. 12. 3 (1991)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "膵ホルモン前駆体の構造と進化." 分子糖尿病学. 2. 27-32 (1991)
[Publications] 米倉秀人: "reg遺伝子の構造と組織特異的発現." 日本臨床,増刊号. 49. 752-759 (1991)
[Publications] 志賀清人: "rig遺伝子の構造と発現" 日本臨床,増刊号. 49. 760-768 (1991)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "rig(rat insulinoma gene)のコードする細胞内蛋白の同定." 糖尿病,Supplement. 34. 159 (1991)
[Publications] 渡辺琢夫: "胎生期および生後ラット膵におけるregの発現." 糖尿病,Supplement. 34. 161 (1991)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "ニワトリPancreatic Polypeptide cDNA及び遺伝子の構造決定;Pancreatic Polypeptide遺伝子のモザイク進化." 糖尿病,Supplement. 34. 174 (1991)
[Publications] 飯田年以: "ペプチドC末端アミド化反応に関与する脱アルキル化酵素の性質." 生化学. 63. 759 (1991)
[Publications] 野口正人: "ペプチドホルモンのC末端アミド化反応においてα-ヒドロキシグリシン中間体にとりこまれる酸素原子の由来." 生化学. 63. 761 (1991)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "酵母rig遺伝子の構造決定とその産物の同定." 生化学. 63. 847 (1991)
[Publications] 志賀清人: "ヒトrig遺伝子の転写調節因子." 生化学. 63. 900 (1991)
[Publications] 海野倫明: "2種のマウスreg遺伝子(reg-I,reg-II)の構造と発現." 生化学. 64. 1012 (1991)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "Pancreatic Polypeptide遺伝子の分子進化." 生化学. 64. 1012 (1991)
[Publications] 宮崎修吉: "食道癌における原癌遺伝子c-myc発現の多角的解析." Proceedings of the Japanease Cancer Association(Jpn.J.Cancer Res.). 115 (1991)
[Publications] 木村伯子: "Human reg mRNAの局在とその蛋白の膵腫瘍診断における有用性." Proceedings of the Japanease Cancer Association(Jpn.J.Cancer Res.). 309 (1991)
[Publications] 日高浩史: "Pancreatic Polypeptide遺伝子のモザイク進化;ニワトリPancreatic Polypeptide cDNAおよび遺伝子の構造決定." 生化学. 63. 1259 (1991)
[Publications] 志賀清人: "ヒトrig遺伝子の転写調節領域と転写因子." 生化学. 63. 1259 (1991)
[Publications] Noguchi,M.: "The source of oxygen atom in the α-hydroxyglycine intermediate of the peptidylglycine α-amidating reaction." Biochemical Journal. 283. 883-888 (1992)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "Cyclic ADP-ribose,a novel second messenger for intracellular Ca^<++> mobilization in pancreatic islets." 1st IUBMB Conference Abstracts. 218 (1992)
[Publications] Takasawa,S.: "Structural determination of Saccharomyces cerevisiae rig gene and identification of its product as ribosomal protein S21." FEBS Letters. 307. 318-323 (1992)
[Publications] Takasawa,S.: "The primary structure of rat rig/ribosomal protein S15 gene." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1132. 228-230 (1992)
[Publications] Kimura,N.: "Detection of multiple hormones and their mRNAs in human neuroblastoma cell line NB-1 using in situ hybridization,immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay." Virchows Archiv.B Cell Pathol.62. 321-327 (1992)
[Publications] Kimura,N.: "Expression of reg mRNA and its product in human normal and neoplastic pancreas." Cancer. 70. 1857-1863 (1992)
[Publications] 海野倫明: "The reg gene family(regIとregII)の構造と発現." 分子糖尿病学. 3. 19-25 (1992)
[Publications] 海野倫明: "膵ラ島再生蛋白(reg蛋白)とPancreatic stone protein." 最新医学. 47. 2096-2097 (1992)
[Publications] 海野倫明: "reg遺伝子ファミリーの構造と発現の組織特異性." 糖尿病,Supplement. 35. 138 (1992)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "Pancreatic Polypeptide family遺伝子の分子進化:ニワトリNeuropeptide Y cDNAの構造決定." 糖尿病,Supplement. 35. 143 (1992)
[Publications] 安斎高穂: "変異体を用いたペプチドホルモンC末端アミド化酵素活性中心の解析." 生化学. 64. 1162 (1992)
[Publications] 東郷暁: "ラットInitiation Factor 3(IF3)γ subunitの精製と構造決定." 生化学. 64. 1163 (1992)
[Publications] 海野倫明: "マウス膵・胆嚢におけるreg遺伝子ファミリーの発現." 膵臓-日本膵臓学会誌(J.Jpn.Panc.Soc.). 7. 395 (1992)
[Publications] 鈴木由久: "reg遺伝子ファミリーに属する新しい遺伝子の分離とその発現." 生化学. 64. 681 (1992)
[Publications] 飯田年以: "ペプチドC末端アミド化反応に関与するリアーゼの構造と機能." 生化学. 64. 715 (1992)
