[Publications] H.Imai,N.Ishimura,M.Nakamura: "Convergence of attractors for the simplified magnctic Benard eguthtions." European J of Applied Mathematics. (to appear).
[Publications] N.Ishimura-M.Nakamura: "On the simpliflcd nagrotic B′enard system" Advances in Mathematical Scienced and Applications. 3. 241-247 (1994)
[Publications] H.Okamoto: "A unizneness theorem for the unbad classiral solution of the nm stition ay Naer-Stobe esuations in R^3" J.Math.ltal.Appl.18123GE03:1994. 473-482
[Publications] M.Fukada,H.Imai H.Kawarada: "Numerical simulation of the plyug flow appearing in the Bingbam fluid" Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 4. 227-239 (1994)
[Publications] 周富東・今井仁司・名取亮: "自由表面を有する熱対流の数値シミュレーションと線型安定性解析" 日本応用数理学会論文誌. 4. 27-40 (1994)
[Publications] H.Morimoto: "Remcrsb on exact slutions to Navier-Stokas es unds some slip boundary condition" Memoirs of Inst.of Sci.and Tech.Meij.Univ.(to appear).
[Publications] H.Okamoto-M.Shoj.: "Remarks on the bifurcation of progressive waves of finite lepth" Publ.R.I.M.S.Kyoto Univ. 130. 611-640 (1994)
[Publications] 岡本久: "定常表面張力波について" ながれ. 13. 184-195 (1994)
[Publications] M.Shoji-H.Okamoto: "Seconvary and tertlary bifurcations of capillay gravity waves" Adv Math Sci.Appl.(to appear).
[Publications] S.Kizu,A.Nishiyama,J.Watanabe: "Couvergence of Solutions of nonlinau eigenvalue problens" Adv.Math.Sci.Appl. 3. 353-366 (1994)
[Publications] H.Imai.Y.Shinohara & T.Miyakoda: "Application of spectral collocation methods in space and time of free focadary problems" ((to appear))
[Publications] 今井仁司: "時間積分におけるスペクトル選点法の有効性について" 統計数理研究所共同リポート. 55. 185-190 (1994)
[Publications] Y.Nakama: "Exact Computational Proceire for Fluil Flau catl Fres Bouolary Corilitions" WCCM III. II. 3-20 (1994)
[Publications] 渡辺二郎: "変分問題における汎関数列の収束について" 篠原能材教授還暦記念論文集. (to appear).
[Publications] H.Morimoto: "Rcnarks on exact solution to the Navier-Stokes eguations under some slip loandary Condition" Memoirs of the 1,stitute of Science and Technology,Meiji Univ.(to appear).
[Publications] H.Okamoto: "Augcigueaess theorln.for the mtounded clccssilad sobdon of the xomstatiosry Naviev-Stokes egeations in R^3" J.Math.Anal.Appl.181. 473-482 (1994)
[Publications] H.Okamoto: "Avariatioal problem arising in the two dimensional Nabier-Stokes eguations with vanishing viscosity" Appl.Math.Lett.7. 29-33 (1994)
[Publications] M.Katsurada and H.Okamoto: "On the collacation points of the fundanental solation metled for the poten tial problem" Int.J.Comp.Math.Appl.(to appear).
[Publications] 花田孝郎・今井仁司: "凝固現象における数値解析" 京大・数理研講究録. 891. 64-69 (1995)
[Publications] 室屋泰三・花田・渡辺: "CTスキャナにおける再構成計算の誤差評価" 京大・数理研・講究録. 891. 205-217 (1995)
[Publications] 東海林まゆみ: "進行波解-渦あり流れと渦なし流れ" 京大・数理研・講究録. 891. 54-61 (1995)
[Publications] 陳・儀我美一・佐藤剛: "Solutions to a singular diffusion eguation" 京大・数理研・講究録. 891. 157-167 (1995)
[Publications] 桂田裕史: "代用電荷法のプログラム" 京大・数理研・講究録. 891. 196-204 (1995)
[Publications] H.Kawarada & H.Koshigoe: "The behavior of free surfaces appearing in frow problems" Ritman Research Notes in Mathematics Series. 282. 161-165 (1994)
[Publications] H.Okamoto and M.Shoji: "Two dimeusional,periodic,cahjelary sAUITY WAVES WITH NEGATIVE SURTUCETeusion" Proc.IUTAM Cont.Structure and Dynamics of Nunlieam Waves in Fluids. (to apper). (1994)
[Publications] H.OKamoto and M.Shoji: "Periodic progresjive ivater lvaves on 2D rotational/irrotational frow" Proc.of the Sctond Oapase.Seminar on Num,Matl.(to appear).
[Publications] M.Katsurada: "Charge simulation metlod usig eteriur mapping fumtions" Japan J.of Industrid and Applied Mutl.11. 47-61 (1994)
[Publications] U.Chen: "A stable ditteveuce scheme for computing motion of level surtace by.the mean caruature" Proc.of GARC,Pure and Appl.Math.1. 1-19 (1994)
[Publications] U.Chem,T.Sezuki & S.Nakane: "Elliptic eguations on two-dimensivul symmetric clomains" Local protile of mild salution. (to appear).
[Publications] H.Imai: "Application of the Fuzzy and Spectrsl Collocation Metlccds to a III-Posed Shapc Desisn Probles,with a free lutmdary" “Inverse Problems in Mechanics" The American Society of Mecl.Fng.186. 103-107 (1994)
[Publications] H.Kawarada,H.Imai.A.Sasamoto & R.Natori: "An application of Fuzzy Theory for an Ill-Posed Problem" Inverse Ploblems in Emgineering Mechrrics. 31-38
[Publications] 腰越秀之、河原田秀夫、笹本明: "Signorini型境界条件の超伝導現象への応用" 京大数理研解析研究所講究録. 891. 1-9 (1994)
[Publications] 河原田秀夫、藤田宏、川原仁: "Distribution theoretic aproach to fictitious domain metlcal tor Neumann prollems" 京大数理研解析研究所講究録. 891. 10-40 (1994)
[Publications] 高崙山,田宮聡士,河原田秀夫: "ファジィ平均の提案" 京大数理研解析研究所講究録. 891. 168-179 (1994)
[Publications] 田宮聡士,高崙山,河原田秀夫,宮武悟,北川孟: "精錬路における非定常信号問題の扱いについての一考察" 京大数理研解析研究所講究録. 891. 180-185 (1994)
[Publications] 竹沢照: "Fortran I 基礎" 共立出版, (1995)
[Publications] 藤井宏-岡本久: "非線型力学(岩波講座「応用数学」)" 岩波書店(印刷中),
[Publications] 陳薀剛-義我美-: "動く曲面を追いかけて" 日本評論社(印刷中),