[Publications] Yutaka KIRINO,Naohide HIRASHIMA,Yoshiro SAITO: "Patch-clamp measurements of ion channels in biomembrane Vesicles reconstituted into giant proteoliposomes by Freeze-thawing without use of detergent" Methods Neurosci.4. 374-383 (1991)
[Publications] Kazunori ANZAI,Hitomi KADONO,Mitsuyo HAMASUNA,Sannammu LEE,Haruhiko AOYAGI,Yutaka KIRINO: "Formation of ion channels in planar lipid bilayer membranes by synthetic basic peptides" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1064. 256-266 (1991)
[Publications] Naohide HIRASHIMA,Hitoshi ISHIBASHI,Yutaka KIRINO: "Comparative electrophysiological study of reconstituted membrane preparations of the potassium channel of the rabbit skeletal muscle sarsoplasmicreticulum" Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1067. 235-240 (1991)
[Publications] Yukio AGAWA,S.LEE,S.ONO,H.AOYAGI,M.OHNO,T.TANIGUCHI,K.ANZAI,Yutaka KIRINO: "Interaction with phospholipid bilayers,ion Channel formation,and antimicrobial activity of basic amphipathic α-helical model peptide having various chain length" J.Biol.Chem.266. 20218-20222 (1991)
[Publications] 安西 和紀,桐野 豊: "骨格筋小胞体Caポンプの起電性:新しい実験法による研究の新展開" 実験医学.
[Publications] Toshihiko OZAWA,Akira HANAKI: "The first spin-trapping evidence for the formation of hydroxyl radical from the reaction of copper(II)complex with hydrogen peroxide in aqueoussolutin" J.Chem.Soc.,Chem.Commun.330-332 (1991)
[Publications] Toshihiko OZAWA: "Chemical reactivities of chlorine dioxide,C10_2,in aqeous solutions" Trends Org.Chem.2. 51-58 (1991)
[Publications] Toshihiko OZAWA,Akira HANAKI: "Evidence for the formation of superoxide ion from the reaction of Cu(II)-ethylenediamine complex with hydrogen peroxide" Biochem.International. 25. 783-788 (1991)
[Publications] Toshihiko OZAWA,Akira HANAKI: "Oxidation of NADH with vanadyl ion:detection of superoxide ion as a reaction intermediate" Inorg.Chim.Acta. 188. 163-165 (1991)
[Publications] Toshihiko OZAWA,Akira HANAKI,Kayoko ONODERA,Motoko KASAI,Yoshikazu MATSUSHIMA: "Can copper(II)complexes activate hydrogen peroxide?ESR-spin trapping studies" J.Pharmacobio-Dyn.14. S12 (1991)
[Publications] Toshifumi WATANABE,Nobuhiro SUZUKI,Norio SHIMAMOTO,Masahiko FUJINO,Akira IMADA: "Contribution of endothelin to the extension of myocardial infarct size in rats" Circ.Res.69. 370-377 (1991)
[Publications] Keizo TAKESHITA,Hideo UTSUMI,Akira HAMADA: "ESR measurement of radical clearance in lung of whole mouse" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.177. 874-880 (1991)
[Publications] Hideo UTSUMI,K.KIYOSHIGE,C.MITADE,K.-S.HAN,M.HAKODA,H.MANABE,A.HAMADA: "Mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of tap and raw water and their potential risk" Water Sci.Tech.
[Publications] Hideo UTSUMI,Keizo TAKESHITA,Yuri MIURA,Sadao MASUDA,Akira HAMADA: "in vivo ESR measurement of radical reaction in whole mice-Influence of inspired ocygen and ischemia-reperfusion injury on nitroxide reduction" Free Rad.Res.Commun.
[Publications] Hideo UTSUMI,Takuji TATEBE,Akira HAMADA: "ESR spectra of VO^<2+> and Mn^<2+> in aqueous solution at L-band" Chem.Letters.
[Publications] Yuri MIURA,Hideo UTSUMI,Akira HAMADA: "Effects of inspired oxygen concentration on in vivo redox reaction of nitroxide radicals in whole mice" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.
[Publications] 増水 章季,建部 卓司,内海 英雄,濱田 昭: "ESR-CT装置の試作" 磁気共鳴と医学. 2. 63-68 (1991)
[Publications] 内海 英雄,濱田 昭: "L-バンドESRとその応用-生体内ラジカルの無侵襲直接計測を目指して-" ファルマシア. 27. 710-715 (1991)
[Publications] 内海 英雄: "スピンラベル法" 活性酸素・フリ-ラジカル. 2.
[Publications] K.KINOSITA,M.HIBINO,H.ITO,M.SHIGEMORI,K.HIRANO Y.KIRINO,T.HAYAKAWA(D.C.Chang,B.M.Chassy,J.A.Saunders,E.E.Sowers,Eds.): "Handbook of electroporation and electrofusion" Academic Press, 581 (1991)
[Publications] 桐野 豊,小沢 俊彦: "エッセンスESRー基礎と実験ー" 廣川書店, 169 (1991)
[Publications] 桐野 豊(井村 裕夫,岡 哲雄,芳賀 達也,岸本 英爾編): "「レセプタ-」" 朝倉書店,
[Publications] 桐野 豊(安田 洋治編): "「薬物の構造解析と医薬品開発」" 廣川書店,
[Publications] 桐野 豊(中嶋 暉躬,吉岡 正則編): "「生体成分の分析科学」" 廣川書店,
[Publications] Hideo UTSUMI,Sadao MASUDA,Emiko MUTO,Akira,HAMADA: "Oxidative Damage and Repair:Clinical,Biological and Medical Aspects" Pergamon Press,