[Publications] 東郷暁: "いわゆる“68kDaラミニン結合蛋白質のcDNA"の実体について." 生化学. 64. 746 (1992)
[Publications] 安斎高穂: "ヒト神経芽細胞種NB-1におけるペプチドホルモンC末端アミド化酵素遺伝子の発現誘導" 生化学. 64. 865 (1992)
[Publications] 米倉秀人: "ペプチドホルモンC末端アミド化酵素活性中心.-部位特異的変異法を用いた解析-" 生化学. 64. 866 (1992)
[Publications] 郡和宏: "ヒトPeptide YY前駆体cDNAの単離と構造決定." 生化学. 64. 909 (1992)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "cyclic ADP-ribose:インスリン産生細胞の新しい細胞内情報伝達物質." 生化学. 64. 921 (1992)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "cyclic ADP-ribose合成酵素(ADP-ribosyl cyclase)の精製." 生化学. 64. 921 (1992)
[Publications] Takasawa,S.: "Cyclic ADP-ribose in insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells." Science. 259. 370-373 (1993)
[Publications] Unno,M.: "Structure,chromosomal localization,and expression of mouse reg genes,regI and regII:A novel type of reg gene,regII,exists in the mouse genome." Journal of Biological Chemistry. 268. 15974-15982 (1993)
[Publications] Takasawa,S.: "Cyclic ADP-ribose in β cells." Science. 262. 584-586 (1993)
[Publications] Takasawa,S.: "Synthesis and hydrolysis of cyclic ADP-ribose by human leukocyte antigen CD38 and inhibition of the hydrolysis by ATP." Journal of Biological Chemistry. 268. 26052-26054 (1993)
[Publications] Wulff,B.S.: "Efficient amidation of C-peptide deleted NPY precursors by non-endocrine cells is affected by the presence of Lys-Arg at the C-terminus." Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 91. 135-141 (1993)
[Publications] Nata,K.: "Structure determination and evolution of the chicken cDNA and gene encoding prepropancreatic polypeptide" Gene. 130. 183-189 (1993)
[Publications] Miyazaki,S.: "Analysis of c-myc oncogene in human esophageal carcinoma:immunohistochemistry,in situ hybridization and northern and Southern blot studies." Anticancer Reseach. 12. 1745-1755 (1992)
[Publications] Kimura,N.: "Multiple-hormone gene expression in ganglioneuroblastoma with watery diarrhea,hypokalemia and achlorhydria syndrome." Cancer. 71. 2841-2846 (1993)
[Publications] Sasaki,T.: "Cyclic ADP-ribose,a candidate for a novel Ca^<2+>-mobilizing second messenger,induced Ca^<2+>-dependent current responses in airway submucosal gland cells." American Review of Respiratory Disease. 147. A936 (1993)
[Publications] Kohri,K.: "Cloning and structural determination of human peptide YY cDNA and gene." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1173. 345-349 (1993)
[Publications] Satomura,Y.: "The immunohistochemical evaluation of PSP/reg-protein in normal and diseased human pancreatic tissues." International Journal of Pancreatology. 13. 59-67 (1993)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "ADP-ribosyl cyclase that synthesizes cyclic ADP-ribose,a second messenger for Ca2+ mobilization in β-cells." Diabetes. 42. 76A (1993)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "Β-cell regeneration:the role of the reg gene" 1st International Meeting of the Pancreatic Islet Study group Abstract. 111 (1993)
[Publications] Watanabe,T.: "Pancreatic β-cell replication and amelioration of surgical diabetes by reg protein." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,U.S.A.in press. (1994)
[Publications] Moriizumi,S.: "Isolation,structural determination and expression of a novel reg gene,human regIβ." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1217. 199-202 (1994)
[Publications] Tohgo,A.: "Structural determination and characterization of a 40 kDa protein isolated from rat 40S ribosomal subunit." FEBS Letters. (in press). (1994)
