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[Publications] S.Kamimura: "High-frequency vibraton in flagellar axonemes with amplitudes reflacting the size of tubulin" J.Cell Biol.116. 1443-1454 (1992)
[Publications] S.Takada: "Three-headed outer arm dynein rfom hlmydomonas that can functionally combine with outer arm-missing axonemes" J.Biochem.111. 758-762 (1992)
[Publications] O.Kagami: "Translocation and rotation of microtubules caused by multiple species of Chlamydomonas inner-arm dynein" J.Cell Sci.103. 653-664 (192)
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[Publications] S.Ishijima: "Seoparation of X- and Y-hromosome-bearing murine sperm by free-flow electrophoresis:Evaluation of separation using PCR" Zool.Sci.9. 601-606 (1992)
[Publications] S.A.Ishijim: "Identification of X- and Y-chromosom-bearing human sperm separated by free-flow elecrophoresis using Y-chromosome-specific polymerase chain reaction" Biomed.Res.13. 221-224 (1992)
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[Publications] K.Ishida: "Microflashing analysis of sprm motility" J.Reprod.Fertil.(1993)
[Publications] Y.Si: "Multiple ectivation of mouse sperm motility" J.molec.Reprod.& Develop.(1993)
[Publications] M.Noguchi: "Effects of proteolytic digestion on the control mechanism of ciliary orientation in ciliated sheets from Paramecium" Zool.Sci.10. (1993)
[Publications] K.Ogawa: "Primary structure and function of a dynein motor molecule" Zool.Sci.9. 265-274 (1992)
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[Publications] Y.Y.Toyoshima: "How are myosin filaments bound to nitrocellulose film?" Mechanism of myofilament sliding in muscle contraction. (1993)
[Publications] K.Inaba: "Two high molecular mass proteases from sea urchin sperm" Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.182. 667-674 (1992)
[Publications] K.Inaba: "Interactions among the heterogenous components of dynein" Comparative Spermatology 20 Years After. 75. 385-386 (1992)
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[Publications] K.Inaba: "Purification of proteasomes from salmonid fish sprm and their localization along sperm flagella" J.Cell Sci.104. (1993)
[Publications] K.Inaba: "Chymotrypsin-like protease activity associated with demembranated chum salmon sperm" Biol.Cell. 76. (1993)