[Publications] Suzuki,Y.: "Structure and expression of a novel rat regIII gene." Gene. (in press). (1994)
[Publications] 森泉茂樹: "膵の再生とreg遺伝子ファミリー" 医学の歩み. 別冊. 135-138 (1993)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "膵β細胞の新しいセカンドメッセンジャー cyclic ADP-ribose." 分子糖尿病学. 4. 1-6 (1993)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "膵β細胞機能発現の新しい細胞内情報伝達物質 cyclic ADP-ribose." 糖尿病記録号1993. 247-251 (1994)
[Publications] 加藤一郎: "膵ランゲルハンス島β細胞でVIP遺伝子を過剰発現するトランスジェニックマウスの作製と導入遺伝子による血糖降下作用." 分子糖尿病学. 5(印刷中). (1994)
[Publications] 海野倫明: "ラット膵切除後・実験膵炎時に発現する新しいreg遺伝子について." 日本外科学会誌,総会号. 17. 152 (1993)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "膵β細胞機能発現の新しい細胞内情報伝達物質 cyclic ADP-ribose." 糖尿病,Supplement. 36. 139 (1993)
[Publications] 森泉茂樹: "reg遺伝子ファミリーの構造と機能." 糖尿病,Supplement. 36. 160 (1993)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "ヒトPeptide YY cDNAと遺伝子の単離と構造決定." 糖尿病,Supplement. 36. 332 (1993)
[Publications] 森泉茂樹: "新しいヒト遺伝子の単離-ヒトreg遺伝子ファミリーの構造・発現・染色体座位." 生化学. 65. 1232 (1993)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "Aplysia ADP-ribosyl cyclaseの遺伝子構造." 生化学. 65. 1232 (1993)
[Publications] 森泉茂樹: "reg遺伝子ファミリーに属する新しいヒト遺伝子(Human regIβ)の分離と染色体マッピング." 膵臓-日本膵臓学会誌(J.Jpn.Panc.Soc.). 18. 308 (1993)
[Publications] 岡本宏: "Cyclic ADP-riboseをセカンドメッセンジャーとする新しい細胞内情報伝達系." 日本内分泌学会雑誌. 69. 168 (1993)
[Publications] 加藤一郎: "ヒトVasoactive Intestinal Peptide(VIP)遺伝子を膵ランゲルハンス島β細胞内で過剰発現するトランスジェニックマウスの作製." 生化学. 65. 812 (1993)
[Publications] 渡辺琢夫: "reg蛋白の膵ランゲルハンス島β細胞増殖作用." 生化学. 65. 1082 (1993)
[Publications] 宮下曜: "ラットreg遺伝子の構造と発現調節機構." 生化学. 65. 1082 (1993)
[Publications] 森泉茂樹: "新しい増殖因子“regファミリー"に属する二つのヒト遺伝子(regIα・regIβ)の構造・発現・染色体座位." 生化学. 65. 1082 (1993)
[Publications] 那谷耕司: "ADP-ribosyl cyclase cDNA・遺伝子の構造と発現." 生化学. 65. 1088 (1993)
[Publications] 高沢伸: "ヒトcyclic ADP-ribose合成系とその調節機構." 生化学. 65. 1088 (1993)
[Publications] Shao-Ying Hua.: "Cyclic ADP-ribose modulates Ca^<2+> release channels for activation by physiological Ca^<2+> entry in bullfrog sympathetic neurons." Neuron. in press. (1994)
[Publications] 岡本宏: "膵β細胞破壊と防止についての岡本モデルとその展開." 糖尿病. 37. 99-102 (1994)
[Publications] Yonekura,H.: "Identification of the catalytically essential histidine of peptidylglycine monooxygenase." FEBS Letters. (投稿中). (1994)
[Publications] Kato,I.: "Transgenic mice overexpressing human vasoactive intestinal peptide gene in pancreatic β-cells." Journal of Biological Chemistry. (投稿中). (1994)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "Mechanisms of destruction of insulin-secreting cells.in Nutrient Regulation of Insulin secretion." Flatt,P.R.,ed.(Portland Press,Colchester,England), 387-406 (1991)
[Publications] Okamoto,H.: "Islet B-cell regeneration and reg genes.in Diabetes 1991" H.Rifkin,J.A.Colwell and S.I.Taylor,eds(Excepta Medica,Amsterdam), 268-270 (1991)
[Publications] 米倉秀人: "PP(膵ポリペプチド)新生化学実験講座,第9巻,ホルモン" 日本生化学会編,(東京化学同人), 154-166 (1991)
[Publications] Unno,M.: "Islet B-cell regeneration and reg genes.in Pancreatic Islet Cell Regeneration and Growth" Vinik,A.I.,ed.(Plenum Publishing Corp.), 61-66 (1991)
[Publications] Yonekura,H.: "Structue and expression of reg gene family.in Frontiers of Insulin Secretion and Pancreatic B-Cell Research" Flatt,P.R.,and Lenzan S.,eds(in press), (1994)
[Publications] Takasawa,S.: "A cyclic ADP-ribose,a NAD+ metabolite,in stimulus-secretion coupling in pancreatic B-cells.in Frontiers of Insulin Secretion and Pancreatic B-Cell Research" Flatt,P.R.,and Lenzan S.,eds(in press), (1994)